
House of the dragon: The Dragon King

This is a story about a man who meant his end earlier then he was supposed to as as an apology he will be reincarnated into House of the Dragon, Watch as he uses his powers to fight against people who try to cause a civil war in House Targaryen (I am new to House of the dragon and will be basing most of my knowledge off the TV Show) MC will be the Crown Prince of the Targaryen household but there will still be the greens and the blacks.

Shinmon_Dagger · 电视同人
15 Chs

Chapter 5: Betrothal

"Neltharion, previously known as the Cannibal, was the largest dragon ever recorded in the history of the Targaryen dynasty. It was said that Neltharion was 3 heads larger than Belarion and 20 times more ferocious. The bond between Neltharion and his rider was something that had never been seen before, when they were with each other they were unstoppable. Neltharion was often called 'The King of the Dragons' as when Neltharion roared, the other dragons listened. Daeron was Neltharion's only rider and when he died, it was said that Neltharion left the king's landing and was never seen again. Daerion's 9 kids were all given an egg from Neltharions and his 3 mates' clutch. It was said that Neltharion had teeth longer than spears, sharper than Valyrian steel, and unbreakable. Neltharion's green fire was so hot that it could melt through anything and was said to affect even dragons, who are considered to be fireproof.

~Maester Patrick in "The History of The Greatest King" 


AN: Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Daeron Pov 

I felt the wind flow through my hair as I held onto a spike on the back of Neltharion, and in the distance, I saw that I was approaching King's landing. As I looked at the city my mind was brought back to 3 days ago when I received a letter from King's Landing, more specifically my Father, telling me that I needed to come back for some urgent news.


I was eating dinner when I saw Podrick, the castellan of Dragonstone, enter the room and give me a scroll sealed with my father's ring. I broke the seal and started to read the letter

"Dear Daeron,

The news that you have tamed the Cannibal has reached me and I could not be prouder of you. I hope that you can come to King's Landing to show me and your sister your new dragon so we can see if it really is 'The Black Dread Reborn' as the people have started calling it. I also have some decisions I need to make that I would appreciate your opinion on.

Our next small council meeting will be held in 2 weeks, and I hope to see you there. I also have some dire news that I need to tell you that would be better spoken in person.


King Viserys"

I crumbled the letter before throwing it into the fireplace and continuing to eat. After thinking a bit about the situation I turned to Podrick and said

"Podrick, is there any urgent business that I need to take care of before the next moon's turn?"

"No, my Prince, while there are some issues that need to be taken care of there is nothing really urgent."

"Tell me the most urgent issues that need to be fixed and I will come up with a plan for them"

"Very well, My Prince. The first is that the wood in the docks has started to rot so it needs to be replaced. The last is that many of the smallfolk are requesting more food."

I immediately closed my eyes and slouched back into my chair. I took a deep breath before I said

"I think that for the first one, it would be best to ask the north for some of their Ironwood, they are loyal people and I know they will give us a fair price. It will also help bolster our relationship with the north and maybe could be what we need to start a trading relationship with them. Send a letter to Lord Rickon Stark asking about the purchase of Ironwood."

The Castellan nodded, probably agreeing with my logic, and said

"And about the second issue, My Prince?"

I thought some more and said

"Let me sleep on it a bit, I will explore Dragonstone from Dragonback tomorrow and I will see if I can come up with an answer for you in the meantime."

"Of course, My Prince"

After a small while I finished eating, took a bath, and then went off to sleep.


"Sōvegon, Neltharion!" {Fly, Neltharion}

I heard the loud flapping of Neltharion's wings before the wind blew me in the face and I was up in the sky looking down on Dragonstone Island once again. I kept my eyes peeled, looking for anywhere I might possibly be able to make a farm for Dragonstone. It doesn't need to be a large area, since there aren't a lot of people living on Dragonstone, but I think it would do wonders for the people to gain self-sufficiency since with the farmwork there will be new jobs and I would be able to spend less money on food in the long-term. 

I continued flying over the island until I spotted a mountain that had a lot of green on it meaning it had, at least, some fertile soil. I quickly patted Neltharion on his large neck and without me having to say anything he immediately flew down towards the mountain. He landed a bit away from the mountain and I started inspecting it closer. I saw a bunch of trees, grass, and a whole bunch of stuff that showed that this mountain was fertile. As I looked at the mountain some ideas popped into my head of a very old and quite common way of farming on mountains {Can anyone guess? (NO CHEATING!!)}

I quickly jumped on Neltharion's back and he flew back towards the Dragonstone castle, knowing exactly where I wanted to go without me saying a single word. I always knew our bond was unique as we could practically communicate our needs and wants to each other, with him projecting his emotion into the bond and me projecting emotion, words, and locations. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a bright green eye staring at me, I smiled and rubbed his neck before saying

