A few days later during lunch time... The best time to relax while eating do a sitrep of the current day. Most likely security would still be at the very high due to the possibility of me out of nowhere would return. But the kids have been relaxed into the sudden increase of security guards around the campus. Knowing them they have a lot of money for it and a lot of men to guard such a small school. Then again they're probably using this school as a bargaining chip to draw me out like how they did it with the other students most likely Natalie as well.
The school went on as if nothing happened for the next few days ever since I was transferred but talks of the students are still going around why was the school involved in such a horrible accident and without Maestro here handling the situation things can get hairy soon if we don't fix the rumors. But remember I can't fiddle with too much my shtick here is I'm a clueless transfer teacher temporarily handling Class 1-2 while their other homeroom teacher isn't here which is me.
My whole purpose here is to learn about Null handling the Organization while trying to communicate with my students and get the report from them if they were managed to find something about the strongest material. If they didn't succeed in the report well at least I know they're gonna be safe...
Meanwhile in the cafeteria... Where I took my food to eat for now while reviewing the people of the school. From where I sat, there's a good distance of me from a table diagonally from my position. Seems like it's my students.
"Have you guys figured out what the Professor's been doing? Because we need context on what is happening right now. Because I'm a bit anxious now on how peaceful everything suddenly."
"Sorry there Winston. I haven't found anything not even a single word I can get out of my contacts."
"Kyrie, it's fine you did what you can everyone here did their part. Not even my friends know where he is and they often travel around the world."
"Maybe doing a world tour isn't gonna help us search for him quicker."
From the looks of it the kids are talking about me. Trying to figure out where I'm currently probably for reasons of the question at hand or maybe the context of the situation. Which is perfectly normal for a person to ask if one suddenly disappear without notice. I can't ask them directly since I've just been their teacher for a few days now.
It would be weird if I asked them about it all of the sudden. Meanwhile my other business is doing well of disrupting the sudden disappearance of Killjoy by having a new arms dealer in town. While it was a pain in the ass to go back from scratch but for the sake of a authentic story it was well worth. The Organization is probably planning something about the sudden appearance of a new kid in town selling guns to the masses creating unnecessary tension and chaos upon his wake.
This shit is gonna put them askew of their current objective. Finding me that is if they can find me. They could use the new kid in town to get info on why the sudden boom in arms dealing knowing that they always want a clean plan, no witnesses. I'm using my business as a bait and a trap for them to be even more confused. Knowing this might cause a stir among them on how to deal with my other persona as the new kid.
Better move quick and farther than them before they figure out the whole mess. On the other hand my students had changed a lot from just a span of a few weeks knowing they knew that somethings up must have raised their guard significantly. Go figure I did tell them that there is something wrong with the school to begin with what can I expect but just put my students into a heavy situation on what to trust and who to trust now. But I know my students are smarter and stronger than this, I believe in their abilities as one of the greats of this school.
Meanwhile on the Organization's Off-shore facility just outside of Europe...
"We have a situation on our hands, gentlemen we have a new threat in our current situation. A unknown threat codename Dealer. The situation goes as follows, in the recent events of Killjoy's betrayal and absence the arms market has gone haywire and most had gone under others hid themselves for a while for now. There was a huge shortage of weapons for PMC's to use. Three days ago an associate of ours saw recent increase in gun violence between small gangs within our current main location.
I believe someone had begun resupplying these small time gangs with weapons again. We first ignored it because of a theory on we thought that it was just mostly small arms not bigger than a SMG which is as expected on those small gangs. But recent reports of some PMC companies starting to open up again after a supply of rifles came through them sold whom we questioned they said the seller's name is called Dealer.
Now this person doesn't have any data in any of our databases he just popped out of nowhere. No traces of him nor where he came from. From the reports of our recruits here says that most of his clients got their guns and weapons via mail order for some reason. And just arrived on their doorstep all crated up. And that it was all paid via wire transfer by the time we tried to track down the accounts it didn't exists.
We know this man is inside this town most PMC's ordered their guns in this city. So here's the question for all of you Gentlemen while the search for Killjoy is underway. How the hell are we gonna get rid of this pest. If possible know that we don't need any of his bullshit ruining our plans."
Johnathan Redford aka Vaughn Killford successfully infiltrated the school once again as a teacher and from the looks of it the students of the school seemed to forget what had happened a few weeks back. Did you like the new chapter? A comment or review is appreciated.