

Kingslanding; Crownlands; fourth Moon of 96 AC

Ragnar POV

Ragnar and Dacey were ready to depart from Kingslanding; their business was all but done. His sailors and merchants were done unloading his goods and selling them to the numerous merchants in the city, making Ragnar's trip to Kingslanding extremely profitable.

As he walked the streets of Kingslanding with Dacey and Davos by his side, Ragnar observed how different the city was from its future counterpart.

" How is Kingslanding, Davos? It's been a long time since you left it. Does it look different?" Ragnar asked, and Davos seemed to be thinking for a while

" Aye… I remember it being a little bigger, less clean, and more…. corrupt?" Davos answered

" Perhaps it's your Lordly status… it might make you see things differently," Dacey suggested with a smirk on her face; to which Davos scoffed

" The only thing my Lordly status got me was a headache…." Davos said

" As well as servants, gold, land, and a small castle; built by giants." Ragnar completed

" More headache," Davos said, and Ragnar laughed.

" Perhaps… now; we shall separate here. You will take the fleet and head to Driftmark… I have business to discuss with Corlys Velaryon… it's time for this unofficial trade agreement to become official. Like before, the Revenge is yours to command." Ragnar said, and Davos bowed.

" Should we restock the ships here in Kingslanding, or should we do it in Driftmark?" Davos asked

" Driftmark… I will buy a few tons worth of spices and other goods; Perhaps I should throw a harvest feast in Skagos; get the northern lords addicted to some of those spices, and then perhaps a new trade opportunity will rise…." Ragnar wondered out loud

" That would be a good idea, my love. You could use the feast to propose the grey rat's purge from the North." Dacey said, and Ragnar nodded " As Well as present the project for the two knowledge guilds."

" Aye… it's a good idea." Ragnar agreed and then turned to Davos

" You have your tasks, my friend. I will meet you at Driftmark. When you get there, inform Princes Rhaenys of our dragons, so we don't have any misunderstandings when we do arrive there." Ragnar said, and Davos nodded

"Aye, my Lord; I'll meet you at Driftmark then," Davos said as he bowed and went towards the River Gate.

Ragnar gave a glance at Dacey, who had a somewhat unnerved expression on her face.

" What are you thinking about, love? Has something happened?" Ragnar asked

"Nay… well… aye… I don't know. I just miss my twin babies and Lynara… I wonder what in the seven hells she is doing with that dragon of hers," Dacey said

" The Children said they would help her take care of her dragon… she needs responsibilities; she might be Lady of Winterfell someday… if she and Rickon like each other. I will begin her martial training soon, very soon. She has the strength of 5 men at the age of six; my blood is strong and has given her some abilities… " Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded with a smile on her face.

" She does… but I always thought your strength came from your magic. She isn't trained in magic yet, but she's already strong," Dacey said

' I am the first Dragonborn who absorbed a dragon soul and had children… perhaps the fact I absorbed dragon souls made her dragonblood stronger, thus granting her more abilities than the septins or any other dragon-blooded person…' Ragnar thought but chose not to say that

" No… my strength is in my body; it up doesn't come from my magic," Ragnar said simply.

" Well; if you say so…still… I miss my babies." Dacey said; Ragnar was sure she was holding up her tears

" My Love, if you want to fly to Skagos, it would be all right. Going to Driftmark is just a task of mine. It is not a diplomatic mission…." Ragnar said, and Dacey's eyes lightened

" Are you sure, my love? Flying alone can be quite tiresome…." Dacey said, and Ragnar nodded

" I am Dragonborn… the skies make me complete… there is no better feeling than flying… well, there's one thing… when you do that little shaking thingy… gods that's something else." Ragnar joked, and Dacey laughed

" Aye… I remember the first time I did it; I woke up with the feeling of something in my back… I thought you had pulled up a knife on me that night. I had to reward you for that… you slapped my arse so hard that day I felt it in my thigh… wonderful night that one was…. and following sixteen nights after that." Dacey said with the bluntness he liked so much; she wasn't a woman to shy away from these kinds of talks

" Gods… we were like rabbits!" Ragnar said, and Dacey raised her eyebrows

" Were? We still are… everyday… no excuses. Even when the river is red…" she joked

" My love… noble is the warrior that gets his sword dirty with blood," Ragnar said flat-faced, and Dacey let out an unrestrained fit of laughs

" Aye… Aye… Gods above Ragnar. You have been so busy with work these last moons I missed this." Dacey said, and Ragnar nodded

" Me too, love me too. It will all come back to normal now… We will return to Skagos, and I will be more present for both you and our children; Lynara will begin both her magical, noble and martial training…." Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded

" Now; let us enjoy this last day in Kingslanding… The markets here have things we don't have in Winterhold or Kingshouse port. Mostly because of the Velaryons and how close King's Landing is to The tides," Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded

Ragnar and Dacey walked through Kingslanding for a few hours; Ragnar took his wife around Kingslanding; she seemed equally mesmerized at the street of steel as she was by the numerous silk shops. Once they had seen everything they had an interest in, Ragnar took Dacey to the Dragon Pit, where she would be calling Snowstorm to pick her up.