"It's you and me against the world Neltharion, always"

He let out a deep trilling sound as he started doing tricks in the air and projecting happiness into the bond. I started laughing and saw the rapidly approaching Dragonstone castle, and with a smirk shouted

"Sir!" {Now!}

And instantly I felt my stomach in my mouth and the wind harshly started smashing me in the face as my grip on Neltharion's spikes grew tighter and my smile grew wider. Neltharion was faced downwards and we were rapidly gaining pace until, when we were about to hit the ground, he pushed out his large wings and we practically stopped instantly and started flying just above the ground. He then dropped down by the castle and I quickly jumped off before saying

"Ao kostagon jikagon se arghugon sir Nelatharion, nyke jāhor call ao skori nyke jorrāelagon ao raqiros" {You can go and hunt now Nelatharion, I will call you when I need you friend"

He let out a screech and a burst of understanding before flying off into the air, probably to go hunt whales or something. I quickly turned to my castle and saw some guards rapidly approaching me. I sighed cracked my neck and said

"It's Showtime"

Time skip 12 days

Podrick POV

I was standing outside the Crown Prince's door, slightly worried. Daeron had not exited his room for the last 12 days unless it was to eat, train with a sword and bow, or bathe. Every Time he allowed me to enter his room I always saw him working on some drawings that looked like stairs for giants or something of the like. I gently knocked on the door and said

"It's me, My Prince"

I heard some shuffling come from inside the door before the Prince's deep and gravelly voice came from behind it saying

"Ahhh, Podrick, do come in"

I opened the door and it revealed Prince Daeron looking as heavenly as he usually did. He was wearing an all-black riding uniform with silver studs on a part of it. His deep purple eyes were staring at me, making me feel like he was reading into my soul. And his long and luscious silver hair flowed from his head like a powerful river. He gave me a smile that would make any maiden blush and he walked towards me with such elegance that I felt like I was in front of a god. He quickly handed me a paper and said to me

"Listen Prodrick, this is important. As we both know I am leaving today for King's Landing to meet with my family. In the meantime, I have a task for you to do in my stead while I am gone. I need you to find the most trusted people you have and you all need to follow the instructions on this paper to the letter. When I come back I want to see some progress with this, alright?"

"Of course, My Prince, I shall do as you say"

The prince's smile grew as he said

"You know Podrick, I know I can always rely on you for anything and for that I am grateful"

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I said

"It is nothing, my Prince, I am just doing my duty as Castellan of Dragonstone"

He gave a short chuckle as he said

"And you do it well. Pay the workers you find well, we will need to try and keep this project a secret for now…Anyway, I must head out and start making my way to King's Landing. I shall see you when I return"

"Have a safe and pleasant journey, my prince"


Daeron POV

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard bells start ringing and the small folk start screaming. I looked down from Neltharion and saw the city was in chaos, everything down there was covered in the shadow of Neltharion's large body, and I just couldn't stop the smirk from forming on my face as I said 

"Neltharion, let's give them a show! DRACARYS!"

Instantly Neltharion gave an ear-piercing roar that was heard throughout the city making everyone stop and look out and as he had everyone's attention he let out the largest stream of green fire I had ever seen. It practically covered the sky in a green glow and seemed to bring a green light to the people. I let out a howling laughter, with Neltharion joining me with his trilling sounds, as I tapped Neltharion's body and he got the message to head towards the Dragon Pit to drop me off.

We landed with a loud thud and I was greeted by my entire family, including the Velaryons, who were looking in awe at Neltharion who was below me. I jumped down from his body, much to the horror of my family and landed similar to how a superhero would. And I just couldn't help the smirk on my face as I thought

'Deadpool would be proud of me right now'

I stood up and looked at the Dragonkeepers who tried to force Neltharion into chains and I had to admit it…

'They have the IQ of a brick. I mean who looks at this large and menacing dragon and just thinks 'Oh yeah lets force it into chains' like come on, I can already see them shaking'

I quickly put a stop to their actions, before someone was eaten by Neltharion, and shouted

"Whatever you do to my dragon I shall return to you tenfold, is that clear? If it isn't then let me be more specific, if Neltharion ends up in chains then so will you…Plus he will eat you if you don't stop"

The Dragonkeepers gulped before turning to me, bowing, and then running away from the hulking dragon who looked at them and practically licked his lips. I chuckled at the sight before I was brought outou of my musings by my Father who coughed slightly and said

"Son, I must say when the letters spoke of your dragon being larger than even Balerion I was slightly hesitant to believe it but now when he is in front of me I must admit I am shocked"

I turned to my father and laughed before saying

"Aye, when I first saw him he scared me as well. But after showing him who was the boss he became gentle like a lamb…well, to me at least"

My father let out a howling laughter before giving me a hug and whispering

"I missed you, Daeron"

"And I you, Father"

He released me and gave me a smile before I turned to Rheanyra and gave her a hug while asking, with a smirk,

"Did you miss me, sister?"

