
HOTD: Surviving Uzumaki Style

High school was already a challenge, now he had to deal with a zombie apocalypse, one in which he would have to give it his all, although that didn't mean he couldn't have fun in the process. . . . . . . . Traslation to English

pOtOtO53 · 漫画同人
79 Chs

Chapter 068

"I will drive!" Shizuka immediately offered, not wanting to let the boys go alone, especially the blonde, "Maybe he doesn't know how to use a weapon, but a team always has to have a doctor, it's something basic."

"Right! Well take everything guys, we're not going in five-"

"Shut up Uzumaki! I already told you I hate how much you act like a generic hero!"

"Hey, that offends, I consider myself more of an Anti-hero"

"Just...shut up" Saya muttered, already feeling the need to put her hands around his neck.

"Do you really want to go out there again?" For his part, Takashi looked in disbelief at the boy and the others, who seemed to agree with him.

"Why not? We are comrades"

"Thank you very much" Rei thanked everyone with a smile, she was glad to have met these people at the worst time in human history.

Before they could continue with their plan, everyone in the room heard the sound of engines, all walking to the balcony, where they saw the entry of dozens of black armored vehicles.

"Wow, Saya-san, father must be really powerful to be able to achieve this... Your mother too" Yuuki admitted that he always thought that rich people would be the people who would lock themselves in their mansions and let others die.

But surprisingly they were helping the few survivors there were to take shelter with them.

"Yes! They're pretty amazing! I used to be proud of that, being able to do all this in one day. But... Even then I couldn't..."

"Did I miss something?" Naruto didn't understand why the girl seemed so upset, more than usual, "What's wrong with you?"

"Shut up! I know I should be happy, they could tell something was wrong, they could take action and protect everyone they could. But what about their daughter? They just pushed it aside. They don't even care how I feel - "

"Maybe they knew you would be fine" Naruto could understand at some point what she meant, the feeling of knowing that her parents went to more trouble to build a fortress to withstand the apocalypse than to go find their own daughter.

That sounded ugly now that I thought about it.

"They knew it and they still didn't give a shit about me!"

Seako had to raise her arm to prevent Takashi from lunging at the Takagi. She wouldn't blame him for doing so, the girl's way of acting left a lot to be desired to call herself a mature genius.

Although she was a teenager at the end of the day.

"What now? Are you just going to complain like you always do?"

"..." that question from the Uzumaki made the girl look at her with almost hatred, "How dare you-"

"You are at home, you have your parents, you are in a fortress here, you have so many things to be thankful for, more than any of us could have, you are lucky, others are not, get over it"





Many of those who were there would have thought that the girl would explode in rage knowing her temperature, instead they only saw her lower her head to take off her glasses and pinch the bridge of her nose, apparently struggling to maintain her composure.

"I'm sorry..." she put her glasses back on and gave an apologetic look at the other teenagers who still had their families who knows where, not knowing if they were alive or dead, or worse yet, turned into one of those things, "It was childish of me, I'm sorry guys"

The rest of the group told him there was a problem, making things calmer in the room.

The girl took a deep breath, trying to keep holding back, she felt as embarrassed as she was angry at herself for her outburst, which made small tears accumulate in her eyes.

She blinked when she saw a pink scarf near her face, hesitantly she looked at Naruto giving her a soft smile with a scarf, which she had to reluctantly take.


"It doesn't matter"

"What are you doing with a pink handkerchief?"

"Your mother gave it to me, she said I would need it for you"

Saya had to smile, her mother knew her too well.


Shizuka walked nervously through the hallways of the mansion, it was almost midnight, and she had to go to Busujima's room to talk about how her intentions with the Uzumaki were good.

She loved him, and although she knew that Naruto possibly liked the girl with the sword more, she still had the intention of fighting for him.

Not physically obviously, Seako was going to smash him into pieces with her sword, so he could only show Naruto that she had a lot more to give to that brat .

After all, he had a great body and knew how to use it.

More sure of herself, she walked upright to the room and knocked on the door.


Immediately she entered the room and the aroma in the air was like a slap to her face, which made her remain silent when her ears caught the subtle sound of the bed squeaking.

"…!" Shizuka froze at what she was seeing.





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