" Here we are, my love… travel safely. Kiss the girls and ruffle Björn hair for me. I should arrive at Driftmark no more than three days after you. Five is Lord Velaryon decides to incorporate more than a middleman kind of business with us. That would take more time to do the math and word the contract." Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded

Ragnar gave Dacey a long kiss, that would've gone longer if not for the Dragonkeeper interrupting them.

" This's no place to court your woman, m'lord. Dragonpit's dangerous…." The man said, and Ragnar chucked…

" My love, if you will," Ragnar said, and Dacey closed her eyes

Ragnar looked forward and saw something moving on blackwater bay. From the waters, Snowstorm flew and came to answer her companion's call

The Dragonkeeper looked at them dumbfounded

" You be the cold dragon lord and lady! From that fucking big ship? With black wood and black sails," The Dragonkeeper said

" Aye… the cold dragon lord and lady…." Dacey said; a few seconds later, Snowstorm landed near them, much to the Dragonkeeper's nervousness

" Dohaeres! Dohaeres!" he said

" They don't understand Valyrian, my friend," Ragnar said, and the Dragonkeeper froze

" The fuck do you mean? You bring a dragon bigg'er than the fuck'ing black dread, and it ain't even understand commands?" The Dragonkeeper said, completely desperate

"Don't worry, friend… she's not going to do anything… she's a gentle beast," Ragnar said

" Your wife, you mean, right? Look at that fucking dragon! It is bigger than the black dread! How the fuck is that thing a thing?" The Dragonkeeper asked

" Both of them… the dragon is actually gentler than the woman; she can pack some hard punches. Snowstorm is by nature a gentle dragon… like Dreamfyre If the stories are true." Ragnar joked

" You forget I'm the one with a Dragon…." Dacey said with a playful smile

" You sure are with a dragon… have been ever since you married me," Ragnar said

" All right… time to go." Dacey said as she got in Snowstorm. The Dragon took to fly a few seconds later.

" So… why is it that your wife has the bigger dragon?" The dragonkeeper asked; Ragnar raised an eyebrow as if asking how did he know about that

" When you and your wife got here, they said one cold dragon was bigger than the other… why does your wife get the bigger one?" he asked

" She got a bigger cock out of the two of us… so fair is fair… bigger cock, bigger dragon," Ragnar said as he began descending the steps on the Dragon pit. He could hear the dragonkeeper laugh before the sound of it disappeared. Ragnar would spend four more hours in Kingslanding before returning to the Dragonpit; Ragnar and Midstinul took to the skies towards Driftmark.

High Tide; Driftmark; Fourth moon of 96 AC

Corlys Velaryon pov

Corlys Velaryon was a legendary man; known throughout the World for his nine voyages around the known world. He drew most of the maps used in the Seven Kingdoms about Essos, and he single-handedly brought House Velaryon to its newfound glory. Some claimed no sailor has ever been better than him and no sailor will ever be better than him. Corlys was the ONLY Westerosi in recorded history ever to set foot in YI-TI, and some said that was his most outstanding achievement; some said his greatest achievement was marring Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the most beautiful woman in her generation, whit dark raven hair and purple eyes. Corly himself would never comment on that, wisely some said, as nobody would want a woman with a giant dragon mad at you for saying the wrong thing.

Corly's relationship with Rhaenys was one of love, attraction, and, most importantly, mutual respect. Corlys respected Rhaenys for her cleverness and administrative mind; she was the one that gave the idea of buying everything the ships from The North sold, and it was she who asked the captains of the Dovahkiin fleet to stop by Driftmark first every time they came south. The next time the Dovahkiin fleet came south, every Captain had come to Rhaenys and presented her with some kind of gift; telling her how their Lord was so satisfied by how fast they were able to sell the goods that he allowed all of their children to study on "The Great College of Winterhold." Corlys didn't know what the College was, but if all the captains were so happy about their children being able to study there, it had to be something good.

Corlys was seated with Rhaenys on his solar, going through some important documents on trade agreements and trade routes, when he heard a knock on the door.

