
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · 漫画同人
192 Chs

Visit 8

Kuro and the groups played the Blackjack for several rounds, and they entered the final round as the score goes:

Adona: 3

Okayu: 40

Mio: 7

Korone: -15

Okayu's luck was the most amazing. Once upon a time that she decided to bet the maximum points, then she double down'ed, although her final numbers was only 16 at that time, she was lucky that Kuro had a burst card which made her automatically wins.

As for Korone, she was pitiful. Although she won a few times, her lost was greater. As for Mio, her score was steady, as her bets were never too large.

The round began once again. Kuro, for the final round, drew 2 cards as a dealer, and got 20.

Then, he drew the cards to everyone trying to not look at the card which he gave them, as that will be cheating.

Before receiving the card, Adona betted: 3, Okayu betted: 10, Mio betted: 5, Korone betted: 10 as a result, their score became

Adona: 0

Okayu: 30

Mio: 2

Korone: -25

Korone's face was filled with despair because her lose was 99% sure. As she looked too pitiful, Kuro gave her a pitying eyes, as he cheered for her. "No one knows the result till' the end."

At the same time, Adona looked at Kuro suspiciously, which he gave her back the tilted face of confusion. "Hit"

Kuro responded slightly surprised. "Oh, sorry sorry."

Kuro gave her a card. "Ah, Kuro… me too… hit." Okayu said raising her hand a little bit.

After taking the card, Okayu let her face down in a disappointment.

For Mio's turn, she stayed on the spot without taking a card.

Now for the utmost importance players, the dog that will decides the person who receive the punishment. Dog God, Bread (Inugami Korone). Different from her personality which usually is the type that is cheerful and wreak havocs everywhere, this time she was rather calm.

But her voice was shaky. "D-double down…"

Surprisingly, she never took a look at the card and just laid it down to the table, unrevealed. Like that, she also put the rest of card on the table and waited for the round to end and everyone reveals the card.

"Everyone, ready?" Kuro confirmed everyone, which they gave their nods of approval.

Kuro then, revealed his card, throwing it at the middle of crude table showing the numbers of 20.

Giving a creeped look at his absurdly high numbers, everyone revealed their card.


Ayame and Soujin returned inside the tree house where everyone was in. At that time, the blackjack has already ended.

Ayame was no longer in her 'special state' caused from her emotion explosion. Moreover, due to her embarrassment, she was hiding behind her dad's leg—cute… flowed through Kuro's mind.

"Welcome, Soujin-san." Kuro was the first one to greet him, while Ayame behind Soujin's leg, was puffing her face for some reason.

"What were ywou~ twalking abwout… nya~?" Adona said in weird accents, her quiet impression from before, long since changed.

"I'd rather not talk to you… huh? What is that way of talking? You're cuter than before." It took a little time for Soujin to notice the differences, and he flirted with her like Kuro and the group was an air.

"Shut up, nya~. It's nyot of your problem, nya~…" Adona seemed pissed to her husband's compliments, though.

"Kuro… so amazing!" At the side, Mio silently complimented Kuro. It was him that caused Adona to be like this. For some reason, Korone whose score at blackjack at -35, somehow managed to turn the situation and won against not only Adona, but also Mio.

As the result, Adona who have 2 less score than Mio who has 3 less score than Korone—Adona became the last place, which she received the penalty. And one of her penalty was this: change her way of speaking for a week.

"By nya way, Mio-chan asked if you gave her the permission to come to this place at her will, nya~." Adona asked. This was the penalty Mio thought of.

"Hmm, alright! Permission given." Soujin grinned widely to Kuro, then to Mio.

"Kuro, wanna be my discip-" Soujin stopped his word, then changed his sentences.

"Come to my country anytime you wanna. Although it's not written in the map, Ayame knows where it is." Soujin looked at his leg, then pushed Ayame so that she won't hide anymore.

"Then, we're going back. Mio, you wanna stay here?" It seems Soujin decided to leave this place quicker than Kuro thought.

"It's bad for the king be outside his country a long time, for no reason." Soujin said his reasons for sudden departure.

"Ah…no. I'll go back with you, Soujin-san." Mio thought for a while, before refusing his question and decides to go back with them.

"Ou! Say hello to Arin in my stead too, since she have been disappeared for too long. Although I don't know where she is, nor can see her, I can feel her presences." Waving his hand toward Kuro, Soujin showed his back as the 3 disappeared.

'What? Arin-san was here? For what reason? Is it for Shion-chan?' Kuro felt surprised at Soujin's statement. He didn't even know that someone was near here, secretly watching them.

Now that Soujin, Adona and Mio was gone, two figures has began to appear more clearly—adult and children. "Finally. The annoying guy is gone."

There laid a witch which was complaining while sighing. And the children in witch dresses, looking excitedly at the outside world. "Were you lonely, Kur-…"

The children opened her mouth, but soon closed her mouth as she spotted 1, 2… 3 girls around him. The sound of her silently disappeared, as she quietened. But Kuro seems to not ignore her as she went toward her and grabs her hand.

"Shion-chan!! I missed you! Ah, Arin-san welcome to tree house. I'll prepare you a tea, please sit down." Kuro's body moved at lightning speed, as he cleared out the card, and cleaned the sit, as he went to the kitchen, took a cup, and put a leaf on the water surface.

When Kuro got back at the living room, Shion, Ayame and Okayu was having a stare-down. Kuro decided to ignore them as he lay down the cup in front of Arin and she tasted it. "Delici… it's plain water…"

The liquid had no color, and it was still invisible, the only differences it had was the leaf on the water surface, which is annoying as it touch the lip when someone try to drank the water. It's a insult to call this a tea. "Well… it's a random leaf I plucked off the branch…"

"You brat…" vein appeared on Arin's forehead, but surprisingly, she still drank all the water.

"Whatever. I came here because my daughter insist me to play with you. Entertain her… never mind, it seem that it was unneeded request." Arin looked at her daughter, being all-friendly with Okayu.

"So, your name is Okayu! Nice chumeet you, I am Shion! I am your leader from now on!" Although her mindset right now didn't make sense to Kuro, explaining it was very easy.

Shion admires Kuro. There's 3 child here which is clearly Kuro's friend. If she became friend with Kuro's friend, she'll get more information from them, and she can become closer friend with Kuro.

As a cheeky brat she is, she thought if she become their leader, she'll become the person with the closest relation with Kuro if she's the leader of this group. So, she thought to conquer Okayu, Korone, and Ayame first.

As a children the two (dog and cat) was, they agreed, without understanding the gist of the discuss. As for Ayame, she didn't think too much about her being 'leader' too much so she just agreed. She thought it was winderful to have a friend.

"By the way, interested in playing card game?" Kuro showed a devilish smile, while dragging the innocent victim to his game of darkness.


1,300 words.

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