
Hope Of Azalea - Reign Of The Shadows

Duty calls for Kyro when a mysterious shadow figure, proclaiming to be from a cult called Sky Guardian Cult, causes a disturbance in Base Zero. An objective must be secured for Kyro whilst finding the truth of his partner's death. As the objective gets out of hand due to the massacre, he had to resort help from a Dark Arts master to enhance his skills in order to become the protector of Azalea City, but the real problem in his life, is the 'curse' of losing his partners. Will he overcome this curse and protect Azalea? Will he recover from his guilt? No one knows, but Kyro himself has the true answer.

JulianHao · 奇幻
6 Chs

The Ring of Fire

The night has fallen after an exhausting day of extracting information. The staffs from the morning shift had checked out and ready to head home, oblivious about the dire situation Base Zero is in. Kyro, who is in the morning shift made an exception for himself to stay behind and figure things out before the strike of the cult mentioned. Kyro had a few things in his mind, which one of it is to warn Claire about the trap. Next he had to figure out whether the Frederics will arrive tomorrow or not. If so, they have to change the course of the arrival. Kyro suspects that the plan might backfire. He could have leave Azalea City to prevent a massive destruction, but Raz entrusted him as the defender of Azalea City, leaving the city would mean treason. Without any further ado, Kyro left the building towards the shelter to warn Claire about the situation.


Upon arrival he immediately went to the guard stand.

"Hi, I am here to meet Claire."

"Visiting time is over. Come back tomorrow."

"No, this is urgent. I am with the APD."

Kyro shows his ID card to prove that he is part of the APD. The guard analyzes it, but then he took a paper out.

"From what I can see here. Claire is no longer a resident of this shelter. She claims to have a house now."

"Impossible. How did she..."

"It is indeed, by the order of Mr Grey, she left just like that. I am not sure why, but something is off when she left. Her eyes, looks like she is up to something."

When Kyro heard that, he knew immediately that Claire wanted to do this all by herself.

"Her eyes? Do you suspect anything about her?"

"The only thing I am concerned is her intentions. I am not sure what it is, but it doesn't seem like good news with her eyes as such. The eyes never lie you know."

"Do you have any info on her whereabouts? Perhaps her last message will do so."

"Hmmm, no. At least if I am not mistaken."

Kyro had one last option which is to speak to the person permitting her leave.

"Is Mr. Grey available? I need to have a word with him."

"Let me check."

The guard went to the phone and contacted Mr Grey about Kyro. Kyro stood aside as he watched conversation and try to get a glimpse about what they are talking about.

"Sorry, but Mr Grey is not expecting visitors at this hour. He is available at 7 in the morning."

"It's all right, I will see him tomorrow. Oh by the way, is there a person named Kent on the list. He said he wanted to seek shelter before he moved in to his newly built house."

"Let me check."

The guard once again checked the list for the said name and unfortunately couldn't find such name.

"I am sorry, the name isn't-"

Just like that, Kyro disappeared. Unknown to the guard, Kyro had found an alternative access to the shelter which is an underground bunker. He managed to picked the lock using his gadget and broke into the place. He then walks into the darkness to access Mr Gray's office. As soon as he arrived, the door to the office is fortunately left ajar. When he entered, the door suddenly is shut and locked, but there is no sound coming out of it. Suddenly a voice came out from a shadow silhouette near the window.

"I told you. 7 in the morning right? And you broke in to here without any feeling of remorse?"

The silhouette is Mr Grey. Kyro did not expect him to find out like this.

"The situation is urgent. I need to talk to you about Claire. She is important."

"I thought she isn't any fugitive. She left anyway. The guard must have told you about her."

"I need to know where she goes. I need to warn her about something."

"You are concerned about the cult, right? Don't worry. She told me everything."

Kyro is concerned that Mr Grey knew about it. He does not want any innocent life being involved in a threat between a cult and a clan.

"Just so you know, you should not get involved. This is between me and Claire."

"Don't be naive and stupid, Kyro. Azalea City is our place to live. Is it wrong for me to protect it? Or perhaps you wanted something else. Revenge perhaps?"