" I thought I had said we were not to be interrupted…." Corlys said, and Rhaenys chuckled humorously

" Don't be so ill-tempered, my love," she said with a smile on his face

" Enter then!" Corlys answered, and a guard from spice town entered the solar

" My lord; a Lord from North, bannerman to House Dovahkiin, is here; he asks for an audience with you, my lord." The guard said; Corlys' eyes widened a bit as no northern lord was seen out of the North for years. The only exception being Lord Manderlyn.

" Bring him here then. I will see him now." Corlys said; as the guard left, he asked the servants to replenish the room with refreshments and vines.

" You seem to be very excited about this Northman… do you think his Lord wants to draw a formal contract for trade?" Rhaenys asked

" Most probably… The Dovahkiin fleet is big; they have more than 100 trade ships and more than 50 Battleships… that is the number we counted till now… but that doesn't mean anything, as they could simply use the same ships to do the same routes… I know they trade with Braavos and have a closer relationship with Ibben. Perhaps Lorath as well." Corlys said, and Rhaenys nodded

"Their fleet is constantly bothered by pirates, but until now, none of his ships has ever fallen at a pirate's hands. I think it is one of those Steel contraptions he has on the front and back of his ships… their ballistae are pretty common, or maybe it's their sailors. I've tried to find out more about them, but there was a little issue called: These cunts are northerners," Corlys said, and Rhaenys chuckled

" Yes… this problem seems to be affecting us lately, has it not?" Rhaenys said

Corlys and Rhanys talked a few minutes before the Northerner lord got to his solar.

" Greetings, my Lord; I am Corlys Velaryon, Lord of Driftmark, and this is my Lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Velaryon," Corlys said once the Northern lord entered the solar.

" I am Davos… Lord Davos Seasworth, Lord of Skane and, at the moment, Captain of The OldGods' Revenge, my Lord; Your Highness." Lord Seasworth said; Corlys noted Lord Seasworth had a half northern half crownlander.

" Please, have a seat, my Lord," Rhaenys said as she pointed at the chair in front of Corlys. " Tell us, my Lord. What is the reason for your visit? Is there something you wish from us?" Rhaenys said, already accustomed to the Northerners' famous bluntness

" Aye… Your Highness, I am here to restock the ships with both the trip supplies and spices, but that is not the reason why I seek an audience with Lord Corlys and Your Highness. Lord Dovahkiin will come to see Lord Corlys and talk business… in a few hours." Lors Seasworth said, and Rhaenys smiled at Corlys.

"That's good. It's always good to get new trade agreements. But why did Lord Dovahkin send you here to say that, my Lord? He could've just asked for an audience like you did." Corlys answered, and Rhaenys nodded

" Lord Dovahkiin sent me here to warn he will be coming riding atop his Dragon." Lord Seasworth said, " He doesn't want any misunderstanding to occur when his dragon lands on Driftmark." Lord Seasworth continued

" A Dragon? You surely jest; House Targaryen is the last of the Dragonlords, and I'm sure no Targaryen ever settled in the North." Rhaenys said, and Lord Seasworth shook his head

" Nay… I'm not jesting, Your Highness. His and Lady Dovahkiin's dragon breathe cold instead of fire… if that makes your mind more at ease. They are the Ice Dragons of the shivering sea." Lord Seasworth said, and Corlys' eyes widened

" I knew it. I knew they were real! I saw them! I wasn't going crazy!" Corlys said with a smile on his face.

" What? Does Grandfather know about that?" Rhaenys asked

" Aye… we came from Kingslanding; Lord Dovahkiin saved Princess Maegelle from her greyscale illness… nasty business that disease." Lord Seasworth said

" What??" Rhaenys said

Driftmark; Crownlands; Fourth moon of 96 AC

Ragnar POV

Midstinul flew above Driftmark with the grace that only a Dovah had. The ancient Dragon danced in the Sky for all to see his splendor. Ragnar didn't think the Old Dragon would let him fly on him as much as he did, but apparently, the Dragon loved taking him to places. " It's a small price to pay for what you have done for me, thuri. Besides, no Dovah would ever find flying a bother. It's a privilege to land you my wings, for all your power and strength, the essential part of a Dovah, was denied to you. I do not know how you can bare this angst, but I will try to free you from it as much as I can, just like you freed me from mine." the dragon had said, and ever since Ragnar began flying with Midstinul more regularly, which would always make them talk about the most diverse topics available.

Midstinul flew low to find somewhere to land, which allowed Ragnar to see a small group carrying Velaryon banners on a beach near the High Tide. On a nearby hill, a Red Dragon watched Midstinul with careful eyes. Ragnar signaled for Midstinul to land on the beach near the group; the Dragon promptly did as instructed.

