
How Time Flies

[Dragonstone, Nearly a Year Later]

(Aerion's POV)

"My Lord." I heard Maester Gerardys approach, "Prince Jaecaerys wishes to take Vermax to flight today, is it okay with you?" 

I stood on top of a balcony of the castle, looking at the sunrise. Visenya was in my arms, sucking on her thumb as she held a wooden toy on her other hand. She had been crying and I was already awake prior to sunrise, so I decided to take her for a walk in the castle, which calmed her down. 

I looked at him, "Sure. Tell him to not to go far." I said, "Greyfiend was spotted in the area a few weeks ago. But The Cannibal's presence has gotten him cautious." 

He bowed slightly as he smiled at Visenya who was in my arms, "Of course." He said, "Has the little Princess been better?" 

I patted her forehead as she looked away, "Yes, Maester." I said, "Thank you for your treatment, her fever is gone." 

"Ah, but it is my duty." He said, "All is well, I am glad." 

I nodded as he walked away, "Hm." I said as I turned around to face the sea, "Well, little one, what does my precious girl wish to do today?" 

She leaned into my chest as she ignored me. 

"Your Name Day is near..." I said as I patted her head, "What should we do? A Tourney? No.....I don't want that again...Hm....an event here in Dragonstone?" 

"Ah, you're here." I heard Rhaenyra's voice

I turned to see her walk up to me, her pregnant belly noticeable through her red dress, "My Love." I said with a smile

Rhaenyra reached us and leaned in, kissing Visenya in the cheek, "My beautiful girl.." She said soflty as she looked at me, "My two loves...." 

She pulled me as she briefly kissed me on the lips. 

"Hm..." I said with a smile, "How sweet the lips of the love of my life are....." 

She chuckled, "Do not be such a flirt." She said, "Jace will go to fly on Vermax, you should join him, check on him." 

"He definitely wants to do it alone." I told her, "We should let him." 

"But the Greyfiend was spotted. I worry." She said as she patted Visenya's back as she cooed, "Please." 

I sighed, "Sure." I said, "But he won't be happy." 

"As long as he's safe, I don't care ." She said

I handed Visenya to her as she smiled, "Okay." I said leaning in and kissed her on the head, "I'll go and check on the other boys and I'll join Jace after." 

"Okay." She said softly

I kissed Rhaenyra on the cheek before walking past her. 

It had been months since that incident I had with Greyfiend and the woman in black. Ever since then, it's been quiet. Greyfiend had not been seen attacking any person nor eating anyone. Sightings of that dragon were as rare of sightings of The Cannibal. It was incredibly strange, what had happened back the. 

A woman speaking in my mind at a distance. I didn't think much of what she said to me back then. I had the occasional thought but one thing was for sure; it told me that my anger was going to change me and turn me into my true self. Whatever the hell that means, I wasn't going to prove it right. Everyone....and I mean everyone had warned me that if I let my anger control me, I could turn out like Daemon. 

I don't plan on it. To hell with what they think. I have been trying to be the best father and I think I have been doing a good job. 

I love my daughter. I care for Rhaenyra's sons. I have been trying my best. Which is more than I can say about Daemon Targaryen. 


"Where's Joffrey?" I asked Elinda

"He's hiding somewhere underneath the tables, Milord..." Elinda said as she walked around the room frantically, "He's been playing with us too much as of late...." 

I heard a loud chuckle as Luke barely sat up from his bed. 

I was in their room, to check in on the boys. Luke had overslept because the night prior, we stayed up a bit late for him to learn his commands in High Valyrian. 

"Aerion..." Luke said as I crouched down next to one of the tables, "Will we continue our studying today?" 

"After I join Jace in flying." I told him as I looked below the table, "You! Get over here!"

I pulled Joffrey out from underneath as he laughed, "Ahaha!" He said as I picked him up in my arms, "Let me go!" 

I patted his head as I chuckled, "Man, you've grown into a mischievous one, eh?" I said put him down on the ground, "Let's get you changed so you and Luke can go and eat." 

He began to run around the room as Elinda chased him, "M-My Prince!" she called after him

"Hehehehe!" he giggled as he ran

I sighed as I looked at Luke who was still drowsy, "Can you handle this?" I asked, "Your Mother wants me on the skies next to your brother already." 

He nodded, "Y-Yea..." He said as he crawled out of bed, "Joffrey! Stay still!" 

I turned around and walked out of the room as I heard Joffrey laughing mischievously as Luke and Elinda chased after him. 

I shook my head with a smile, "That boy...." I chuckled


"Aerion?!" Jace exclaimed as I descended from above him atop Vermithor, "What are you doing here?!"

We were in the skies a few miles into the water off the coast of the island. He was flying Vermax a bit above the waters for some reason.

As Vermithor grumbled, I looked at him, "I could ask you the same thing." I called from atop the bronze grouch, "What are you doing so far away?" 

"I wanted to be alone!" He said, "You should not be here!" 

"The fact that you're all the way over here proves why I need to be here." I said, "Go back to island." 

"No!" He said as he steered Vermax away, "I am fine by my own." 

I sighed, "Children." I muttered, "Jace! Dammit, boy, you wanna get yourself hurt?! Get over here!" 

I watched as his dragon quickly darted away, ascending high into the skies. 

"Ah....Vermithos....follow." I rolled my eyes

Vermithor vocalized loudly as he immediately turned and followed the smaller dragon. Despite being larger than Vermax, Vermithor was no slouch in speed. He easily caught up to Vermax as he got to the young dragon's side. 

Vermax looked at us and gave us a growl. 

"Ill-Tempered indeed." I said, "Well, you're just a little puppy compared to this big boy.....Jace! What are you trying to gain from this?" 

"Freedom, Aerion!" He said as he gave me a smile, "I just want some alone time, is that too much to ask?" 

"In times like these..." I said, "Yes, it's a bit too much. You could get ambushed by other dragons." 

"They don't venture to the sea on this side." He said, "I'll be fine." 

"So you say." I responded, "Trust me, when i was your age, I thought I knew it all! Thought I was invincible." 

"You had Vermithor!" He said, "Of course you would!" 

"Yea, no shit!" I said with a scowl, "Your little pup of a dragon is not that large! Get your asses back to the Dragonmont now!" 

"If you can catch me!!" He laughed as he urged Vermax to go forth

"Don't tempt this old one to race, Jace, he's very competitive!" I shouted

"Yea, I bet!!!" He said as Vermax flew faster

I groaned, "Ahhhh....." I said as I leaned back and looked up into the clouds, "Why must these kids be this way..." 

"Fine! Have it your way!!"