
House of Dragon: The Quiet Dragon of House Targaryen

(AN: I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world. Do not expect me to know every cause I don't, I've written this because of my sudden interest in the World and The house of Targaryen. Hopefully, With the help of my OC and my research I'll make up for it.) Mishaps, deaths and events have made house Targaryen slowly lose their power after the death of King Jaehareys First of his name. Many Lords are wondering what will become of the now new to be king. Viserys Targaryen. In the years to come, House Targaryen will forever be changed. Dragons will die. Family Members will be murdered. Castles and homes will be torched. All over a selfish, greedy and in general, messed up inbred House dispute over the Iron Throne. Yet, with the Dark and Glim future looming over the horizon, came a new bright shine of light. In 88 AC, after miraculously surving four years prior. Lady Alyssa, Wife of Baelon Targaryen, gave birth for the fourth time on a Eery, misty Dragonstone to her Third Son. Aegor Targaryen. Like every Dragon before and after him, the baby came with his birthright of silver-golden hair representing his Royal Blood. This is the Tale of Aegor Targaryen, The Quiet Dragon.

TruckkunJr · 电视同人
12 Chs

106 AC - A Thirds Son's Rise

[106 AC]

Westeros now had peace for a time, the King's wife had died, Aemma Arryn. Alongside his stillborn son, Baelon. Visery Targaryen with only a daughter, left the realm in worry of inheritance of the Iron Throne. Having no sons of the King's being sired, many Lords had voiced their opinion of him being marrying once again.

He had known such pain as the love of his life dying, nevermind his son whom he had thought would end every bad spoken word of their house to rest. Yet now, the king had to face the prospect of marrying a women of the realm once more.

His duty meant no matter his feelings, it had to be done. Rhaenyra, the daughter of the King whilst named a year prior as the heir of the Realm. Numerous Lords, despite their oaths, weren't still keen with the idea of her, in the future, sitting on the Iron Throne built by Balerions breath.

The King had remarried, to Lady Alicent Hightower. One of the possible betroths to his brother Aegor, 'The Missing' Targaryen. Both duty bound to do what was must for the realm.

Most sighed a relief breath. Not all... The King's Lord of Ships, Corlys Velaryon, had lost ships upon ships to the stepstone. His trade no longer bringing in wealth like before, if it wasn't sorted out sooner enough, his House would lose its title as the wealthiest in the realm, weakening them.

As well as his house weakening under the influence of the Myrish Prince. With the King marrying, Alicent Hightower, Lord Corlys felt disrespected with the denial of marriage between his daughter Laena and the King.

So Lord Corlys without the King's say, headed to the stepstone to silence the issue with the Myrish Prince, Craghus Drahar. War started had just started. Unsurprisingly enough, the King's other brother, Daemon Targaryen 'the Rogue Prince', joined Lord Corlys in the war.

While one brother of the King's was at war with the stepstones, fight with Caraxes on Dragon back. Caraxes being formerly, their uncles dragon, Aemon Targaryen. The Dragon gained the nickname, blood worm, for his infamous, same like torso. Being half the size of the biggest dragon Vhagar, Caraxes was insanely dangerous to face on the opposite end. Like the Targaryen on its back.

The More Renown other brother, Aegor Targaryen, known as many titles through his achievements across the narrow sea. The Defender, Shield of Bravos, Sword of Pentos and The Black Dragon. In three years built a company of Mercenaries, Black Dragon.

5,000 Men strong, recruited all over Essos, with the help of the Lords of Bravos, Pentos and Qohor. The Black Dragon, as he was known in Essos, wore a Black set of Armour, his gauntlets fingers pointed sharply like claws, on the top of the helmet were two horns going to the back of his head, the helmet seemed to roar the way it was designed.

An armour built by the blacksmiths of Qohor, said to be impenetrable, no sword ever being able to wound the wearer. It was rumored to be blessed with magic. As such Small folk in essos called him, a god amongst men, as like he was the Warrior in body.

Aurrax grew alongside Aegor's legend, now the size of Carraxes, two hundred feet long and almost double the blood worms width, it's unusually large torso and wings making up for it. As fast as Meleys, the size of Carraxes and ever angry nature earned its name when in battle. Aurrax 'The End'.