She smirked at me and said

"Not really, it has been a blessing that you left"

I laughed loudly before turning to my Uncle, Daemon, and saying

"Look Uncle, now it is I who has the mightiest Dragon of all"

He gave me his usual smirk and said

"We have yet to test Neltharion's real might, Daeron. As the saying goes 'the bigger they are the harder they fall' "

I gave him a chuckle and a handshake before turning to the Velaryon family walking up to my cousin and kissing her hand while saying

"You are like a fine wine Cousin Rhaenys, the more you age the better you look"

She only laughed and said

"Save the flattery for my daughter, Daeron. The Gods know she has been wanting to hear it"


I heard an Embarrassed Laena say from my side as I chuckled before turning to her and kissing the back of her hand while saying

"So, I can assume my presence has been missed. Lady Laena"

Her caramel dark cheeks turned slightly crimson as she said

"Well…maybe a little, not that much to be honest"

I laughed before turning to Laenor and giving him a hug while saying

"So I can assume that your back has been feeling better lately? I mean I haven't been there to throw you down during our sparring so I can only assume so"

HE laughed and said

"Oh please Daeron, not everyone can handle the 'mighty dragon' as the knights on Dragonstone have started to call you… although I wonder whether the name came from the sparring, or when you showed up after taming Neltharion Naked-"

I quickly pushed him off of me and said

"Well, that has been a good talk. However, I hear someone calling my name"

Laenor laughed as I turned to Corlys, who had a smile on his face from seeing me interacting with his kids, and I said to him

"It is good to see you, Lord Corlys. However, I believe we have much to talk about later. Yes?"

Corlys nodded and said

"Yes, Prince Dearon, we do"

I nodded cracked my neck and said

"Ao kostagon jikagon sir Neltharion, nyke jāhor call ao skori nyke jorrāelagon ao" {You may go now Neltharion, I will call you when I need you}

Neltharion gave a low roar and flew off into the sky, as I was looking at him flying away I felt a hand touch my shoulder making me look down and see my father who said

"We need to talk"


After taking a bath and getting myself ready to meet my father, I walked into his study where he revealed the news of which his letter spoke 


"Keep it down, boy! And yes that is what I said. Alicent has been a great help for me to get over the loss of your mother and the realm needs some stability, which my kids with Alicent could procure. I was pushed to try and marry Laena but her mind seemed to be on someone else…"

He said as he gave me a knowing look, I blushed but ignored him and said

"Father, you have me and Rhaenyra…Oh Gods, please tell me you asked Rhaenyra about marrying her best friend?"

He seemed to catch on that I would not give it up so easily so he said

"...Well, not exactly. I only mentioned that I may need to marry again to give the realm some stability since you are my only heir and I don't have a spare"

I only placed my head in my hands and said

"Father…do you have any idea just how angry Rhaenyra is going to get? I mean you haven't even asked for her opinion! And Alicent has been her rock ever since mother passed, and you want to take that away from her? And what, I am not good enough for you as an heir"

"My father looked at me angrily and said

"Of course, you're good enough! You're going to be 10 times the king that I ever could be, but you have to understand the realm needs peace and sometimes we, as the royal family, need to sacrifice something to obtain that peace!"

I could only sigh and shake my head at my father's words as I thought

'He is focusing on the wrong part'

"Father, was it not enough to kill Mother just to try and obtain this spare? Will you really put more of mine and Rhaenyra's best friend on the birthing bed just to produce a spare"

My father's eyes seemed to well up with tears as he said

"Daeron…I loved your mother, more than I have ever loved anything. But you must understand, that the realm needs stability. You will always be heir but what if…"

He didn't need to speak the words as it was all anyone could talk about, so I finished it for him

"...What if I get sick again?"

I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowing in anger as I said, practically shouted,

"Was it not you who, on my 12th Name day, named me your heir and stood by that decision even when the other lords told you to renounce it, Was it not you who sat by my side while the lords all swore their fealty to me! And even after all of that you still are scared I will succumb to my sickness once more!" 

"Of COURSE I AM! You are my only son from Aemma and she was my entire world, of course, I am afraid you will get sick again! But look now, I still have not renounced you as my heir! I could have named Daemon hell I could have named Rhaenyra! I supported you, even when you were sick, now I am asking for you to support me!"

