

Samuel now panicked as the four damsels surrounded him, looking at him, locking his arms with one of them. Some second-generation were also looking at him with utmost jealousy.

However, Samuel was at the centre and was already beginning to shed cold sweats. Although others were eager to take his place in a heartbeat, Samuel was only considering how to diffuse the situation.

"Well, well. Isn't it, sister Maia? Why are you leisurely enjoying yourself without even saying hello to me?" 18-year-old Paige acted all smiles and giggles, it sure looked like a customary greeting from others' perspective, but it was the first shot of the battle.

"Hey, don't call me sister; we are unfamiliar. If I remember correctly, Wasn't it your sister Nicole who was admiring and complimenting that waiter. Why don't you go and find him?" Maia counterattacked lightly, hitting the sister's sore spot.