
Hollow Phantasm Heritage

-NEW CHAPTER EVERY 2-4 DAYS- Mountain Weepnest - the world's tallest mountain whose peak has never been reached, filled with many dangerous secrets, harsh environments, and relics from a time long past. One day, the Weepnest race is announced. A call to every brave soul from around the globe to see who possesses the most strength and determination to reach the top of Mountain Weepnest and win the grand prize of one hundred million yen. Enter Asuka Miyamoto, the daughter of the legendary martial artist Senji Miyamoto, who aspires to enter the race to save her father from a rare disease. Desperate to save her father, Asuka will stop at nothing to win the race and will show the world what she is capable of. "I shall save him...no matter the cost..."

Grandalf_The_Grand · 奇幻
7 Chs

Marcel Grando & Neckrojin

A man rushes through the mountain side, clawing at the edge of a large rock surface to get onto it. He summoned the last of his strength and climbed onto it narrowly avoiding the ravenous hound behind it that snapped at his foot.

"I hate this stupid race; I shouldn't have ever agreed to do this!" He winced.

The man reached for his pockets and his ID fell out, revealing all his details.

{Marcel Grando} was written on the card along with other essential detail but Marcel didn't mind that it fell out and walked on. The painful moans of a man beside him caught his attention, Marcel snapped towards the man with a panicked expression.

"I don't want any trouble…you're not going to hurt me?" Marcel asked.

The man who had been moaning was lying against a backpack filled to the point that it looked like it was about to pop. Marcel looked at it with greedy eyes and began to salivate at the thought of what could be inside.

"Please- please I beg of you sir, give me something to eat! I haven't eaten since the morning of the race and I'm beginning to lose myself…" Marcel begged at the man's foot.

The man didn't respond so Marcel raised his head only to notice the state and condition of the person in front of him.

The man before him was bleeding out from a large injury and had his hand over the wound. His face and skin had lost its colour and looked extremely pale.

"So you noticed, sorry kiddo but I'm not in a good spot either- *Cough Cough* I haven't been eating either, all of this stuff is just supplies."

"You don't have…how could you not pack food? What are you some kind of an idiot, do you want us both to die!"

*Cough Cough Cough*

Marcel reserved himself and lowered his head again. "I'm sorry; I'm just hungry and scared."

{-ill him}


"I didn't say anything." The man said.

{Kill him!}

A strange voice gradually began to get louder as it whispered in his ear, Marcel frantically panned left and right looking over his shoulder.

A cold raspy voice whispered into his ear like someone would do if they leaned over your shoulder, but nobody was there.

"I can't- he hasn't done anything to me." Marcel said.

{Do it, kill him and you can eat. I will help you; you just need to kill him.}

Marcel looked down at the rusted knife at his side and sweated at the words whispered into his ear.

{Use the knife and Kill Him.}

Marcel raised the knife into the air and plunged his body forward to the man whimpering in fear; his faint moans of pain were drowned out by the heavy pants as Marcel repeatedly stabbed him in the neck.

{Good job friend. Yes. We are going to be best friends~}

A grip on his shoulder caused Marcel to fall back in fear; a goblin like creature was resting on his back and jumped up onto the floor beside him.

"A demon! A monster- please don't hurt me!" Marcel begged as he held the knife out in fear.

{I'm Neckrojin, but you already know that don't you. Don't deny it, I am the part of you that you hate to admit you are. Others shouldn't be running things when your ideas are better, when you're smarter and when you're funnier. It should be you, and those people should just die already.}

Marcel dropped the knife and looked less distressed than before. "So you came to help me, Neckrojin?"

{Correct, I'll grant you all your desires! I only ask one thing in return, kikiki~}

Marcel let off a nervous smile as he grabbed the side of his face with worry.

"Kill humans!"

{So what will be you're first wish then, friend?}

Marcel wiped away the saliva from his mouth and asked gingerly. "Can you really grant me any wish…then get me a feast!"

Neckrojin snapped his bony fingers and an assortment of well prepared food began appearing out of thin air in front of him. Marcel didn't even question it and dived into the food, scarfing down large portions in seconds, only to wash it down with a large beer that appeared into his hand.

Neckrojin made his way onto Marcels shoulder and giggled in his ear watching him eat.

"You'll exblabe or de- way." Marcel mumbled as he scarfed down food.

{Explain? Alright, but on the way to what?} Neckrojin asked.

"Where else, I need to go kill some useless humans."