
Family II

(Third Person POV)

[Street of Silk, King's Landing]

Daemon sat down and sighed, looking down at the table where he sat. He was inside one of the brothels he used to frequent back in the past. Currently, he was not interested in whoring, rather spending time alone where nobody would bother him like they do in the Red Keep. 

After spending a whole year of isolation after the incident at Dragonstone, Daemon Targaryen would be anywhere but the Red Keep. 

"Oh boy." He said as he grabbed a cup of wine that was next to him, "This is some shit, huh?"

He was alone in the room, hearing the sounds of sexual pleasure through the walls of the other rooms. He was contemplating on having one of the ladies of the night with him but wasn't sure if he was in the mood. There were a lot of things in his mind, concerning his own son, Aerion. 

When it came to his daughters, he felt comfortable. He cared about his girls; he was there when they were born and tried his best to be a Father. After their mother died, he didn't know how to cope with it, which is why he left for Pentos, leaving them in Aerion and Rhaenys's care. 

But at the end of the day, he had a good relationship with them. But as for his son, Aerion, it was something much more complicated. And he knew that. Daemon had neglected Aerion for the majority of his life and every time they see each other, it's mostly animosity coming from him. And the biggest mistakes that Daemon had made when it came to his son, they're the reason why his relationship is strained. 

Daemon had attempted to usurp Rhaenyra's seat and that was something that was not taken lightly by Aerion. The Rogue Prince took foreign warriors to aid him but they were ultimately cut down by Aerion with ease, to Daemon's surprise. No matter what he thought of his son, he never expected him to be that formidable. 

Either that or the warriors were not as strong as he was told. 

He gulped down wine from the cup, closed his eyes, and felt the cool liquid pass down his throat. 

He set the cup down, opening his eyes, "Yea...." he said, "That's some good stuff." 

"How long do you plan to idle around here?" A voice said in High Valyrian

He turned to see a woman covered in a black veil walking up to him, her hands in front of her stomach. This woman was of YiTish descent, as shown by her appearance. She was the one who had Daemon's bastard child. 

"What?" Daemon said with a scowl, "What's it to you?" 

"There are things that must be done." She said, "You know that." 

"What is it you want?" Daemon grumbled, "You and those stupid priestesses....." 

The Woman walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind, leaning into his ear, "There is a Future that must be cemented....a Fate that must be sealed." She said with a thick accent, "You, Daemon Targaryen, know that." 

"So you've said." Daemon said, "Every time you speak, I listen. It infuriates me. You told me to come and rile my brother up with your soldiers, they were cut down. And then you told me to do as I pleased for the time being. Now you're telling me that I have things to do? I'm here for my daughters....and my son." 

"You gave him the Jade Dragon Eye?" The Woman said, "Hm, do you truly think you'll mend the rift between you with a simple jewel?" 

"You sounded so sure he won't toss it away." Daemon said with a frown

"Deep down, he's a boy looking for the approval of his Father. He won't discard a gift from you." She said, "But more than anything, Aerion Targaryen is a Man, The Man who'll lead us to salvation. You know what we want, do you?" 

She ran the back of her hand down Daemon's cheek. 

"I'm telling you, I won't intervene with him and his wife. And I won't lay a hand on my grandchildren." Daemon said, "That whole shite that I said back then, that was all you, not me." 

"Fufu. We thank you for covering for us." She said softly, "But you are well aware of our wishes, we need Aerion's seed. One way or another...." 

"You're sick." Daemon said

"Tell me, Daemon, do you really think you're in a position to act righteous?" The Woman said with a smile, "You....? Who has done nothing but neglect the boy...not once have you tried to be a Father when it mattered." 

"I'm trying now." Daemon said

"You use his honor against him. You used your Brother to meet your Granddaughter, Visenya." The Woman said, "Aerion Targaryen isn't a cold man, like you." 

"There are some of my traits in him." Daemon said

"Some. But the rest are all him." The Woman said, "You care about him, right? That's heartwarming. But tell me, Daemon. What do you think will happen when he finds out the truth? That you killed his Mother?" 

Daemon stood up, pushing her away as he glared at her, "What did you say?!" He exclaimed as she stumbled, "You dare accuse me of such insanities?!" 

The Woman straightened herself up and smiled slightly, "Oh, Daemon." She said, "Do you really think I don't know? 

Daemon clenched his fists, "You....." He said, "Who the fuck are you? All of you?" 

