
9 Man I Love Frogs

[Mount Justice, Happy Harbour August 3 2010]

- -3rd POV- -

The swelting summer heat though while tolerable was just as equally unpleasant as the unassigned missions for days on end

Those along with soft buzz of mosquitoes and other vile insects swooping over head - who made it their job to ruin the innocents of Happy Harbours day - forced the group of teen heroes to retreat the safe haven known as the air conditioned base.

This only succeeded in emphasising the heroes misery, with unending boredom that permeated through the base, only allowing the overarching emotion to be satiated with the entertainment the tv offered.

But that happiness soon came to an end as well when a certain white haired hero turned it off with a mischievous grin.

"Heyyy what'd you do that for!" Wally said from his lounge chair on the far right. He turned to Gojo with a scowl present on his face though his expression soon turned to that of surprise once he noted Gojos clothing

Satoru had a plain white t-shirt on with light blue tracksuit bottoms and a navy hoodie strapped along his waist. He also wore a very flamboyant pair off red sneakers that caught the eye.

[A/N* I based this off Jin Moris if anyone was wondering*]

All that along with his signature pair of black shades only accentuated his more attractive qualities.

"…new clothes?" Robin asked after standing up and looking at him

"Yeah Robin's sugarda- I mean, my very kind role model hero lent me some cash to go shopping," Gojo answered, making sure no one heard the first bit, "sooo what you guys doing lounging around on a beautiful day like this?" 

He peered over to the rest of the team - M'gann and Superboy - who also were slouching around, fixated on the tv until Satoru came in

'Well M'gann may have been more fixated on something else," Gojo mentally nodded at himself, whilst he silently watched M'gann take good king stares at Superboys body before turning around, blushing and then continuing the cycle once more

"What do you expect us to do? It's too hot outside and Tornado hasn't come by to assign a mission?" Robin groaned just thinking about it.

"~Tsk tsk to think all of you were this boring!~" Gojo exclaimed, pacing around the lounge in fever, "There's only one thing you can do my students and luckily for you I have just the thing."

At this point, Satoru's ramblings had peaked the interest of all team members which forced them to turn and wait patiently for him to announce it

"Drumroll please," He turned towards them a wide grin that cracked open his face to reveal glistening white pearls

M'gann excitedly drum rolled while the rest of them stared but after a few seconds, Gojo hushed the crowd with a signal

He comically raised his hand high up displaying the mythical item - UNO

"Uno? Seriously dude?" Wally questioned with a puzzled expression decorated on his face.

"Seriously," Satoru responded with a serious expression, "~Wanna play or are you guys too scared you're gonna lose?~" He provoked them a sinister smirk

"oh? You're so down," Wally tried to snatch the deck from Gojo but due to the difference in height, Satoru simply raised it towards the ceiling above

"Not so fast," Gojo raised his glasses upwards like a four eyed anime guy to the point where a ray of laughter glistened the lenses making them glow white, "~we haven't decided on bet yet.~"

"Bet?" Robin and Wally asked

"Winner gets $20 from the loser who also has to... drink a whole cup of hot sauce," He answered

"Dude I don't know if you're just dumb or plain stupid to challenge the gaming master, Wally West baby!" Wally screamed in boastful voice

"Wally, you suck at UNO." Robin chimed in as he jumped off the couch, "Remember last month, you lost 5 times in a row against Kal."

"H-he was definitely cheating! Like how did he have a full deck of 4+s and the wildcard TWICE!" Wally quickly rebottled with a exasperated tone

"~Sounds like a skill issue but that's just me~," but before Wally could find another excuse, Gojo turned towards Robin and M'gann, "So you guys in?"

"Definitely," Robin answered, catching the deck Satoru threw at him and shuffling.

"S-sure but since I only recently came to Earth I don't know much about its culture and game," M'gann embarrassedly stated, "I also don't have any money since Uncle John said I'll be staying here and it is has all necessities I would need."

"Don't worry Megallicious, I'll show you the and mentor you into an UNO grandmaster," Wally flirtatiously declared, "oh? And on last part, you'll don't need to pay me - the winner - seeing your face everyday is enough for me."

