
Trial by Fire and Lighting

Natalie strikes first as she has the speed advantage yet Vaughn isn't faltered. Both are competent fighters as the each strike gives off a vibration of serious energy. Shaking the floor at each strike they exchange.

"Not bad for an improvement than the last time we fought." As I looked at her serious face while skewing her head.

They continue fighting without remorse. Slicing and forcing each other trying to get close to their throats. Natalie was fast, but Vaughn recovers faster. Her blade is quick but his is was stronger. Both are resilient but only one can win this duel.

"You're holding your own pretty well for a beginner." Said Natalie proudly.

"Surprising for a veteran like you that you haven't sliced me in half and its taking a long damn time." Seems like this would tick her off just a bit.

"Tch, you're just holding yourself back. I saw what you did to those reinforcements of mine down there." Said Natalie from the looks of it even more pissed.

"I'm just doing what they want me to. Resisting them after all is part of their programming right?"

After hearing that Natalie springs forward sheathing her sword and is gonna try to outrun the Ripper's vision. Launching her blade into a quick burst of energy into a single draw did put the Ripper out of balanced but surprised. A predictable attack from the eyes of the Ripper knowing that its her best move it can be prevented or avoided if possible.

But he takes it on by bracing for its impact onto him. Blocking its immense force causing a loud echo of a thunderclap clashing onto a hot edge of a Inferno at its active form. The force was enough to push back the Ripper but he is was surprised that wasn't enough to force her blade to cut his.

"My turn."

Said Ripper has a similar system on his back to also do a quickdraw on his own except this time its used to imitate a guillotine going down a complete opposite to Natalie's attack. Which took her by surprised. With a trail of fire engrossing the blade from the Ripper's weapon.

"That took a surprising turn for a man who copies someone's technique." Said Natalie.

"I mean your technique isn't actually original by itself. It's a common move for anyone to use you just take advantage of your enhancements that doesn't make it original."

"You're one to talk." Natalie replied.

They began pushing themselves even more as the ground is starting to crackdown and from the looks of their force it will not last long. Their blades still at equal power they begin to change pace as the floor beneath them is becoming challenging to balance off. Natalie kept her momentum up and focused on the offensive while the Ripper kept his defenses up .

The Ripper fights unorthodoxly changing stances like no tomorrow while the latter is using her techniques learnt in her school. Both are fighting at their maximum level. None of the two are slowing down so the best case for the Ripper is to move to another rooftop for a better ground of fighting.

To do that he needs to make her fall back and retreat. So he decided to take a more destructive approach by digging his blade on the rooftop and charging towards her into an upward slash that did made her fall back.

Ripper jumped to the next rooftop and tried to provoke her into the other rooftop as a form of challenge which she does by showing her force by slicing up the building in one downward slice slicing it cleanly as a warning that she is not messing with Ripper anymore.

"If you're that confident with your sword's power why is that you're holding back against me? Is it because you want me to keep on provoking you into a breaking point? Or is it something different trying to find an answer on why I oppose the Organization? Am I doing this on the former or the latter? If you wanna know then show it to me that you're worthy of knowing it."

"I'll get it out of you once I'm done fighting you." Said Natalie as she aggressively jumps towards me.

"I'm telling your Miss Lightning you're on the wrong side of the fence. They are using you, fight something you'll end up dying to."

"You're one to talk. I'll make you eat those fucking words." Natalie replied.

The two argued while going full out making a lot of damage, debris, and the violence fueled air fills the surroundings as the two swords fighters continue to fight out their differences.

"Miss Lightning I can feel your hesitation on your blade. C'mon where was that intimidation you did a few minutes back?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Natalie angrily replied.

Ripper noticed that she is slowly getting faster and faster. And Vaughn who realized what is happening taking his role as Ripper is going far off into making her break. Vaughn snaps out of his character from his inside voice knowing that he is just making his cliff to fall off to higher and higher as she gets more powerful from getting pushed to her limits.

And Vaughn isn't that special for that kind of endurance and he is showing signs of fatigue and his moves are becoming more sluggish and one wrong mistake could lead to his death. But he saw a opportunity to make her out of balance by swipe kicking her legs making her fall out of balance then get pushed back by Vaughn's counter-attack to leave some space.

"So this is what it feels like to push a thunderstorm to its limits."

"You know nothing than what you've showed me. You're capable on your own but you can't keep up now are you? Where's that talk of yours now. You can't win against someone who had mastered the arts you cheat." Said Natalie.

"What if I am? Aren't you suppose to be surprised that someone has finally made you fight at full capacity head-on without any bullshit used against you."

"Enough with your bullshit I want to know that identity of yours! So that I could finally fulfill my duty"

Natalie and Vaughn fights it off one more time as Vaughn is slowly getting cornered off as his endurance isn't gonna last a long while after being on the defensive for a long time just to keep up with her. Not looking good there Mr. Vaughn decide now your fate is in her hands now.

He gets pushed back by the intense force Natalie is showing even more than before.

'Seems like I'm really gonna die this time' Said Vaugh in his head as he gets overpowered by Natalie's speed as her blade goes towards his face seemingly targeting his head.

Vaughn is at a corner with nothing to reverse into, his back is seemingly at a wall now with Natalie showing no mercy after being pushed to the edge, what will happen to Vaughn? Did you like the new chapter? A comment or review is appreciated.

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