
how an insane demon half human became the 7th demon lord of insanity

so this is a story about a girl who ends up wanting to become a demon lord for her own vision in life I am a noob so forgive me if these characters aren't solid or you hate the writing but I will try also I have plans as I go I do appreciate comments I hope you enjoy my characters journey there will be violent moment don't be too surprised cause hey I'm ok with that type of rep also will try to create bonds in my story hope you like it. yo also never did r18 things before so yeah me noob also pls don't be put off she's evil but has other aspects of her personality the start of it can be turn off ish but it'll swing in a new tone and direction so give it a shot by the way there's still gonna be action and adventure it's just the stuff is rejecting those cause gender things I guess #bad synopsis no jutsu OLD VERSION

hoifzf · 奇幻言情
65 Chs

Arzu demon lord of lust

age:70 (demon status still looks like she is a teenager)


hair: Pink

clothing:violet cloak with heart symbols with jade-colored armor with a symbol of the moon covering part of the sun

weapons:a metal wip with a drillability

abilities: believer in love (broken? yeah it is she can release pink mist if you inhale it you do whatever she wants you to and it can be devastating if she gets control of an army)poison liquid (if she wants to she can create a wave of deadly poison) crystal manipulation (her domain is the most resource-rich in the world also it can be a beautiful and terrible sight at the same time when used on the battlefield)mind break (/wtf is wrong with you/, self-explanatory,/bruh) lightning manipulation (you know)

personality: she's a certified flirt and like to enjoy herself and like to research stuff she can be very charismatic but she can be a menace when provoked

(I have a lot to do with these godly individuals so stay tuned)

stay on my god shit got the type of power that can clear your conscience

guess where that's from

hoifzfcreators' thoughts