
House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth

the title says everything available in: 1) Wattpad (in Spanish Version) : ¿Soy smaug el dorado? 2) MegaNovel (english): House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth 3) GoodNovel (english) : House of Dragon Smaug Rebirth

ZERO_GT · 奇幻
12 Chs

The great king under the mountain

An autumn day, the flowers came out to caress the sweet scensia of the sun, the planizie with its typical sound, several mallows, grass cocha do against itself, gave a feeling of jubilation, relaxing, not far from here is the well-known mountain of the dwarfs.

Two large dwarves, representing the power they had, the sovereignty and the peacefulness of the place, very close was the city at the pass, one would say it was 3 hours walk, but about one on horseback, quite close considering the size and density of this empty field.

In the city there were several humans, elves, and even dwarves in a large community, the dwarves came from the mountain known as Erebor, city of the aforementioned, great was its power before other races, besides that, its location is important before a possible war, being that it is located in the center of middle earth, naturally protected by rocks and the same land, covering it as if it were a mantle, leaving only one possible entrance.

Not even the biggest orc drill worm could cross such an imposing mountain; the lonely mountain.

This day is known by the dwarves as "thurin day", recognized as the beginning of spring and the seasonal mark to start the crops that will feed both cities during the harsh winter that the mountain produces.

The surrounding city rejoices at the holiday because it signifies trade in every sense, the dwarves are considered great craftsmen, stubborn warriors and great friends, being able to die for their companion or avenge their fallen, as "the day of the dead" in the land; it is also a very important day because the next heir of heir was announced, Thorim, son Thrain, son of Thórn, next king under the mountain, and next lord of the dwarves in and out of it.

Rumor has it that he is proud and will protect his friends regardless of his own life, putting himself before them in battle.

In the mountain the celebrations are not long in coming, while the city celebrates the beginning of spring as every year, near the central square of this great city, which could be described as an impenetrable fortress, for its many soldiers and large walls that in the sunlight make it look like gold, returning to the square, the boy prepares a kite like his friends.

The difference, this kite looks like a dragon, something uncommon, both the kite and the dragon, there are legends that claim that the dragons were annihilated by an ancestor of the dwarves under the mountain, it is said that Thór wielded his war hammer and finished with one bigger than his ship, no, bigger than a mountain in flat high seas, only with some of his men wounded or dead, this dragon was known for being "the incarnation of darkness" as it was called.

Given its size, Thór had no trouble being on top of the dragon, with his great hammer finished with the beast, the legend says that from the sky he managed to see the mountain that later would be the cradle of race of the dwarves in the middle earth.

Excited the boy throws his kite together with his friends, flying even above it, almost disappearing into the clouds, as if it were a real dragon.

Later, between chants and dances, the wind was somewhat disturbed, as if it were a bad omen, soon the boy lost control over his kite, receiving mockery from his friends, angry and with his face a little embarrassed by such an act, he sees his kite fly and get free...

Many would not believe their eyes, if it were not for the shadow on the horizon, the sun's rays were dulled, darkening the city, some puzzled thought it was an eclipse or something else, until the dwarf war horn sounded.

They abandoned the festivity, running to the barracks, expecting the worst, an eclipse in this time of the year is something as rare as seeing a dragon.

It was not a joke the dwarf horn, indeed, the forest was covered by a layer of smoke so large, that if it were not for the distance, one could say that no animal, whether of light or darkness will survive before such flames, being really fair and death does not discriminate, either by force or by gerarchy, death will always pursue us, even in our darkest dreams, death is present, or I meant to say "he" is present.

Desperate, the soldiers rang the bell, hoping to receive help from the nearby elves that were inside the forest, many humans, dwarves and elves took positions, nobody expected this...




A deep silence, foreshadowing the worst, the planizie between the mountain and the city made a silence that gnawed at the minds of the children of Thurin, the humans on the other hand, fearful, began to hoard everything, running as if their lives depended on it.

The only solace amidst the chaos was a figure that no one would think would return from the ashes, a dragon.




Thorin began preparations to await his guest, sounding the dwarven war horn, but this sound had a meaning: "Sons of Thurim, Arise in hope, for today we will unite."

All the dwarves ran, bravely took shields, weapons, hammer and axes waiting to contain those who summoned the horn of hope, one made specifically for a situation where the sons of Thurim had to unite under one command, left by their ancestor Thór for the union of the dwarves under one shield, leaving the differences in the past, it was to fight.

Everyone was ready, aware that something big, very big was near, the silence was replaced by war cries, but towards whom, the valley was stripped of all adjacent life by a roar.

As if the soul left the body of the humans who would "defend" the city at all costs, many lost their mobility and virility at the mere sight of the owner of that macabre silhouette,

It was Smaug the golden.

A dragon of about 50 meters high and an unknown long serpeante, covered by shiny reddish brown scales, being similar to copper, the nickname "the golden" did him all favor by those scales that shone like gold, not only that was expected by its magnificence, this "skin" was impenetrable, an armor invulnerable to physical or magical attack, a sacorphagus of death movable.