"Revenge? Well the cult have something to do with us, so that is technically correct."

"As for Claire, I sent her to an important task. The family will arrive tomorrow, right? She will help you, in case you backfired. I heard about the letter, and I have warned her about it. I know you constructed a plan, but have you ever thought of not achieving it?"

"Thanks for the help. But I am trying not to backfire it."

"Well you kinda just did. To warn her about the cult. But where is she?"

Kyro couldn't deny the fact that his objective is backfired. He is thankful that Mr Grey had warned her about the letter. But that is only the beginning. He had other objectives such as tracing the cult and Claire.

"But then Mr Grey, I need to know where she is currently."

"Too bad. I value privacy more than anything."

"Please. Our organization is in dire situation. Claire needs to know more about it."

"She had known everything that is needed to know, Kyro. Now get out before things escalate for the worst."

Mr Grey suddenly had an aggressive tone of speaking. Kyro on the other hand couldn't do anything but to act alone to protect the family. But then Claire is the clue. Although he did interrogate her that morning, the clues are far from enough. Kyro had to leave the place without anything. But then, before Kyro left the room, Mr Grey changes Kyro's perspective on things.

"Before you leave, the transit is arriving at Barren Force. That's all to relieve your stress. Now get out."


The name Barren Force is familiar to Kyro as if he had heard that name before.

"Barren Force? Transit?"

Kyro is trying to connect the dots between the two events. Upon visualizing the scenario on how this two connects, he finally got it. He immediately knew that the transit means an aircraft, because Barren Force is a land where land vehicles will have a huge difficulty travelling on it, because of the rocky road. He remembered what is Barren Force because that place is out of the map for over 15 years.

"I think I know how this work. Claire, I hope I can count on you."

Kyro inspired himself by constantly monologing to keep informed on his ideas. He went back to the HQ to do intense review on his ideas and formulate a plan. After quite some time, he is ready to present to general.

"Just you wait, Sky Guardian. I will foil your plans."


The morning has arrived and it is finally the day to find out who is behind this notorious cult. Somewhere in the skies, appears an old commercial private jet used by the Frederics. They believe they will remain undetected under the modern radar of the world.

"Your Highness, we are approaching the Barren Force."

"Since we are here, is there a way to trace the person sending this location."

"There appears to be no similar signals emitted nearby."

The night before, the princess receive a coordinate to the Barren Force from someone unknown. She believed it to be Base Zero but upon investigating it, it is traced back to a normal satellite.

"I hope this is a right place. Whoever that sent it, hopefully it is a working strategy."

Just when the princess is sightseeing, a sudden intense beep coming from the flight control panels.

"There is something like a missile on our tail. We are locked on!!!"

The "missile" hit the right engine causing the plane to tilt. The pilots instructed the princess to seek cover. Just as they did so, another "missile" hit the other side of the engine causing the plane to be in flames and glided downwards.

"Your Highness, protect the artifact!!!!"

The princess hold onto the artifact as if her life depends on it. Finally after efforts trying to bring the plane back to its original course, it crash landed on the Barren Force. Killing everyone on board except the princess. The plane is engulfed in flames and the princess crawl out of the plane with her injured arm. A voice as if it is from the depth of the earth, calls out the princess.

"For months, I have been trying to catch you, but you just never cooperate. After all that failed attempts, I finally caught up to you, Your Highness!"

The princess shuddered with horror as the figure reveals itself after a long time. The Sky Guardian Cult leader had shown itself.

"You.... won't take.....the artifact!!"

"I will spare you if you give it to me!"

The figure kicks the princess on the stomach causing her to cough up some blood.

"Last chance, princess. Or die!"


The figure landed his next kick onto the princess's head causing some trauma on her head. The princess screams in agony from all the pain she received.

"Princess. I am not asking. Do not think that your royal status is going to save you. You really think they will save you? They have fallen into my trap. Do not DARE TO CHALLENGE ME!!!!! GIVE ME THE ARTIFACT!!!!"