"He really has a whole pack of these cheesy pickup lines ," Robin jokingly whispered to Gojo

"You think he practices them in the mirror every time he wakes up?" the white haired teen questioned in an equally quiet tone though still audible to the other two

"As someone who's known him for years, I don't think he he practices in the mirror - I KNOW he practices in the mirror when he wakes up." Robin answered causing Satoru to laugh

Wally's cheeks transformed from a healthy pink to a deep shade of scarlet, "I DON'T!" (he most definitely does)

The area become basked in a symphony of laughter and chuckles at Wally expense



--Gojo POV--

I slammed down my last card down on the pile of cards, "Boom! I win, PAY UP." I danced around the lounge area with fervour, clapping my hands as I did so in celebration

Kid Flash cried out in despair, helplessness evident on his face though no pity was felt from his tauter as I reached out my hand for my cash which he reluctantly pulled out from his back pocket

I snatched it from his hand before he could refuse and continued to worm my arms around - a smug smile mounting itself on my face like a trophy, "~Damn when Robin said you were trash at UNO, he was not kidding, like how can you lose so badly at a luck based game.

I could almost hold in the uproarious amount of laughter struggling to break free from the confines of my throat - almost. I hugged my stomach as my voice erupted in a mouthful of snickers

My gaze lingered slightly on his dump of cards that seemed to carry almost half of the pack before turning back to look at Kid Flash who was sulking.

"You really know how to tick a guy when he's down," Robin commented with a small chortle, after he went to go pat on the shoulder, "I told you Wal, you suck at UNO, you really shouldn't have played."

"Wow, you really know how to cheer a guy up," Wally stated sarcastically after he got up, "Whatever dude, I'm going out to grab some fo-." He began to say but felt a grip on his shoulder.

"*AHEM* Aren't you forgetting something?" I grabbed his shoulder, "~Trying to chicken your way out of here aren't ya?~"

'No way was I missing out on this,' the mini ME's all agreed in some profound understanding

"I-I was just getting to.... once I grabbed some food," Wally tried to lie through his teeth

"Then I'm sure you have time for a drink before you go," I replied and without a miss of beat, poured out a glass of it into a plastic red cup brought from the kitchen

"I'm good really," said Wally visbly sweating as I crept towards him with the cup

"Robin, permission to headlock your friend?" I requested in militaristic tone

"Permission granted, please I'm begging you" Robin jumped back onto the couch and watched

I reached out my hand and was about to use [Blue] to keep him still until I heard the familiar call from the zeta tubes as they announced the arrival Kaldur

"[Recognising...B-02 Aqualad]" With flash of light portrayed in a mirage of blue and grey, Kaldur's figure came to view, whilst he walked towards us

"Ah! Good. Except for Superboy who is currently in Metropolis, the four of you are all here," He spoke up but soon came to view the scene, " Am I... interrupting something." He commented once he saw me headlock Wally when he was distracted and pour the contents of the cup into his mouth

"~Nothing really,~" I said letting go of the now suffering Wally, "So what you need, leader?"

"Um...Batman has just informed me that Black Canary shall be arriving soon for our scheduled training sessions," He said curtly before going to speak some with Robin

"Cool," I gave up a thumbs up with a calm expression but internally I was fangirling, 'I'm finally meeting the main milf of this universe!

'And as a true man of culture *cough* it would be shameful of me not to enjoy the 'views'

I snapped out of my thoughts just as soon as another announcement from the zeta tubes came, "[Recognising 07 Martian Manhunter, 013 Black Canary and B-04 Superboy, ]"

The Rubenesque figure of a blonde woman descended down the tube's steps to face our group, accompanied by the all to familiar emerald skinned Martian before speaking, "Ready for training team?"

Her voice carried a subtle enchanting atmosphere in stark contrast to Wonder Woman's more gentle maternal approach.

'Not sure which one I like better,' I indecisively concluded

"Superboy? Black Canary? ..And Uncle J'onn?!" M'gann floated towards the entrance point and embraced Martian Manhunter in a tight hug

"M'gann. I've come by to say hi and observe how you are fairing in a new environment such as this," Manhunter spoke, his mellow voice somehow managing to soothe me with its gentleness

They continued to converse but my spirited mind made it an arduous task to pay attention so I walked over to Robin asking, "Soooo you know what we're doing for training, did Batman ever end up telling you?"

