

Ccvnb As Shimon finished his story he began to weep uncontrollably, all those painful memories were just too much for him to bear.

Arnik sat opposite him stunned, everything made sense now. This was why his father had spent so many years slaving away at the Frost mansion, this was how he had gotten the Soulrune and most shocking of all he was a halfling. His thoughts were all muddled up and he began to feel dizzy.

He quickly shook this feeling away and stood up, he moved to where his father was still seated on the bed and embraced the older man. His father still weeping began apologizing,

"I'm sorry kiddo, I'm sorry for being a failure of a father" he cried.

Arnik simply looked at his father and cleaned the tears that were on his face,

" You're not a failure," he said smiling, "You're the best dad there is".

His father stared at him at a loss for words and then simply hugged him. As soon as his face was out of his father's view however his expression changed.