"I told you." she said in high valyrian, "We are The Dark Order. We oversee the Fate of The World. It is unknown what will happen in the coming months....Daemon Targaryen...But I know one thing....if Aerion Targaryen finds out the Truth...." 

"He'll plunge his blade into your heart." 


[The Red Keep, King's Landing]

Princess Rhaenyra and her sister, Princess Helaena, had met each other in Helaena's chambers to see each other's children and spend time together. Aerion had joined them, of course, and Aegon The Older decided to leave as he had to take care of some things with his Grandsire. 

"She...." Helaena said as she held Rhea in her arms, "She has your eyes, s-sister...." 

Rhaenyra, who was sitting next to her, smiled, "Thank you, Helaena." She said, "Out of all of them, she doesn't frown like Aerion." 

Aerion frowned, "Hey." He said as he was sitting on the ground, cross-legged, "What's that mean?" 

He had Visenya and Jaehaera combing his hair as Jaehaerys and Aegon, The Younger, were on his lap, playing with their toy knights. Viserys was sitting next to them on a blanket, playing with his own set of toys. 

It was a heartwarming sight, one that would make the King cry. Rhaenyra herself couldn't help but just smile warmly, seeing her husband like that. 

"Daddy's hair isn't that long, cousin." Visenya said with a smile as Jaehaera giggled, "But he lets me comb it." 

"Don't pull on it hard, girls." Aerion said

Despite being sitting down, Aerion was still too tall for the girls to reach his hair, which is why they were standing on stools. Helaena saw this and was smiling warmly, a sight that wasn't too common when it came to the Princess. 

"Your twins are beautiful, Sister." Rhaenyra said as she moved some hair out of Helaena's face, "Are you planning to have more children?" 

Helaena didn't answer, merely looked at Rhea who was looking up at her with her bright eyes.

"I wanted to have more." Rhaenyra said as she leaned on the couch, "But the Maester advised against it." 

Aerion raised his eyebrow at this but didn't say anything, holding the boys in his lap as the girls kept playing with his hair. 

Helaena looked at Rhaenyra, "I-Is that so?" She said with surprise, "That's a shame..." 

Rhaenyra nodded, "It is." 

"I...." Helaena started, "I'm not sure if I want the baby....but I'm sure Aegon will be overjoyed..." 

Rhaenyra frowned, "What?" 

Helaena blushed, "Oh, I haven't told you...." She said softly, "I am with child." 

Aerion widened his eyes, "Seriously?" 

Rhaenyra smiled, "Oh sister, that's amazing!" She said 

"Yes..." Helaena said, "I....I don't know how to announce it to Father....Mother knows but decided to keep it a secret until the petition business...." 

Aerion smiled, "That's great, Helaena, I'm happy for you." He said, "Children are a joy." 

"I'm sure." Helaena smiled at him, "I'm glad you think that way. My dear Cousin, who rarely smiled when he was younger." 

"Oh...I...." Aerion frowned, "Well....." 

"Oh, love, loosen up." Rhaenyra said

"Uncle." Jaehaera said as she leaned against his shoulder, "You want to see my dragon?" 

Aerion looked at her, "Oh, right. You two have your own hatchlings, right?" He said, "What's their name?" 

Jaehaerys lifted his hand, "Mine is Shrykos." 

Jaehaera smiled, "Mine is Morghul." 

Aerion blinked, "M-Morghul.....?" He said before looking at Rhaenyra, "That's a rather extreme name for a child." 

"But he has black scales." Jaehaera said 

"Black with a deep shade of green, my love." Helaena said 

"Yes." Jaehaera said with a smile

"That's so cool." Visenya said with a smile, "Daddy, I want a dragon too." 

"You'll get yours soon, my dear." Aerion said

"I want mine red." Visenya said

"Red?" Aerion asked with a frown

"Yes, like Grandsire's." Visenya smiled brightly, "I want one like Caraxes." 

"Caraxes...huh?" Aerion grumbled, "Hm...." 

"Reminds me of you, Aerion." Rhaenyra chuckled, "Didn't you want Caraxes too?" 

"Yea, well...." Aerion said, "That doesn't matter, Vermithor is my mount now." 

"Can I have Caraxes then?" Visenya asked

Aerion frowned again, "You want him, huh?" He said, "I don't think that's possible...." 

"Your grandfather has to die for that to happen."