"All he did was say that Black Canary was going to be learning of our combat abilities, other than no." Robin responded

"Oh? Nothing interesting got it," I nodded half heartedly

"What's you mean nothing interesting?! We got a smoking hot babe teaching us, definitely sure that falls under interesting!" Wally interjected, clearly exasperated by my judgement

'He seems to have recovered quickly from the hot sauce if he's already oozing horny,' I chided internally, 'Must be the benefits of a fast recovery thanks to the speed force.

Now I know how Flash the quickest shot alive was able to keep going,' I hilariously laughed at my own joke

"Guess I gotta agree with you on that part," I chuckled a bit wondering how the hell did I agree with Wally on something

"Damn right you have to agree -" Wally smugly exclaimed but looked at me in confusion when I placed my hand on his shoulder with a dead serious expression, "W-what?"

"~Wonder Woman or Black Canary?~" I questioned, my face perfectly imitating the expression of aged chiselled rock sculpted by a God

"That's… a seriously hard question but if I had choose from looks - definitely would b-," His voice cut off by a sharp *ahem* which brought us down to Earth, and as if coercing us to turn around, we both robotically swivelled our head to face an annoyed Canary and a laughing Robin







…"It was Wally!" I announced and quickly clapped my hands, folding the delicate fabric of space, warping my body near the two Martians - unfortunately making the M'gann jump a little in surprise

"Hey! Don't abandon me," he screamed but all he found see was me looking at the base whistling as I did so.

"Oi! Don't group me in with the likes of you," I coldly spat an imaginary wad of spit before innocently looking at the ground

'Why is the floor looking so floorey all of a sudden?' I questioned with the utmost confusion as if I had unravelled the very secrets of the universe

"haaaah, follow me to the training area where we can get started," Black Canary sighed, before walking to the open area of the base

A electrical cylinder hung above coordinating the floor to illuminate in a whitish ambiance - a clear indicator the vast difference of technology one wouldn't expect in the late 2010

Whilst the floor began to encompass itself in the light in a neat circle - similar to the activation of a simple domain - Black Canary began to slide her iconic jacket off and throw it to the ground before wincing in [ain

Tightly wrapped bandages had snaked themselves around her right arm, a sign of how great the injury she had sustained from whatever battle she had just gotten involved with

"What happened?" Miss Martian asked, worry and sympathy portrayed in her voice

"The job," Canary answered in a brief one word sentence, "Now class is in session so let us begin.

"I consider myself honoured to be your teacher, to pass my knowledge and teachings gifted to me onto the new generation of heroes

Everything I've learnt from my own mentors and.... my own bruises," She paused allowing me to catch a glimpse of her eyes lingering on that nasty cut.

"Combat is about controlling the battlefield, putting the fight on your own terms - you should always be acting never reacting.

I'll need a sparring partner," She concluded, her gaze wondering around, looking for a volunteer

'While it would be fun to be first in line for the cutting board, I know damn well some idiot is going to serve himself up to get his ass b-'

"Right here!" Kid put his hand up, strolling towards Canary in a laid back manner.

'Here's our idiot - not to anyone's surprise,' I sneered waiting for the grand spectacle to unfold in front of my eyes

While Wally finished sauntering up to Canary with a face screaming 'punchable' he assumed a victorious smirk as if the battle that was about to take place was already won, "After this, I'll make sure to show my moves."

'Welp, it was nice knowing you Kid, you won't be forgotten,' I sent a silent prayer to my fallen comrade cause like the sect ancestors say, '...he's courting death.'

Canary soon swiftly used Kid's lack of awareness to sent a right hook targeted towards Kid's jaw but unfortunately Wally possessed as quick of a reflex one would expect from a speedster and blocked the strike however ironically he was too slow to realise Canary had crouched down to sweep him off his feet.

His fated collision with ground was not just destined but also painful, shown by the loud thump and groan echoing from Wally.

