

Somewhere far within the city...

"Seems like Mr. Killjoy has sold a lot of weapons again recently. What do you think sir?" As the conference room filled with 6 people with cigars filling the smell of the room while looking at today's report.

"So this Killjoy person... Is he really that much of a threat against us?"

"You haven't heard the stories of that man before he became a arms dealer?"

"They say that man is fueled by war. Just knowing one is happening right now he becomes super motivated. And he did say once that he cannot live without knowing war is happening somewhere in the world."

"He's ex-PMC right?"

"He worked for the Organization for quite a while. He could be useful for us if they successfully persuade him."

"What if we failed to persuade him chief?"

"Well we'll clean him like how he did to all of the people he had gone through. If he doesn't comply with us that would be a big problem against us."

"So Chief what should we do if it does fail?"

"Well we always have a backup plan for that. Remember he still doesn't know us but remember we can turn this all circus around against him at anytime right? May I remind in all of your heads that we're in the high ground against Killjoy. We can't let that man running around alive doing all his bidding just to witness war as entertainment."

"Yes we will do our part Chief."

"You should we wouldn't be alive here and now, if he knows the members of Null. You all better keep your identities a secret remove any traces or people who knows that you are part of Null. We can't let him know about our operation."

"Yes, Chief!"

"Dismissed, you better all do your job or your ass won't be here tomorrow."

Meanwhile somewhere underground in the Boneyard...

"Tell me is there any other men you know that is connected to Null?" Weird time meeting me here in this situation. As this man right in front of me was a Null member.

"You're not telling me anything? Oh wait I've well taped your mouth shut sorry about that." As I ripped off the tape from his mouth after crying in pain from that tape removal. I began questioning him again.

"Tell me what do you know about Null?"

"I really don't know sir. I'm just a grunt for them."

"A grunt you say? What kind of labor do you do for them?" As I grab a metal baseball bat to make him talk.

"I just do logistics sir!" I know that's a lie.

"Bullshit, if you're logistics you wouldn't have advance weaponry like this rifle right here. Do you know how much this rifle costs? DO YOU!?"

"No Sir I don't I swear!" As I show him the rifle he brought out.

"You know this barrel alone? Is 10,000 USD alone. That's too much for a single man to carry. Especially this special for you to handle alone too so that means you're a special soldier. A highly trained professional don't lie to me or you'll lose a part of you. But you already know that don't you."

"Please I beg you I really don't know what you're talking about!" He seems to be telling the truth but I already injected him with the drug that forces him to tell me the truth.

"Sooner or later you'll tell me what do you know about Null." As I rack the bolt of his rifle and load up a round from his own rifle. A huge .338 Magnum round chambered in this expensive rifle.

"Better start speaking boy or this huge bullet is going straight to your neck." I can tell the drug is about to kick in soon.

"I- I was a sleeper agent sent to activate when you fail to agree with the conditions with a Null member that is within the Organization." I was surprised when the drug kicked in. Also someone's a traitor in the Organization? I stood up from the table across him and discharged the rifle and walked towards him holding his head by the cheek to see if I'm gonna lose him before he tells me the rest of the truth.

"Tell me do you know that person? Do you have any clue who that person in the Organization might be? Any connections any other plans you heard from your officers?" I continuously shake his head to keep him conscious the drug might have been too strong for him.

"I was told the person was an important member of the Organization I don't have any clues from that point I was just tasked to shoot you if the deal was deemed a failure." I continued shaking him to prevent him from passing out.

"The deal of you joining Null... I have nothing else to say." Out of frustration, I let go of his head exposing his neck. And grabbed a pistol from my holster and mercy killed him out of the pain he is suffering from that truth serum. I shot the poor bastard 6 times 3 in the upper torso and 3 in the neck I discharged the pistol to keep the place safe as I took his wallet and check to identify him.

"Will Trent huh... Poor bastard never wanted to be in this world anyways. But you were rewired to be a killer already so you need to be cleaned." As I went to the cleaners cabinet where I went and wore my plastic suit to prevent any blood pouring into my clothes.

I carried the lifeless body to the furnace down in the basement and prepared to clean out the evidence. "Sorry kid, you weren't really in the best time at the moment and you ended up you dying." As I throw him into the furnace and started a cigar and puffed a single time and used it to start up the furnace burning off the body and the evidence.

"Should I really go back to my ways. That hellish past... Was that letter really from them? The Organization has been infiltrated and I don't wanna cause an alarm. This might ruin everyone's day if I do announce it and might cause chaos and might raise an alarm to the enemy." As I looked at the ashes of that man burn away in the furnace thinking what could I do next after knowing this...

Vaughn seemed to be conflicted now knowing that someone in the Organization is compromised. Did you like the new chapter a review or comment is appreciated.

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