
Aerion Targaryen II

(Third Person POV)

[Runestone, The Vale]

Inside his room, Aerion sat on a table, reading a book as the light from the candle was flickering. He was leaning his head on his arm as he did this. 

The young boy had recently turned 10, he had returned from King's Landing after spending some months there, learning some things from Ser Laenor Velaryon, and was able to spend time with Princess Rhaenyra. He mostly avoided his cousin Aegon, saying he was rather annoying, and found his Mother, the Queen, to be a bit too much to be around with. 

The doors opened and a woman walked inside, "Milord." She said as she placed her hands in front of her, "We've received word from Lady Arryn, that she intends to have you at the Eyrie soon. Something about your betrothal." 

Aerion nodded, "What of my uncle? What does he say?" He said not looking up

"Ser Gerold says he'll accompany you." She said

"Okay, thank you." He said

"Do you require anything, Milord? Any tea or water?" She asked

He shook his head, "No, it is okay." He said, "Thank you, I'll go to bed in a few minutes." 

She bowed slightly, "Have a good night, Milord." She said before exiting the room and closing the door behind her

Aerion sighed, "Oh..." He said, "Politics...." 


[The Eyrie, The Vale]

"My my, you've grown considerably, Lord Aerion." Lady Jeyne said as she sat in her throne, "Last I saw you, you were but smaller than my knee." 

Aerion nodded as he stood next to Ser Gerold, tall enough to reach his elbows. Aerion was tall, quite tall for his age, many believed that he was to grow to be a strong and muscular man. 

"Thank you for the kind words, Milady." He said, "I was told you wished to discuss my marriage?" 

Ser Gerold raised his eyebrow as he looked at him, "You're quite articulated, aren't you?" He muttered

Aerion smiled slightly at him, "Yes." He said

Lady Jeyne chuckled, "You are not only tall for your age, but you are also quite smart and mature." She said, "What they've told me was true, then. You are growing quite fast, Milord. To think that we of the Vale would have a Targaryen as a Lord, it's quite something." 

Aerion nodded, "Kind words, Milady." 

"Well, to business then." Lady Jeyne said, "I discussed this with His Grace and since he's currently busy arranging an event in Dragonstone for you to attend, he left it with me to deliver the message." 

She gestured to her right and a man walked forth with a young girl to his side. She had beautiful brown hair and green eyes. 

Ser Gerold nudged Aerion's arm, "Look at that." He chuckled, "She's a bit older but she's pretty, ain't she?" 

Aerion shrugged, "I suppose." 

Lady Jeyne cleared her throat, "This is Ariana Moore." She said, "Daughter of Lord Moore. She is to be your wife when the time comes that you're old enough." 

Aerion looked at her, "Hm." He said as he had his arms behind his back

The girl had her arms behind her back as well, looking down nervously as the Man bowed slightly. 

"Lord Aerion." He said, "It would be an honor for you to take my daughter as your bride." 

Aerion nodded, "The honor is mine, Lord Moore." He said, "Thank you for giving me her hand. Milady, I will treat you well when we marry. I hope I will be a strong Knight by then." 

Ariana nodded slowly, "Y-Yes...." She said softly, "Thank you, Lord Aerion." 

Lady Jeyne chuckled, "Quite direct, aren't you?" She said, "Would you stay for a few days before your journey to Dragonstone, Milord?" 

Aerion looked at Ser Gerold, as if asking for his opinion. 

Ser Gerold cleared his throat, "I am afraid we'll have to embark on Dragonstone as soon as possible, Milady, I apologize." He said, "You see, Lord Aerion's sisters might be present." 

"Ah, I see." Lady Jeyne said, "Very well, Lord Aerion, we are still glad you took the time to come here. You are always welcomed in my home." 

Aerion nodded and bowed slightly, "It is my pleasure, Milady." He said, "If you excuse us now....." 



Aerion frowned, "What?" He said with a disappointed tone, "T-They're not coming?" 

He stood next to Ser Gerold who looked down at him. Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys were in front of them, relaying the information that Daemon and Laena were not to attend with their daughters and Aerion's sisters. 

They were in Dragonstone, where King Viserys decided to have a display of his son's dragon riding due to his recent claim of Sunfyre. It was mostly Rhaenyra's idea to have it here because Aerion would've refused to show up if it were in King's Landing. 

Lord Corlys looked at him, "We are sorry, little one." He said, "I know how you've looked forward to meeting them. We also wish to see them." 

Rhaenys walked up to him and patted his shoulder, "Keep your chin up, Young Aerion." She said with a smile, "The time will come when you'll see them." 

Aerion nodded, "Yes, I suppose so..." He said

"I hear you've been training hard on your sword skills." Corlys said, "I am glad Ser Gerold is overseeing such activities." 

Ser Gerold nodded, "Well, Milord, it is not just me. Your son, Ser Laenor, helps out when we visit the Capital." He said, "Lord Aerion is growing strong and his skill with the sword is growing alongside." 

Rhaenys chuckled, "Soon, you'll be able to ride your own dragon and be a great warrior like your Grandsire." She said

Aerion looked down, "Baelon Targaryen, huh?" He said, "Uncle tells me that my short hair reminds him of his father." 

"It does." Rhaenys said, "But you resemble yours more." 

Aerion nodded, "I wouldn't know what he looks like." he said before turning around and walking away

Rhaenys frowned, "Oh..." she said, "I...." 

"It is okay." Ser Gerold said, "It is not your fault. He's simply disappointed that he couldn't see his sisters." 

Lord Corlys nodded, "I suppose it is to be expected." He said, "Daemon has been trying his hardest to avoid his own son." 

"Now now." Rhaenys said, "Do not speak much of it. The King would not like to be reminded of that." 

"My question is..." Ser Gerold said, "Why did the King gather everyone here in Dragonstone rather than King's Landing? I mean, it is understandable if the young lord would refuse but if it's the King's command, he would not have any choice." 

Rhaenys chuckled, "Oh, you wouldn't understand, Ser Gerold." She said, "How the gods work their ways when it comes to us Targaryens." 

Ser Gerold crossed his arms, "I suppose I don't." He said, "You don't mean....you don't mean the King will allow him to attempt to claim a Wild Dragon here? I heard there was a massive black one that gorges on other dragons." 

"That is but a mere rumor." Corlys said, "Nobody has seen that one here. But when it comes to claiming a dragon, perhaps it is true. But it isn't the King's intent." 

"It is the Princess Rhaenyra's intent."