"argh... hurts so good," Wally moaned before being ultimately helped up by Canary

After ensuring Wally wasn't hurt too badly physically - mentally he's been humiliated - Canary turned to us and questioned, "Can anyone tell us what he did wrong?"

""Me!" Robin and I shouted out in childish glee

"Both of you can answer," Our teacher graciously allowed us too speak

"oh! He hit on teacher and got served,"

"~Talked to much and couldn't back it up,~" Robin and I playfully answered with innocent smiles slithering it's way onto our lips like a hentai tentacle

"Dudes!" Kid who was in the middle of cradling his aching arm, hissed at us

"He allowed me to dictate the terms o-," Canary began was cut off by a scoff sounding from the corner

We all turned to the person in question who happened to be Superboy, "With my powers, the battle is always on my terms - I guess you haven't noticed but I'm a living weapon and th-!"

"Pfffft please living weapon, don't casually forget the way I humbled you just a few weeks ago, " I pointed my index finger towards the side of my head, "~Or I guess you haven't noticed how weak you truly are compared to me~"

"YOU WANNA GO?!" He roared at me and bolted towards me

"If you're feeling lonely, go somewhere else by yourself," I made sure infinity was off so I could put this man on a shirt with just bare hands until-

"Stop!... the both of you!" Canary commanded causing both of us to lay down our arms and calm down

Canary sighed once more before turning to Superboy with and eyebrow raise, "So you think this is a waste of time? Prove it." She provoked him and like a CSM fan to a sweaty body pillow, he unhesitatedly took the bait

The floor was bathed in a pristine white, one which both took as a signal to begin since they soon took up stances,

Superboy charged at her with a straightforward enough punch - though a punch not to be underestimated due to the power he put behind it.

However, Canary (not to anyone's surprise) intercepted it with a move of her own. Using his own momentum flipped him over onto his backside in a successful imitation of one of Judo's iconic moves

Superboy, being not one to give up, stubbornly bounced back angrier than ever, and bolted at her

"You're angry, good. channel that anger," Her words hung and fell on deaf ears as Superboy's eyes were narrowed and bloodied with a torrent of unrelenting rage

So the blonde milf was able to block his punches with excellently timed blocks and a sweep him down to ground effortlessly

"hahah- ow!" Robins laugh quickly subsided after feeling the elbow to the ribs from Aqualad

Canary offered her hands as a sign of good sportsmanship but the pissed off Superboy merely slapped it away shouting in frustration, "That's it! I'm done. I quit!

"You can't just quit this class" Canary tried to argue 

"Well I am," he stubbornly responded 

'Sheesh if I didn't watch a show where he went through tonnes of character development, I would think his anger issues would definitely get him killed or someone else'

"You must speak with Batman if you believe you don't need to be here, but until then these classes are mandatory ," Canary commanded only to receive a prompt 'whatever' in return causing her to sigh, "haaaah, Satoru please step up."

'1 on 1 with a hot sweaty muscle mommy with thighs for days count me in," I thought internally not being callous enough to speak my mind of course, "Sweet."

I stepped up to the arena with a lax expression present on me, "Do I just charge in like a certain somebody or do I wait for you to come to me?" I asked

However instead of answered my question she simply raised an eyebrow, "After watching your friend over there get taken down or in a real life scenario killed due to being too careless. Are you sure you want to go down  that road?"

"Pretty sure and plus it ain't carelessness I just know I'm not going to lose," I shrugged, 'If I were to be honest, I'm of the same mind as Superboy that I believe there's no point of me being here in this training session,

My fighting capabilities while great can be made up by the superior stat difference cause of ce and infinity similar to how Ainz could make up for his trash swordsmanship with overall strength and speed

Which is definitely more than enough for a universe like this even if I don't have RCT or a domain. It's practically pitting a coughing baby against a hydrogen bo-.'

"I've read your file and would have to ask you turn off 'infinity' for these sessions?" She announced, as we practically circled each other in the ring. I nodded half heartedly, "Good. now to answer your question, I'll be coming-

to you!" She shot towards with ferocity, sending a kick to my side prompting me to tilt myself to the left and place a hand on her foot and throw a hook towards her 

She blocked the punch, pushing it to the side and leaving me with openings which she used to attempt a strike to the side of my ribs

My body instinctively reacted and twirled around her body and lowered my centre of gravity into a low jump kick - one you would most likely see in soccer - at her torso.