In the small group, Ragnar saw, Rhaenys, Corlys, Laena, and little Laenor Velaryon, as well as a few guards, accompanying them.

Ragnar dismounted from Midstinul and Slowly walked toward the group. The guards looked extremely troubled by the greyish-white dragon that just stood where it landed and observed everything with his immense intelligence.

" Lord Dovahkiin; salt and bread." Corlys Velaryon said as one of the guards offered bread and salt to him

" Aye, Lord Velaryon." Ragnar said as he grabbed the bread, dipped it in salt, and took a bite.

" Lord Velaryon, it's an honor to meet the famous Sea-Snake, the most excellent sailor in history, the man who mapped more than 20% of the Known World," Ragnar said, and he meant it; Corlys was like a real-life legend a man with historical achievements; it was like meeting Ysgramor to a lesser extent.

" Lord Dovahkiin, it's an honor to meet the man who invented the transparent and colored glass. I must say, some people in the Far East were impressed by it." Lord Velaryon began, " Let me introduce you to my family. Here's my Lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen; my son and heir, Laenor Velaryon; my daughter Laena Velaryon; my Brothers; Aurane and Rhaekar Velaryon, and my Nephews Vaemond, Malentine, and Rhogar Velaryon." Lord Velaryon said; Ragnar went to greet them one by one.

" Your Highness," Ragnar said, " You are as beautiful as they said you were," Ragnar commented, and Rhaenys smiled

" Lord Dovahkiin, you are taller than everyone would expect anyone to be," Rhaenys said to each Ragnar smiled.

" Can I see dragon?" Little Laena asked, her curly silver hair shaking as she moved her head up and down to Midstinul and Ragnar.

" You are already seeing him, little one," Ragnar said, much to Laena's annoyance, who shook her head

" Can I see with hands…?" She said as she showed her little hands, which she opened and closed quickly to show she had hands.

" Laena!" Rhaenys chastised her daughter

Ragnar laughed and shook his head

" Maybe later… the dragon scares people sometimes… look at the guards; they are terrified!" Ragnar said conspiratorially to Laena, who looked at the guards and raised her hands above her head, mimicking claws

" Raw… raw," She said, trying to mimic a dragon's roar; to which Ragnar had to give his all not to laugh out loud; something Corlys failed to do as he put his hand on his face and turned to the other side

Ragnar continued greeting the Velaryons until there were no more silver-haired men and women.

A few hours later, Ragnar was seated in a chair in front of Lord Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen, a chair he had been seated on for almost four hours discussing terms for a trade agreement.

" 5% discount on skagossi glass products in exchange for 15% discount on every kind of non-westerosi spice and tea leaves." Ragnar proposed; Corlys shook his head

" 10% discount on Skagossi glass in exchange for 10% discount on every non-Westerosi spice and tea leaves," Corlys suggested, but Ragnar shook his head

" 6% to 14%" Ragnar proposed

" 8 % to 11%," Corlys counteroffered " I cannot go lower than this," Corlys said

" 5% to 12%," Ragnar began, to which Corlys looked offended, but Ragnar raised his hands to show he wasn't done speaking. He put a hand in his pocket and gave a small object to Corly, who looked at it confused. " 5% discount on skagossi glass in exchange for 15% discount on non-westerossi spices and Tea leaves… and I will also add that and ten more of those on this offer," Ragnar said

" What is this? Why would it change something in our negotiations?" Corlys asked as he shook the small object; seeing and hearing that Ragnar smiled

" That little thing is called a compass… it doesn't matter what you do with it, what direction you are looking at or where you are… the needle will ALWAYS point North," Ragnar said and almost laughed when Corlys' eyes threatened to jump from his face due to how much he widened them

" DEAL!" Corlys said quickly.

" Corlys? What are you doing?" Rhaenys asked confused

" You don't understand… this little thing; if it does what Lord Dovahkiin promised, will make the trips to Yi-Ti or everywhere east… many times faster and secure as we won't have to wait for the sunrise to determine which direction we are facing and which direction to take! It also means no more lost ships!!!" Corlys said, and Rhaenys eyes widened.

" You're welcome," Ragnar said calmly.


A/N: I planned on writing this chapter after I had updated GoT: Dovahkiin but I got so hyped up with HOTD that I couldn't write anything else other than this story!

Paddy Considine deserves an Emmy for his performance as Viserys! Holly shit I almost cried watching him walking to the Iron Throne!!

Thank you for your support!