
HOTD- Family above All

This is a House of the dragon Fan-fiction. MC would be reborn in Planetos with a system. The pace would be not too fast and not too slow. He will gain power in this world silently. Even though he would be OP in this world sense, he would not outwardly show his powers to opress. He will be a shadow player in this game of thrones. If you are looking for aggressive MC. this is not for you. Yes, MC will have a system but that is only used for his gain, he wouldn't be it's slave. You will know as you read the story -----

Vencha · 作品衍生
22 Chs

Changing Heirs

<Aethan POV>

1 month later.

After claiming Vermithor, me and my partner had few more rides. Silverwing joined occasionally. Now everyone knows that I have claimed the largest dragon alive. I spent couple of days in Dragonstone and came back to king's landing.

On the day of my returning, I have asked my men to scour through the city and fleabottom to gather men who are above 17 and below 25 to join my gaurds. I promised them the same salary as my current guards and honor. For the next 15 days the search was continued. When the count reached 500, I asked my men to stop.

After taking their oaths I have added them to party and asked them to tran in all 3 skills of swordsmanship, Horseriding and Archery. I intend to create a division of gaurds who are also skilled in Spearmanship.

After all of this was in order I continued to train my magic. I have started to train my magic on the second day I came back to kingslanding. I was able to manipulate fire and air naturally. Water with some effort. Earth took bit of time but all I was able to do was move a stone from one place to another. So, I started to concentrate and gain expertise in fire and air magic. During these 15 days I was able to create fire the size of human head and able to manipulate it. I shooting power of my fire ball left only a scorch on a tree. Air mastery is much easier as I was able to train in it constantly. Initially I was only able to move some air around, later I was able to push some things with it. I have created an air blast spell. I want to have good control on the magic before moving onto some lethal spells that I have thought of before.

Having 2xDiamond level talent and almost never exhausting magic due to its quick recovery has made my training much easier. The learning which usually takes months to others only took few days for me.

All my training was on a small desolate Island that I found near to the boarder of Stromlands and Crownlands. It takes only half hour on dragonback to get there.

Sometimes I went to meet Rhaenyra and Alicent with my siblings to spend time with her. This made her to overcome the grief much faster. She proposed dragon race which I gladly accepted.

Speaking of which, now both Vermithor and silverwing are now staying in my subspace. It is spacious enough. Have trees large lake grassy land and sky. I can summon them from anywhere I can see. I usually summon them 1 km above the ground to make it seem like they are flying back to me to a normal person's eye.

Days went by as usual. Morning training with spear so that I can add a new skill. Afternoon to evening reading books or magic practice. Evening spending time with family.

During those days, a piece of news was shared during our evening supper by my Father to my mother while we siblings just listened.

<flashback >

"Small council has been urging to name the heir to the iron throne since we got back from dragonstone. Otto was adamant about removing Daemon as Heir to the throne. I was initially supportive to prince Daemon, but as the discussion went on I saw that none had anything good to add about him and even proposed Princess Rhaenyra to be an heir, I proposed you named and mentioned how you already have a male heir. The meeting didn't end well as the king was very angry and said these exact words, 'I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpses!'" My father said as he recounted the small council events during the past few days.

"Small council should spare him some time for this. My cousin is grieving. And husband, as I mentiond many times earlier, I have made my peace I do not want the throne. I now have all I need." My mother said.

"You are the only child of Jaehaerys' eldest son. You have a strong claim." My father said. *sigh* "Leave it." And he continued

"Prince daemon had celebration 2 days ago and styled the late Prince Baelon 'An Heir for a Day'. Otto used this reason and incited already bereft king to take action on prince Daemon. He is now banished to Runestone to stay with his Ladywife. And removed him as his heir. The king has now decided to name Princess Rhaenyra as the heir to the Iron throne. The swearing ceremony would take place a moon later all the lords of the realm are to attend it. A missive has been sent by Mellos throught the realm."

<flashback-end >

For the next one month I have continued my routine and made some progress in spearmanship and magic.

In this past month I met up with Rhaenyra several times. We have spent some time together, just chatting on some nonsense topics or on our daily life, in either red keep or in the sky.

The spearmanship had finally made an entry in my skill list along with fire magic and air magic. Tomorrow is the swearing ceremony.

The next day.

The coutroom in the redkeep is filled with lords and their heirs of the seven kingdoms. All the lords have arrived at king's landing in a moon's time. Even the Starks have arrived with their Leal houses.

The king was already sitting on his throne with ancestral sword Blackfyre in his right hand. I noticed his left hand finger seem to have been hurt. Soon Rhaenyra came to the throne room with kingsguard in tow and stood under the Iron throne with a stoic face.. The king stood up and nodded at GrandMaester Mellos.

He came forward and read the name of the lord and the house. He started with Crownlands. First to call upon was my house as we are having close relationship.

"Corlys of House Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark." Mellos announced.

My father with me in Tow went forward and knelt on one knee in front of Iron throne.

"I, Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new." My father gave his oath.

"I, Aethan Velaryon, Heir to Lord of the Tides and Driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new." I followed.

"And I, Viserys Targaryen, First of his name, King of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, hereby vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth, and meat and mead at my table. And I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New. Arise." King Viserys said accepting the oath.

Rhaenyra followed after her father. We stood up and I discreetly winked at her. And she gave a beautiful smile breaking away from the stoic face that she had now.

The oaths went on for a good part of the day. A feast was arrange by the King for the next 3 days. Soon everyone left the city for their own lands. That includes me and my family.