
Tape 3: Embrace Zero.

After that the second tape ejects and the kids grab the 3rd tape where its colored different. Thinking that it might be just a different brand of VHS tapes.

"This is an odd tape..." Said Winston.

"Seems like this tape is older than the others. Lemme check the tape's condition." Said Ophelia as she looks at the roughness of the tape.

"Is it possible this is an older recording?" Said Seraph.

"It's possible judging from the condition of the tape. It's still perfectly usable and its not degraded. But it is older than the other tapes." Said Ophelia after looking at the tape.

"Well then let's brace ourselves again, everyone ready? I'm gonna play the tape now." Said Winston as he presses play on the tape.

Hello this is Zero-Victor also known as Victor Killford. I'm recording this tape for the future me after Zero. I'm currently 16 years old, 4 years after I left Black Forest. I'm doing this to remind my future self what I went through when I was in Zero.

I was unchained from the hell of which is Black Forest. I've come to record myself for the future to reflect if I ever get lost again. I also made this tape for those who may come across my past which I'll go back to when this tape stops recording.

When I left Black Forest Company. Free from their shackles, I became a different person. Zero was a better case for me than Black Forest. They taught me things I wouldn't learn on from them.

The mysterious man who saved me his name was Zero and he explained to me what is his group does and what are they for.

"We're unbound, free, unshackled. We push the limits of the most powerful men and women in wars. Wars we don't wage for. We go where we want, do what we want, and fight as much as we want. You may call us thugs, but deep down the world will need us. We're Zero, you can't catch devils with angels." Said Zero.

Those words changed me. It was quite surprising when I was reborn into a Zero member. All of my records gone, destroyed, back to Zero as they say, as if I don't exist after that. But that what made me strong. I became more free, more powerful than ever.

I forcibly returned my own humanity from the grips of the Black Forest. I became a free man once again but I did my own wars. As a man who doesn't exist, it felt good. It was far different from what I know and lived by when I was in a closed box.

The lightness of living without surveillance was a hard adjustment for about a year. But most of the time it's just me and Mr. Zero. Of which was confusing because he told me the group has more members but for 2 years I never saw any of them. But since I was a free man, I could leave the house at anytime and conduct my own missions. My own wars as they say its hard to understand that I myself going head-on onto unknown territory just to fulfill my hunger for war while I was a free man.

Who doesn't want to do what ever they want when the rest of the world can't identify you. But I prefer to do things what I've done before. Kill those who wage in wars. By the time I was 15, I was gifted by Mr. Zero a sword it was what he said only 1 of 3 exists in the world.

"It's called a Hypertana, Vaughn. It is your future. You carve your own path Vaughn. You've fulfilled and quenched your thirst for war. This blade has been in development for more than 5 years now Vaughn. And we think that you deserve it." Said Zero as he hands me the Hypertana.

"Does it have a name?" As I look at the sword while speaking to Zero.

"It's name is Vulcan, named after the Roman God of Fire. Because that sword is special, the edge of the blade runs hot that it can slice through anything like butter. And you have to train to use this blade for you since this was bespoke for you." Said Zero.

After that I got used to using the sword in my missions. The wars I wagered, where ever I was the sword was with me. I fought long and hard, far and wide as a free man. As a person who doesn't exist. The shadows becomes your friend.

No one knows you, you don't have records in any databases nothing. Being absorbed into this much freedom is both nice and horrifying to be honest. Since you're a person that doesn't exist. People tends to see you as a ghost or they perceived you as dead already.

On the other hand you have so much power to do anything and no one will ever catch you. So if you hear this future 6-7 year older me have you lost your mind yet or has it made you into a different person now. And if you are not me from the future, I say hello whoever you are. I'm happy you found this tape and you are watching it learning about me.

I hope you understand this, and don't judge me or my future self because of my actions. I was a manufactured child, molded into becoming a monster. Mr. Zero changed me, becoming someone who is thinking for the better now. I'm hoping I would continue on this.

"Vaughn what are you recording for?" Said Mr. Zero.

"Oh, Zero I'm just documenting myself as a reflection video for my future self."

"I see keep recording it. You may never know when those tapes of yours become important to somebody. It may not be yourself too by the way." Said Mr. Zero as he left the room.

I guess I never realized it. This recording might become important to someone in the future. It could be you random stranger or strangers watching this in the future. I understand you wanna know my past and or want to understand the context of myself. Who ever you are over that television screen.

You're asleep, I'm awake. I'm the life people are afraid to live. I'm the catalyst, the chain of events that will change the world. Wanna know why I do this? The killing and wars like that? I wanna know why you don't. See you soon future self and or strangers watching this tape.

The students came across a younger version of Vaughn pre-recorded from a few years ago when the Professor was still 16 they were caught off guard by how young the Professor pre-recorded this when he was young. Did you love the new chapter? A comment or review is appreciated.

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