Inconfudible was the roar of this dragon, it was time to fight, the infantry soldiers changed their position before the unexpected, taking bows that they did not even know how to use to try to "defend" their city, not only that, the cradle where they were born and would live until the end of time, not as mortals but as charred corpses.

The fire was not long in coming, bringing death with it, the burning forest was charred by the heat emitted by such a magnificent and unique creature that provided the sky in a ball of fire.

The walls, once hard as rock and shining like gold, gave way before the fire of the dragon, works were those soldiers who in their emperance, used both the bell and the horn of the alliance to call the sons of Thurim, no one answered the call.

As if the dragon understood, he snorted and made gestures in mockery for useless human resistance, he would secure this area as his Territory even if it meant killing everything alive inside.

Such an important city fell that day, many archers tried unsuccessfully to kill the dragon, they would be remembered for dying in spite of responding to the sense of duty and justice for their comrades, arduous was the hours during the fight, which for them were 3 eternities of endless gunfire and fire.

Their armor was highly heated soot that cooked them inside and out, only that the dragon would not be interested in food, he came here for one thing only.

Time passed, the key point that divided Erebor and its end had fallen, along with all its inhabitants, before the siege of Smaug the golden, it only took a few hours for the city to fall, thus losing its magnificence, powerless the few survivors fled without first feeling how their souls were penetrated before the great figure of the dragon saying: "Useless Rats, who hide in the gutter fighting for my leftovers".

Like the city, Erebor, home of the dwarves of Middle-earth, tried unsuccessfully to call their allies the elves. They were just as ignored as when the city was razed to the ground.

The smoke, witness of the massacre caused by that beast Titania, which now travels close to a kite full of blood and somewhat scorched by fire, flying skn par by the current destroyed city, contemplated in first person what once was peaceful, now, a pair of desolation, where only the whisper of the dead comforts this land cursed by God.

Erebor, city and dwarven cradle, was silent, with Thorin at the front of his soldiers, awaiting the inevitable, not a breath, not even the laughter of a child was heard during this time, from a few moments ago the bells and the constant calls for help from the coming city, this day will never be forgotten by the dwarves.



POV Thorin



Absolutely nothing is heard, since the warning was given by the horn of hope, everyone, women and young men, regardless of their status or role, took up arms undoubtedly to protect what is ours by right, since we came to these wastelands and turned them into gold, sculpted in our image and likeness.

It was a hard second, like the calm before a storm, thunder was what we expected, what fools we were.

=====Flash Back A few hours ago====

We were about to celebrate the day of Thurim and give way to spring, until a messenger crow arrived, warning us that not long ago a "Dragon" was seen in the distance, only that every time we managed to make contact it fled and did not attack as planned.

The festival in addition to the activities mentioned above, had a more specific purpose, to celebrate the discovery of the ark stone, a very strange and unusual magical stone, which was sent to my father King Thraim, who felt something strange inside, just to see the stone, ordered to modify the throne room to house such a luxurious stone, which under his feet was the treasure room several meters deep.

Since then my father has not lost the ark stone for a second, then I have been in charge of running Erebor since then, although it would be the day of the announcement.

If it were not for Balin who with his spyglass spotted a shadow accompanied by a smoke behind it, as if a predator was approaching its prey, ostensibly confident in this first hunter.

When he told me about such a thing, I didn't doubt his words for a second, but I questioned what my father would do as I didn't trust him very much.

=== You can make out a great throne, whose aisle was egg with a row per side filled with gigantic stone dwarves with axes looking highly sharp and intimidating, in the center of it is the throne of the current King of Erebor, Thraim, son of the legendary Thórn. ====

Thorin: Father, I have important news, Balan has managed to spot a shadow in the distance, it is accompanied by smoke behind it, we must warn the city and evacuate all our brothers who do not have the ability to protect themselves.

Thraim: Let fire burn, summon all the legions of soldiers we have in service or reserve, let every Son of Thurim fight for this mountain, I will not let him take my stone!!!!

Thorin: (did he say "my stone", will it be related to the ark stone or "stone" referring to erebor), Father....

Thraim: let it be said no more prepare the legions!!!, that city is already doomed.

====End Of Flash Back====

From that moment on he locked himself in the treasure chamber, leaving the defense to me, he took with him some citizens and a few soldiers to protect him and the citizens who could not really fight.

** Boom,..... PUM..... PUM!!!!, **

Thorin: Listen to me Sons of Thurim!!!, I your prince Thorin will lead you to victory against the evil that lurks behind the entrance to erebor, our home, now I ask you.

** He stands in front of everyone**.


. - Will you give your sword for our home?

All in unison shouted with excitement and euphoria at my speech, for whatever is behind those gates will come for us and will want to take our home from us.

I turn to see the doors about to fall, something strange in the air tells me that whatever is outside, if it had wanted to break down the door, it would have done it without hesitation.


===End of chapter 1====

Hello gentlemen, I am the writer of this story, here is the complete chapter, soon I will publish the second one, I hope you like this new initiative of mine. May the force be with you and without more to say, see you in the next life.

ZERO_GTcreators' thoughts