


Axel's P.O.V.

The tires of my car screech as I quickly press on the breaks in front of Sophie's gynecologist. Ever since she told me about being pregnant I've been out of my mind worried about it. What if those fuckers actually hurt her or the baby? We have no other way of knowing except having her gynecologist check everything and the faster it's done, the better.

It's quite fucked up, but I'm kind of excited for this baby and it'd hurt like a bitch if we lost it. The image of having her and a baby with me in London to wake up to everyday has settled in my mind and I'll do anything to make it come true; I can't fucking lose it now.

Through all the ups and downs we've had, through all the fights and break-ups, I just know that this time we'll stick together. If not for each other, we'll do it for the baby.