Many times had the Prince had used the dragon in battle, pirates that tried to attack, enslave the people of essos, swallowed whole by the dragons breath from admist the dark sky. Giving end to many life's, as such, he was named, The End.

The Prince' s power and renown caught many people's attention especially Westeros. Some in the court of King's Landing thought Daemon went alongside Corlys plans to spit in the King's kindness but to show many Aegor wasn't special as people thought he was. Actions multiple Councillors on the King's Small Council spoke upon. With the youngest brother of the King having such a good relationship with the Lords of the free cities, many though he threatened the King's reign with his relationship to the Lords of the free cities.

The Lord Paramount of the Stormland, Boremund Baratheon and his second son, spoke of his character, dismissive of him being a kinslayer and ussurpor. Lyonel many times, had gotten letters, including the King's daughter of wanting to be with them. Yet obliged to fulfil his contract with some of the Lords of the free cities.

King Viserys never felt threatened, knowing his brother being of honor and having the utmost love for his house. Just like his brother, Aegor prided himself of being a Targaryen with the blood of the dragon flowing in his veins.

Soon the three heads of House Targaryen will reunite, and as strong as ever. So when three moons after Daemon left for the stepstone. A Banner of a three head purple and black Dragon, came over the narrow sea to King's Landing.

His Hand Otto, his Daughter Rhaenyra, his wife Alicent Hightower with guards and King's guard alongside them head to the port, to greet the unexpected guests.

"Father, it must be uncle Aegor." King Visery's Daughter Rhaenyra said. As calm as she said the words, he knew how excited she must of been to finally seen the infamous Black Dragon Company.

And as King Visery's expect piling from the ship was a thousand men, all armoured with the embossing of the Black Dragon of their company on their steel plated chest, steel plated shoulder plates and vambrace. Underneath was black leather underneath the plates protecting them futhur.

Breaking a part in two was a man in same armour, couple of inches taller than the king, his helmet was underneath his armpit, in his late twenties by his short beard. Brown of hair and brown eyes. He stood tall as he walked towards them, confidents and an air of authority he seemed to have. The slight darken complexion showed his heiratch to essos.

"I come with a letter from our Lord Commander, Aegor Targaryen 'the Black Dragon' to give to the King of Westeros. King Viserys Targaryen, first of his name and brother of his Lord Commanders!"

After his speech, the man bent on one knee presenting in his other arm a letter with the writing of Aegor's. Visery stepped forward taking the letter, unrolling it and reading it allowed for everyone to hear.

Dear Brother,

I Write this to you, King Viserys Targaryen, King of the Andals, First Men and of the Rhoynar, first of his name. To express my wishes to the Lady Alicent Hightower, and your union. It is very unfortunate to hear of your previous wife's demise, It saddens me to hear but all I can do is pray to the God's for her and express my sorrow to you of her.

Soon I will depart to you, to swear fealty to the one true king. King Viserys Targaryen. For now, I hope to see you soon once more and embrace like before departing against your wishes for essos.

By your dearest brother, Prince Aegor Targaryen, 'The Black Dragon'

An uproar of claps from several Lords and Ladies unfurled after he read out the letter. Looking at the soldier's, King Viserys asked the Man of his similar age.

"What is your name Solider?" "Bellaros, your highness."

The lack of last name caught him by surprise but his brother had always been a person to respect all people no matter stature. Even if a small folk or bastard of a Lords. So he then said.

"I will have soon a letter for you to pass to my brother, for now stay until than, I will have places for you and your men to stay assigned." he commanded, possibly to hear from the men of the man his brother he had become after the years.

"My thanks are given to you my highness for such a hospitality."

Leaving the men to unpack, the King and his escorts left back to the red keep. His daughter now of oen and one nameday. She hadn't seen her uncle for five years headed to her father while everyone spoke amongst themselves in the hall.

"Father." she bowed at him, now of the overly massive iron that sat at ten feet of only swords. Viserys looked at his daughter, now taller coming into her beauty of being the prettiest girl in Westeros.

