
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

After the death of his grandfather, 19-year-old Kazuya Souma—an aspiring civil servant—is left all alone with no one to call family. Out of the blue, he is transported to the Elfrieden Kingdom, a small ailing country in another world, to be a "hero." An ongoing war with the demon army has put the entire world in peril, and Kazuya was summoned to aid in the conflict as an offering from Elfrieden to its allies. Dissatisfied with being used as tribute, Kazuya decides to help the kingdom revamp its declining economy—not by way of adventuring or war, but through administrative reform. Abruptly declared the King of Elfrieden and betrothed to the princess, the "Realist Hero" Kazuya sets out to assemble a group of talented citizens who will assist him in his bureaucratic battles to get the kingdom back on its feet.

242 Chs

Tomoe, Holding Down the Fort


It happened at around the time that Souma and the others were in the

Star Dragon Mountain Range confronting the storm.

Tomoe, who had been left behind in a town bordering the Lunarian

Orthodox Papal State because it was too dangerous to bring her along, was

looking towards the Star Dragon Mountain Range in the northwest and

praying everyone would be okay.

"Big Brother. Big Sister," she prayed. "Everyone... Please, come back


Inugami, who had been entrusted with the task of guarding her, was

concerned. "Little Sister..."

Today, ever since a large black cloud had been sighted over the Star

Dragon Mountain Range, Tomoe had been looking out her window

towards the Star Dragon Mountain Range and praying for everyone's

safety. Praying was the only thing she could do, so she was doing it with

all her heart.

Unable to bear the sight any long, Inugami tried to cheer her up.

"It's okay. His Majesty and the princess have Madam Aisha, Officer

Halbert, and young Miss Carla, the foremost fighters of our kingdom, with

them. If you add Madam Naden, the dragon, on top of that, no matter what

might happen, I'm sure those fighters will be able to protect the two of


Inugami said that to encourage her, but Tomoe looked down.

"I understand that. I do, but... I worry. I think Aisha would lay down

her life for Big Brother, but that makes me worry she'll get hurt..."

Inugami fell silent.

Because Souma had gone and made all of his bodyguards people they

were close to, Tomoe must be worrying about what would happen if any of

them were to suffer a life-threatening injury. It was easier to imagine the

worst when it involved someone you knew, after all.

It would be easy to tell her things are okay... but even if it would be

easy to say, without any basis for saying it, it wouldn't be enough to

reassure her. It would be better to redirect her attention.

Inugami placed a hand on Tomoe's shoulder. "It's not good for your

health to worry so much. Rather than imagine an unpleasant future, why

not talk about what you'll be doing after this? You can talk with me."

"What I'll be doing after this...?" Tomoe asked, looking up.

Tomoe had taken an interest, so Inugami continued in a bright tone of

voice. "Yes. His Majesty said his trips abroad would continue. He said

quite clearly that he would be bringing you along, too. What do you think

the next country you'll visit is?"

"You mean somewhere other than the Star Dragon Mountain Range,


Tomoe started trying to predict the next country. A good sign.

"We have good relations with the Empire, and they're too far away,

right? So it'll be one of the neighboring countries..."

"Well, what neighbors does the Kingdom of Friedonia have?"

"We have five. The Union of Eastern Nations, the Republic of Turgis,

the Mercenary State Zem, the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State, and the

Nine-Headed Dragon Union across the sea."

Thanks to taking lessons from Hakuya, Tomoe was now able to rattle

those names off so smoothly that it was hard to think of her as a child.

"Which of those seem like places you wouldn't go to?" Inugami asked.

"I think with the trouble involved in crossing the sea, and with the

dispute over fishing rights, it probably won't be the Nine-Headed Dragon

Union. It's in the opposite direction of the city we're staying in, too. Other

than that, the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State just tried to make Big Brother

into their holy king the other day, so I don't think he'd want to go there."

"I have to concur," Inugami nodded. "In addition, the Union of Eastern

Nations is a collection of small to medium sized states, and the

negotiations for His Majesty to visit each of them individually would be

difficult. Also, many of the requests for marriage that have been flooding

the castle are coming from those countries, so he would likely hesitate to

visit them."

"In that case... will it be the Republic of Turgis or the Mercenary State

Zem?" Tomoe guessed.

Although there had been issues with the eternally neutral Zem during

the war with Amidonia, they weren't openly hostile. As for the Republic, it

wasn't entirely clear whether they were hostile or not.

Tomoe asked, "Do you know about Zem and the republic, Mr.


"Because the republic is a closed off country, I know that their five

major races control the country through a council, but... that's about it.

However, when it comes to Zem, I have heard things from the


Though it had been terminated after Souma had been entrusted with the

throne, the Elfrieden Kingdom had previously had a mercenary contract

with Zem. That was why Zemish mercenaries had been in the kingdom.

"It seems that they are a meritocracy... or rather, it seems might makes

right there."

"M-Might does?" Tomoe stammered.

"Yes. It seems that even the right to rule can be claimed by martial

prowess. Once every year, the country comes together to hold a big martial

arts tournament, and they do everything possible to grant one wish to the

winner. If the winner wishes to be king, they will be given the right to

challenge the current king, and if they should emerge victorious, they

become king themselves. That is why Zem's king is always the most

powerful warrior in the country."

"Um, does that work for the country? Having someone be king just

because they're strong..."

"The bureaucracy that handles internal affairs is independent of the

king, so it is probably all right. The king takes responsibility for military

matters, so even if the king's talents are entirely martial in nature, they

should be able to manage as a king. It seems the citizens find it reassuring,

too. Because they claim neutrality, their country won't attack other

countries, and if they are attacked themselves, they'll have the strongest

possible king to defend them. It's a sort of charisma, I suppose."

"Wow... There sure are a lot of ways to run a country." Tomoe let out

an impressed sigh and smiled. "There are so many different countries in

the world. Could this be what my teacher" (Hakuya) "meant when he said

to broaden my horizons?"


"I want to learn more about all the other countries. By learning more, I

think I can learn to love this country that Big Brother and the others rule

even more."

"Heh... I will accompany you anywhere you wish, Little Sister."

With that, Inugami patted Tomoe on the head, and...

"Ah! Pardon me!"

He hurriedly drew back his hand. Seeing Tomoe so enthused, he had

patted her head despite himself, but that was clearly not proper for him to

be doing to the adopted sister of his liege.

Tomoe had a blank look on her face, but she quickly shook her head

when she saw Inugami bowing to her. "Oh, no! Don't worry about it! I

didn't mind!"


"Um... It kind of reminded me of Dad. It brought back fond memories."

Tomoe's father had passed away soon after her little brother was born.

That must be why Inugami, who was of a similar race, reminded her of


Tomoe took Inugami's hand. "So... I want you to keep teaching me,

praising me, and patting me on the head."

"Little Sister... understood."

When Tomoe asked for that with upturned eyes, Inugami couldn't deny


Incidentally, Inugami wasn't the only member of the Black Cats

present, and his compatriots would continue to bring up the indescribable

expression he made at his point over drinks for a good long time.

i hope u enjoy and if u can please drop some power stones, it'll be a huge support for me to continue posting this here.

MISTERLPcreators' thoughts