
How Mr. Popular stole my first kiss and Other disasters

Hana Han, Otaku, gamer and all round genius, already has enough on her plate, she needs to figure out life and the last thing she needs is some guy on her case! Kai Liu found out the worse way he had lost the finals of his favorite game to a girl! It wasn't enough he had to deal with moving to a new town, cousins he barely knew and a new school, nope the gods had also made it their business to put him in the same place has his worst enemy. Revenge? Rematch? Love to hate or hate to love ... how will these two come to terms at the most important crossroads in life? Come check it out... UPDATES WHEN THE WRITER HAS A CHAPTER READY...

Unikeverse · 综合
7 Chs

Ice Cream & Sore Losers - Part Two

Completely ignoring me, Kai starts walking and drags me over to the park in front of the shop, I look back and see Mark and Jenny looking a little dumbfounded, maybe they're thinking why I haven't flattened his ass yet.

"How did you get that T-shirt? What's your gamer-tag?" Kai asks, finally letting go of my arm.

"Gamer tag? Why should I tell you? I don't know you. We are not friends, we are not even acquaintances, you just made it clear back there that you can't be civil, so why should I care, I was nothing but polite, and you were nothing but rude, in my book that's GAME OVER." I say rubbing my arm, looking up at his six feet plus, feeling rather small, maybe it is best he doesn't know I know martial arts, a girl has got to keep some sort of surprise factor. (And NO, not every Chinese or Asian person knows martial arts, but when you have a NaiNai like mine, you learn or you learn...got it?)

"I'm not going to ask nicely again, will you tell me your gamer tag or do you want me to force it out of you!" Kai looked seriously upset, the dude was a ticking time bomb.

"Ask nicely? Dude on what planet is threatening a girl, asking nicely?" I'm getting pissed, which is not good, something is up and I need to find out what it is, "You can try to force it out of me, but you would be in for a surprise, so let us just take a step back, I don't know what's wrong with you or why you feel you need to know my gamer tag, I'm pretty sure we've never met, so what's your problem??" I ask, trying to keep my cool.

"Oh we've never met, of that I'm sure too, your eyes are a dead give away, why do you wear color lenses, they make you look like a freak, as for having met online that's another story, so tell me your gamer tag...please." the look on his face and the way he said please might have made me forget what happened just minutes before, but this ass of a guy, just called me a freak! Lenses!!? For Pete's sake, he's the one needing glasses.

"Freak, hummm, I've been called worse, but for your information I don't really have a choice, my eyes are green, and yes I do know it's kind of weird for Asian's to have green eyes, so let's just put an end to this before you decide to poke me in the eyes to check if they're really real, my gamer tag is otakus4bazingas, you probably can guess why, I got the t-shirt after I won the Global SAO edition this year." I don't know what I expected after telling him my eyes are really green and what's my gamer tag, but it sure as hell wasn't what happened next.

Kai started laughing, he plopped down in a bench, still laughing, he couldn't stop laughing.

"You are Otakus??? You're a girl!!! I lost to a girl??!! A green eyed freak chinese girl!!" hearing this, it kind of explained why he was staring at me, and why he was rude, the t-shirt had given me away but that doesn't excuse him, what is his problem?? So what? He lost to a girl!! Big deal! I lose to guys all the time and don't turn into a jerk every time I lose.

"Dude are you serious?? All this drama just because you lost a game?" I'm so pissed right now, I can totally see myself knocking this asshole out.

Still laughing, (I think he was in shock!) Kai grabs my wrist and I almost drop the ice cream , " Not just a game, we are talking months here, just to get to the finals and be beat by some unknown wannabe gamer!" I jerk my hand free, killer instinct kicking in, " Yeah? Sorry to say buddy, but they were months for me too, and maybe you deserved to lose!" I say barely containing my temper.(Nainai keeps saying it will be the death of me....right now I think she's right, I can't believe this shit! What an asshole!)

"Deserved to lose? No one deserves to lose, we all fight till the end, we lose because we're not good enough or because luck wasn't on our side." Kai is pissed, but no more than I am.

"Yeah, lady luck abandoned you just before the final blow... She saw she was siding with the loser and changed her mind!" Now it's my turn to laugh.

Kai gets real close to my face, " Yo, have you ever heard of personal space?" I say pushing him away, feeling his hard muscles beneath my hand. (He works out, that's for sure.)

"No, care to enlighten me?" he teases taking my sun glasses.

"Sure, personal space is the area around a person that should not be trespassed, it varies from person to person, you just invaded mine, give me back my glasses, now!" I look up at him as I speak, he looks down at me, a mischievous look in his chocolate eyes, "I guess then, kissing you would be a violation of your personal space? he asks glancing at my lips.

As I've never been one to be phased by that kind of stuff I kick him in the chin saying "In your dreams asshole!" I throw my melted ice cream at his face. "You can keep the shades, I've got plenty more." I walk away, with him swearing, oh boy, I have a feeling it's going to be a very small city for the both of us.

Jenny who is running to me, " What the hell just happened??" she asks totally panicking, but I was not in the mood to answer.

When I get to Mark I just say, " I need all the info on your "cousin", gamer tag, games he plays, pc specs, anything you can get me, I'm going to erase him...he just messed with the wrong 'freak'!"

The only thing Mark and Jenny could do was nod in agreement.