
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · 漫画同人
192 Chs

My (Author’s) Plan Basically All Forgotten

Misunderstanding can occur to anyone. That is including a person who can read minds. That pink-haired girl is the proof of it.

Worse, even if the exact thought weren't so, 17's personality is the type that thinks of the worst possible at first, rather than the hopeful, bright possibility.

Whilst the two were distracted, they failed to notice the regaining flesh of the mermaid.

The scattered flesh underwater slowly, but surely moved and formed one single body.

From its stomach, a navel formed out, and as time passed, the flesh climbed up. At some point, the flesh curved circular as two small hill formed out.

After a small mouth was formed on her adorable face she finally rushed out at great speed, giving the two no time to react.

Under the water, the mermaid's true movement speed far surpassed Kuro who walked the lands. It was a wonder why the mermaid didn't use this movement advantage when she was being controlled by the parasites.

Even 17 wouldn't think of a person(?) whom he blasted from inside, to survive and go straight to him. Just as he prepared for an attack, rather than taking a blow, his body was locked onto.

Just as a hundred possibilities of attacking him whilst locked onto his body crossed 17's mind, he didn't expect for the mermaid to rub her face against him.

"@*%/#;'2 Love @)%!}" a high-pitched voice rang out in the ocean.

'A language which I haven't learned?' 17 thoughts within himself and continued 'but going from the way it sounds, it must be from a Manafic branch.'

The most interesting thing about this minor language was that the sound wave traveled without being interpreted by the waters.

'Either way, a minor language is still hard to understand without learning that language itself.' Thinking inwardly, Kuro came up with a sentence.

"Decline! (Manafic)" 17 declined her in the shortest sentence.

17 hasn't noticed it before since he was distracted by assassinating her, but the mermaid in front of him was adorable although it's just 17's opinion, the mermaid in front of him hit all the three's preferences on girls.

Small breast? Yes!

Long hair? Yes!

Slender body? Yes!

Non-oversized thighs? I don't know! Because she doesn't have her lower parts.

'Heh, lustful men (1%)' a single comment was made from tiny shards of a soul of someone.

The mermaid seemingly adjusted to 17 as she began speaking in Manafic languages rather than the minor Manafic languages she was speaking in.

"Noo~! I decline your decline!" The mermaid said while throwing tantrum like a child!

"Human! When you get older, breed with me! Let's make a ton of babies!" the mermaid said.

'How old is she?' 17 thoughts inwardly. It may be weird but, 17 thought that this mermaid was similar to Okayu but more aggressive.

He even doubted that the mermaid was but a disguise of Okayu since she was good at that kind of magic but he discarded such thought.

17 suddenly felt lazy and swore to himself. 'If I had my own life, I'm going to stay off of women. They're a pain in the ass.'

Just as he thought this, Kuro formed a portal between them, and entering inside it was Ayame.

"Kuro, are you okay!?" Ayame shouted.

Ayame unusually panicked as she hastily took the two apart.

"Well, I'm out of mana so the two of you deal with this problem." 17 said, making sure not to say what this problem was about.

"Ah... Human, wait!" the mermaid called out 17 and swiftly rushed to his side.

The speed at which she traveled was so fast yet, nimble that she casually ignored the angry Oni, dodging Ayame's attack without much effort.

Before Kuro even managed to complete the portal back to the bridge, the mermaid reached to his side and gently laid her hand on his cheeks.

She slowly pulled it and her drawing force never stopped after each others' noses touched out. In a moment instant, Kuro felt that something important from his was stolen as the two docile lips locked with each other.






"AaAAaAaaaAAhhh!" The scream didn't come from Kuro but from Ayame.

An immense amount of despair intertwined inside her as she felt her brain melting.

[3rd Switch]

[Kuro Mode]

With the tear almost dropping from her lifeless eyes, an abyss almost formed in her black hair. She was obviously out of control as she took two swords from her waist.

Asura; the crimson blade dyed with blood, showing its Millenium years of combat records

Raseteu; the black blade ate even the darkness, showing its madness.

For the first time, the Oni called Nakiri Ayame managed to control both blades and use them to the fullest potential albeit rough.

[Aretsu Brotherhood]

At this moment a void has been created underwater.

The three floated as the surrounding water dissipated into nothingness. What's worse, she hasn't even launched the attack.

Kuro panicked in a while. 'Although I don't know what kind of attack she's sending, this will undoubtedly be the strongest attack I've seen from her!'

Ayame's lifeless eyes twitched as she moved instantaneously stepping onto the void. Taking along the space and time along with her, rifts, in reality, has been formed as the dimension has been slashed twice.

Her slashes are unended as an arc of sharp dimensional slash has been sent off from the tip of her blades, erasing all particles it traveled.

Fortunately, it took Ayame a miliseconds to prepare for her attack, and that millisecond turned into an opening, completing the halfway made Kuro's portal.

Pulling the mermaid onto his back, he came in front of her as if to block Ayame's attack with his own body.

As just Ayame's blade touched his chest the portal completely swallowed him and the mermaid out and they escaped from the danger.

Both 17 and the mermaid heavily panting, they arrived on the top of The Great Naruto Bridge.

The situation up here was much calmer than before when the Tortoise's barrier came off and the sea creatures launched an all-out attack.


'Hold on, wasn't that Kuro's first kiss? Dam it, he'll scold me badly. Bail out! Bail out!'

The consciousness has returned to Kuro as sweats formed on his head heavily.

"Hubby! Thank you for protecting me!" the mermaid hugged him even tighter.

'I am not letting this body control on 17 again! What a bad service! 0 stars out of 10!' Kuro tried to calm himself.


But no. The demon was coming. His first kiss which he somewhat cherished was stolen. His relationship with Ayame was somewhat ruined.

"@*#*&*&/@n@" Kuro spoke in a language that even he couldn't understand.




The time it took Kuro to regain cool wasn't certainly long. He decided that he will leave his fate to himself and her future self.

'For now, let's attempt to unite the Bridge Resident and Underwater Resident.' Kuro thought to himself as he dragged the mermaid which should be the leader of the ocean attacking the bridge.

"By the way, I haven't heard you're name yet. What is your name?" Kuro asked her

"Me? Oh! How rude of me to not introduce myself to my future husband!" She said cheerfully after being asked by Kuro.

"It may come late but I am Fina. A mermaid princess of Ocean Continent!... I was missing since being possessed by the parasite inside me... Until someone found me♡" Fina introduced herself cutely as if it was no big deal.

"I see it must have been tough for you," Kuro said.

Filled with kindness, Kuro stretched up his small body as he gently patted the mermaid on her head to relieve her past tragedy.

"...u, un..." Fina suddenly quietened up as she looked to the sky as if to hide her face.


Small talk, I am pretty sure that when I wrote the previous, previous chapter, which is a year (or so?)

ago, I wasn't planning on involving this mermaid too much on his Kuro's life.

Also, I can't remember but Kuro's first kiss hasn't been taken until now, right?


1,300 chapter.

Phew, I am somewhat tired. Well I wanna write Icarus’ Curiosity too so this fanfiction updates won’t be daily.

R4INcreators' thoughts