Shock evident on her face, she guarded her face by folding her arms into an 'X' position that ultimately blocked her line of sight giving me enough time to pivot myself on a steady arm and flip over like spring onto my feet to create some distance between the two of us

"Well that's a first," I muttered whilst I paused for a slight gasp for air, 'Clearly I'm not only surprised by this turn of events." My gaze wandering over to where the team stood and trailing back to Canary

--3rd POV--

"I could've done better," Wally grumbled in dismay, his words reciprocated a funny glare from Aqualad

Robin burst out laughing, "Yeah we saw that from the way you swept off your feet with no chance of a comeback."

"I keep on telling you, I was just demonstrating what not to do in this situation," Wally weaselled his way to a terrible excuse but Robin was definitely not buying it

"The both of you focus! This session may provide insight to your own martial prowess," Aqualad counselled with a stern face....

--Mc POV--

"Guess you're bark isn't worse than your bite," Canary mused, her body naturally flowing into another martial arts stance with visible ease and lack of hesitation.

Her mind analysing our first bout, down to the last detail

"Yeah you're not so bad yourself," I stretched my legs and arms, "~This will be quick~"

"Try me," Both of our desires clashed against one another like sparks flying whenever two swords collided in battle

I ran to her with impressive speed bringing my face close to her and delivered a palm strike to her face

Ducking out the way with a weave, she propelled her foot to my head once grain but again I blocked but this time she wasn't letting up

A quick succession of rapid blows was directed my way.

Punch after Punch. Kick after kick. I bided my time allowing myself to be put on the defensive until the moment I would wait to strike

'Now!' She performed a high ask kick i swiftly dodged but when he landed her foot and subconsciously allowed herself to be carried herself by the momentum

I grabbed her hand to use as a balance to spin around her and deliver a sweeping kick and knock her down where I then caught her back before she could hit the ground

"Seems like I won this one teac-!" She smirked before widening her mouth to activate her iconic scream, 'Wait she seriously isn't thinking of?!'

I went to cover her mouth with my free hand but before I could she suddenly snaked her way around my body and pinned me down.

Her hand restricting my right hand and her thighs wrapped nicely around my neck and head promising pain if there was resistance 

"Nice match," She smugly smiled.

"Yeah nice victory wooohoooo - now can you please loosen your grip on my arm," I frowned but inside, '-and tighten your grip on my head.'

'Did I ever mention how great life is?' My hormonal mind going into overdrive of thoughts that would definitely get me investigated for my 'weird' imaginations

"Sure thing," She uncoiled her constriction on me and patted my back, "You did performed well and reacted well to my little 'feint' so all in all just don't get too cocky ."

"Too late," Kid Flash shouted out 

"This coming from you Wally?" Robin nudged him at the irony 

Wally was about to continue the conversation until a cyan hologram screen realised itself to irradiate the room

'What a treat, it's-'

"Batman?" Robin questioned, a slight hint of anticipation ravelled within his words

"Batman to the cave. I have a mission....."


[A/N* The fanfic that releases chapter every blue moon is back with a decently sized chapter that I prolly could've pushed to 4000 words if I was more motivated and prolly will do it later in my coming Gojo vs Sukuna rant so be prepared

Anyway, by next week JJK Wednesday - Tuesday I'll probably be done but don't get your hopes up cause I may just go back into hiding until 2100

On an unrelated note if you haven't read the latest chapter skip...







.... Ok so Sukuna fans, the dedication you have to keep on coping and glazing for one - armed Peggy over here is actually quite impressive so I'll try not to hate on you guys

-Sike you really thought you were gonna catch a break, talk to me when Captain Hook, I mean Guts, sorry Shankskuna isn't hobbling his way to getting dunked on by Goatjo

He lost both his parents, arm, black air force energy contract and his dignity in one move while the true strongest looking down on him (how it was always meant to be) like he worthless.

Keep on coping Fraudkuna fans, and good night to all the good people on Gojo's side of the court

P.S if any Sukuna fans who wanna convert we accept you with open arms

See ya
