
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom

After the death of his grandfather, 19-year-old Kazuya Souma—an aspiring civil servant—is left all alone with no one to call family. Out of the blue, he is transported to the Elfrieden Kingdom, a small ailing country in another world, to be a "hero." An ongoing war with the demon army has put the entire world in peril, and Kazuya was summoned to aid in the conflict as an offering from Elfrieden to its allies. Dissatisfied with being used as tribute, Kazuya decides to help the kingdom revamp its declining economy—not by way of adventuring or war, but through administrative reform. Abruptly declared the King of Elfrieden and betrothed to the princess, the "Realist Hero" Kazuya sets out to assemble a group of talented citizens who will assist him in his bureaucratic battles to get the kingdom back on its feet.

242 Chs

The What-If Known as Discarded Setting Elements


*Note: This story has nothing to do with the main story.

"...There sure are a lot of them," Liscia said. "Far more than predicted."

"That's just how serious the principality is."

As Liscia and I stood on the walls of Altomura, we could see the

advancing forces of the Principality of Amidonia coming our way. The

30,000 soldiers of the principality's army, which had moved into Elfrieden

to take advantage of discord between the three dukes and me, were

advancing from the south towards the fertile grain-producing region of


We had only just put down the three dukes, and our main force, the

Forbidden Army, was in the middle of absorbing the Army in the Carmine

Duchy and being reorganized as the National Defense Force. The newly

reorganized National Defense Force wouldn't be coming here, and would

instead launch a counter-invasion to the north and take the capital of the

principality, Van.

That was why Altomura had only the local garrison of five hundred

soldiers and a force of two thousand marines under the command of

Admiral Excel of the Navy. We had to stop the principality's force of

30,000 with only 2,500 soldiers, and to buy time until the main force could

begin their counter-invasion.

"It's going to be a hard battle," Liscia said.

"We knew that. That's why we brought that thing, isn't it?"

We turned around to look at the shining, metallic silver of a massive

mechanical dragon. Created by the pride of our kingdom, the overscientist

Genia Maxwell, this was Mechadra. It was a weapon with armor that was

impervious to cannons, and it had a built in Type-10 which deflected

magic attacks, but no functions that would make it move. It had been a

white elephant, with no purpose but to maybe act as a giant scarecrow.

However, my ability, Living Poltergeists, was able to move it.

"Your Majesty, things are ready on my end," Aisha called.

"The marines are ready to go anytime," Juna added.

The greatest warrior in the kingdom, Aisha, and the songstress who

was also the commander of the marines, Juna, came along. They both

reported in like that. If we sent Mechadra out, it was guaranteed to sow

confusion in the principality's ranks. In that time, Aisha and the marines

would sally from the back gate, then make a big loop around to cut off the

enemy's supply lines from the rear.

I nodded to the two of them. "Okay. Well, let's get started."

""Yes, sir!""

Watching Aisha and Juna run off, I tried to get into Mechadra's

"cockpit." That was when it happened. Suddenly...

"Souma!" Liscia shouted my name and got me to stop.

I turned back to look, and Liscia threw herself at me and hugged me.


After I caught her, stumbling slightly, Liscia said in a strained voice,

"Um, listen... I'm sorry. For getting you caught in a battle like this."

There were tears in her eyes. Her moistened eyes were bleary with the

guilt of having torn me from my homeland, but still having made me fight

on behalf of this country. She must have had it eating at her all this time.

I didn't want Liscia to look at me like that, so I put a hand on top of her

head. "Don't make that face. I'm the king now, and there are things I must


Liscia kept acting worried. "But if anything were to happen to you... I...


I hugged her tight. As I embraced her body, which despite all her

strength was quite delicate, I gently patted the back of her head.

"It's okay. Mechadra and I won't lose."


"So, wait for me. I'll send them packing, and then I'll come right back

to your side."


I released Liscia and got in the cockpit. Then, as I sat in my seat, I

pressed my hands to the sides of the cockpit, transferring one of my

consciousnesses into Mechadra.

In the next instant, Mechadra began to move like it had a will of its

own, and let out a mechanical roar.

Okay... Let's go, Mechadra.

"This is Souma Kazuya in Mechadra, launching."

◇ ◇ ◇

"...Wait, huh?"

When I opened my eyes, I was in the governmental affairs office in


In front of me was a mountain of paperwork to look through. Yep... the


It looked like I'd dozed off while doing paperwork. I felt like I'd been

watching a pretty realistic dream for a rather long time, but... I couldn't

remember the details.

Well, that's just how dreams are.

When I stretched, Liscia, who had been doing paperwork with me,

looked over at me with a mystified look on her face.

"Are you okay? If you're tired, you should rest, you know?"

Liscia was showing concern for my well-being, but I told her with a

forced smile, "No, it's nothing. I just dozed off and had a weird dream."

Explanation: This is what the story looks like if all limiters have been

removed, and Souma's abilities, Mechadra's functions, and the reactions

of surrounding countries to both are addressed. In the early stages of

writing Realist Hero, I considered letting Souma really let loose with his

abilities, but it seemed more difficult to set this work apart from others that

way, and it also seemed contrary to what the readers wanted, so I scrapped

the idea.

i hope u enjoy and if u can please drop some power stones, it'll be a huge support for me to continue posting this here.

MISTERLPcreators' thoughts