I sharply inhaled and clenched my teeth, I could do nothing to disagree with him. My father, although often called a pushover, never faltered from his decisions regarding his family. I sighed and said

"Father, Lord Corlys won't take this news well"

"That's alright son, I have a plan…"


Location: Small council room

I sat next to my father as Rheanyra started to pour the drinks for all of the lords. My father started by saying

"Ser Ryam was a strong Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. But he was ill for some time. He passed in peace I hope"

The grand maester, Mellos, said

"Yes, Your Grace. He was found to have passed gently in his sleep. His remains are being prepared by the Silent Sisters. The succeeding Lord Commander, Ser Harrold, would like to make haste in finding Ser Ryam's replacement on the Kingsguard."

Ser Harrold quickly stepped in and said

"Your Grace. My lords. The Kingsguard must soon be restored to its full complement of seven. With the help of the Hand, I've invited a number of fine candidates to court. All have passed fair trials."

I quickly interjected and said

"Ser Harrold, I would like to test the abilities of the candidates before any decision is made. If that is allowed, your Grace."

My father nodded, after hearing of my swordsmanship from the knights in Dragonstone he didn't see a reason to dispute it. He was about to say something else before Corlys stormed into the room and said

"Four ships have now been lost. The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business."

Otto spoke up

"If you have something to discuss, lord Corlys…"

He was interrupted by Colys who said

"I want to know what is to be done about my shops and my men"

"The crown will compensate you for your ship and crew and make an offering to the men's families"

Otto spoke, and I swear I could hear the poison in his words.

"I don't want compensation. I want to seize the stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder."

Corlys spoke and I saw my father about to say something so I cut in and said

"I have to say that I agree with Lord Corlys on this decision. We have been very relaxed over the entire Stepstones ordeal but at this point, they are gaining too much power in the Stepstones. Not just that but they did harm someone that we are sworn to protect"

Lord Beesbury quickly looked at me and then Lord Corlys and said

"In all of its history, My Prince and Lord Corlys, the seven kingdoms have never entered open war with any of the free cities. Were that to happen the losses would be incalculable."

Lord Corlys quickly walked towards the other Lord and said

"What reason do the Free Cities have to fear us…we have been letting them do as they want for a long time without them facing even a sliver of repercussion."

Otto quickly spoke, with a barely hidden smug grin that said

"I'll caution you, Lord Corlys. A seat at the King's table does not make you his equal"

I then quickly spoke in defence of Lord Corlys by saying

"And being the Hand does not make you the King Otto"

My father, noticing the rising tension, quickly sat up straighter in his chair and said

"I'll have you know that I have acted, Lord Corlys. I have sent envoys to Pentos and Volantis, to see if we might find a common cause. Ships and men are at the ready. The Stepstones will be settled in time."

Rhaenyra, who stood by a table filled with flagons of wine, turned to the table and said

"You have Dragonriders, father…"

The entire room went silent, and Rhaenyra continued by saying

"...Send us."

My father gave a huff of a chuckle and said

"It isn't that simple Rhaenyra"

Rhaenyra, confidently standing her ground said

"It would be a show of force. Just the sight of Daeron's dragon would strike fear into the hearts of our enemies, now imagine what even more dragons could accomplish"

I picked up my cup to try, and fail, to hide my growing smirk. Lord Corlys said

"Well, at least the Prince and Princess have a plan."

The room went silent, and Rhaenyra was about to say something before she was cut off by Otto saying

"Perhaps there are some better uses for the Prince and Princess's talents, Your Grace"

I put my cup down, an obvious frown on my face as I said

"Remember my words, Lord Otto. You should do your best to remember your station. You are nothing more than the King's Hand while we are his children, you have no power to force us to go anywhere and your honeyed words aren't as easily accepted by me for I see the poison behind them…and if you ever, and I mean ever, interrupt my sister when she is speaking then I shall have your tongue. Understood?"

Otto tried to remain stone-faced but I could tell his teeth were grinding in anger, which did bring a smile to my face (and Corlys's). He gathered himself and said

"Of course, my Prince. I apologise"

I smirked at him and nodded, while my father clapped his hands and said

"Now that this ordeal is over I would like to bring to attention some news regarding me and my son and heir."

The room went silent as he said

"I have decided to wed Alicent Hightower"

The room went silent and I could see Rhaenyra's trembling hands white she held the flagon of wine. My father then continued and said

"And Lord Corlys and I have decided to wed his daughter, Laena Velaryon, and my son together. Bonding our two families through blood"

Then the silent room heard a crash and spill as Rhaenyra had dropped the flagon of wine and was speed walking out of the room.