The enraged figure forms a sword with his hands and immediately aimed for her head. As the blade is closing into the neck of the princess, a loud bang came out of nowhere and strikes the figure on the chest, stunning the figure at once and destroy part of the armor. An elegant voice came out from a distance, emerges a soldier from his hiding spot with his red coat while holding a gun to the shadow figure.

"You really think you have won, Sky Guardian? We have foreseen your plans.

Kyro made the shot towards the figure while leading an infantry to battle against the figure. Suddenly the a beeping sound came from the crashed plane. It turns out, the signal which the princess is searching for had been nearby all along. The princess felt a slight relieve after finding that out. She immediately screamed for help.

"Princess! We are here to save you! Brace yourself."

Infantry units have been sent out to rescue the princess while Kyro kept shooting the figure with his anti tank weapon one by one until the figure eventually loses his armor. But all that efforts is only to hold back the figure. Killing it is the next problem, which there isn't any plan regarding it.


*Moments before the fight* (Kyro)

After major brainstorming, Kyro arrived at Raz's office at the promised time hoping to present his formidable plans to Raz.

"General, I have the perfect plan! You might like it."

Raz currently staring at the window looks at Kyro as if he isn't aware of Kyro's arrival.

"Oh, Kyro. I have been waiting for you."

"Are you okay?? It seems like you are out of place."

"Don't worry! I had not enough sleep last night. Worrying about our base."

Kyro began to present his ideas roughly for Raz to understand.

"General! Here is my formidable plan. I had received intel from a certain someone that the family will arrive at Barren Force. A logic made to be at the airport was simply a diversion. Someone, perhaps from the cult had sent location so the princess will arrive at Barren Force. So the plan is, we ambush from there, we will hide there and wait for his arrival and the rest is impromptu."

Raz thought for a moment as he tries to understand the plans.

"Superb plan! I know I could rely on you. You are the best. I will arrange your units and save the princess at once!"

Kyro agreed, but something inside his heart doesn't seem to be right. He wonders, why is Raz praising him a lot. As far as that goes, he never compliment to this far. Kyro thought to himself that Raz might be a bit drowsy from his lack of sleep and ignored what had happened. He then proceeds with the plan and goes to Barren Force


*Moments before the fight* (Claire)

After gathering enough information about Claire and her relations with the cult, Kyro made his way back to the headquarters to further his investigations. Claire on the other hand remains at the gazebo wondering how that photo manage to end up to Base Zero. At a distance, Mr Grey saw Claire seating alone there and decided to call over Claire.

"Claire! I have something to talk to you about."

"Is it time for it?"

The tone and facial expression of Mr Grey suddenly changes

"Yes! They are here. Now it is your turn!"

The two of them went to Mr Grey's office to hold the discussion in private and not letting anyone eavesdropping on them.

"Claire! I called you over for that cult matter. About the photo, I sent it to Base Zero, hoping Kyro will get a hold of it, which it did. That photo was a manifestation of advance Dark Arts that I have no knowledge about. I got it from the photographer who took that photo."

"That photographer, was part of the clan?"

"Unfortunately, he got killed first, leaving you the only one in the clan to fight back. But don't worry about that. I have something for you."

Mr Grey took out the letter from his belonging and presented it to Claire

"You are aware that this letter is fake isn't it?"

"Yes! The princess never write such bad grammar."

"This letter is only a diversion to the airport. They expect Base Zero to arrive there. But the signal is diverted to Barren Force, based on the map. If I am the enemy, why not I choose an open space right?"

Claire watches in amusement of Mr Grey's intelligence deciphering the contents of the letter.

"So what should I do??"

"Simple! You send a signal far away from the actual flight path which is this line. Divert it away from the line that but keep the transit in Barren Force. Kyro should be there waiting, knowing how he usually acts. The plane will arrive at 9.30 am tomorrow. We should not alert the enemy."

Claire graciously accepted the offer and plan for her departure at night

"Before I leave, who are you actually, Mr Grey?"

Mr Grey looks at Claire and smirks at her, hoping to tell her who he really is. After the short silence, he responded.

"My name is....."