"If this is about your uncle Rhaenyra, I believe this should be left until we are alone."

King Viserys saw the eyes from everyone in the room curious on watching them interact. All probably to with the scene earlier with their relations envoys. As he knew, Rhaenyra nodded but seemed annoyed about it.

Later after the meeting with the Lords and Ladies, Rhaenyra and the king was in his office seated. Before they had gotten here, Alicent wanted to join them in the talking. Viserys knew of her feelings that were still harboured at his brothers.

Their relationship wasn't nothing but continuing the line, nothing else, no love or anything. Aemma was Visery's love and so was Aegor to Alicents. They acted the part to the realm to not show any problems.

"What is uncle like Father? I can remember only little of him when I was younger." Rhaenyra asked. Holding her hand tightly on her lap.

She could remember when he laughed with her, played and picked her up. Her memory of him was a tall, kindhearted and beautiful man almost woman like. Long lush hair same color as hers, lilac eyes that gazed on at her in love. When her was alive, Rhaenyra can remember when all the stories of when she was a toddler chasing him everywhere like his plus one.

She blushed at the stories of her attachment. Her uncles were quite caring in their own way, her Uncle Daemon, was weird sending gift on her birthdays but than disappearing but not before sharing laughs and compliments. Than after doing things that showed opposite like taking dragon stone for a reason being adamant on being the heir which amused her.

Her other uncle was more of stories, his letters to her every moon showered her with love and promises to see her. Sometimes he'd describe the wonders he saw and the extraordinary buildings, statues and objects he seen on his adventure.

She wished to come along with her uncle to see these wonders. Maybe go on dragon back fighting pirates, Dothraki's and bandits alongside him gaining glory and fame. Something impossible, so she waited on him and finally see the man she wished to meet the most.

"Can you remember him?" when her father inquired to her she unfortunately shook her head.

"Only his face, but can not remember anything else. Even when I try hard as possible." grunted at the end, her father chuckled. She looked at him with anger.

"How can you laugh! You, mother... Always told me of him, nothing but good things. Whilst Daemon would bad mouth him. I wish to see him, to see the man that you talk so highly of." she ranted off and her father listened. All of angry at not being the only person. To really remember her.

Even alicent who she was friends with because of him. The person that betrayed her and her uncle's feelings. Yet all she said was words that portrayed her feelings about him, which she teased endlessly. For now to hear the girl never mention him. Almost adamant on never speaking of him.

"You was but five at the time, it's understandable. Soon you'll meet him, and will see your uncle. He is unique, even by your Uncle Daemon's standing."

His words seemed longing like hers when she thought about her uncle. Her father cared as much as her for his arrival to the capital. She imagined someone like Aegon the conqueror, riding the biggest dragon, with a crown on his head demanding respect where he went.

"Daemon said he was useless, a tailless dragon that only runs away. But the stories that are told, I can't be true."Her father once again chuckled than smiled at her.

"Daemon and Aegor have a long deepen anger to one another, cause of..." he paused his eyes down casted. "Simply Daemon couldn't open his eyes, stubborn as ever. It never helped that Daemon already an exceptional fighter, was almost beaten by his sibling seven year younger than him."

Rhaenyra paused, eyes open wide, mouth slightly parted. Her uncle renowned as ons of the best swordsman around, almost lost to someone so young. Was mind blowing.

"Do you think he's stronger than Daemon?" she almost seemingly pounced at her father, wanting to shake him of all her stories of him her uncle.

"Most definitely. He's a talent not seen before, Your sworn King's guard criston cole would lose to him. At one and three, he could beat two knights at the same time."

Her mouth opened wider, all it seemed foreign for another person to beat her King's guard nevermind beat two knights. That was unbelievable. More than ever she needed to see him, his tales of adventure, battles and the stories of him from his mother, father and Alicent seemed otherworldly.

Her excitement to know he was coming close expanded ever so big. To know he would be beside her in the court where she felt most vulnerable and weak. She would have a strong ally in her uncle. Finally someone that won't hurt her, die as soon as her mother and leave her alone. She smiled and seeing his daughter smile more knowing his brother was returning finally gave him some sentiment of family come back.