
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Charles Darwin Was On to Something

I decided to test the ability theory first. Before trying out different things to see if I could evolve. It's not like I had a time limit here, unlike when I had little choice but to escape the church. Which gave me plenty of time to think on things while leisurely slaughtering any demon I encountered. 

Abilities, in a way, were spells for a demon. Although they were an extension of a demon's part, they required mana to use. For me, I couldn't use any ability that I didn't have the correct part for. For example, I couldn't use the Enhanced Smell because I lacked a nose. 

The Flight ability only worked for me because... I have no idea, actually. I lacked wings, but when I used mana for the ability it lifted me into the air. It felt like I should have been flying this entire time, but I never really tried. 

401... 402...403. At no point yet has it been a challenge, as I prioritized the weaker demons over Archdemons to collect as many abilities as possible within a shorter amount of time. It was better this way, as I could use the abilities I've collected to hunt Archdemons more efficiently. 

I was amazed at the sheer number of demons who hadn't performed their ritual to activate their portal to a human world. Took a moment to question their decision, before dismissing something so trivial. No point in pondering on something that had no meaning on me. Better to just thank them for being easy prey. 

897...898...899. By now, it was almost the twenty-four-hour mark, and I was going to lose the first couple of abilities I had gathered upon first arriving here. I would lose around 170 abilities, along with Flight, so I was earnestly working to compensate for that upcoming deficit. I had given up trying to be sneaky with my consuming, not caring if I was noticed by others, who watched me causally eat a demon before moving on to another. I couldn't care for the consequences of my actions, as I just wanted to evolve at this point. 

998..999. Just as I manage to catch a cat-like demon who would have been my thousandth consumed demon, a shadow loom over me. Dropping the demon, I jump to my right just in time to dodge a huge tail that lands where I once was. Looking back in annoyance, I find a green and yellow snakelike demon bringing its tail back from its attack. On its head lay multiple horns and it looked at me with clear disgust in its yellow eyes.

"To think that you'd turn to cannibalism. Absolute filth."

I look at the Archdemon who interrupted me from consuming another demon. Although I had lost my Mana Sensitivity from Silverfoot, therefore losing my ability to sense mana, I could tell from the behaviors of demons that he was an Archdemon. No ordinary demon without mana would dare attempt to approach me who was about to consume another, must less attack me.

I don't bother responding, as I poise, ready to fight this unfortunate prey. Even though I lost my prior abilities, I now had five more to replace them. The demon circles around me, slithering as it judges for the best way to attack.

Growing weary of its cautiousness, I take the imitative, closing the distance between us. The demon is taken aback for a second at my speed before recovering and preparing for my attack. Getting close to him, I lash out with my claws, aiming for its throat. The demon rotates its body, and my claws bounce harmlessly off its hard green back. 

To retaliate, the demon lashes out himself, and his claws tear through my shoulder. Jumping back, I easily regenerate the wound, not worrying about it. Flexing, I think, as a way to trick him into leaving his obvious weak side open for an attack. His words momentarily bring me out of my own thoughts.

"Hah! You fool! By taking a direct attack from me, you've allowed the poison to enter your body. Any second now, you should feel yourself getting weaker, which allows me to easily finish you off. Then, your mana orb will be mine." He announces. 

Uh oh. It was careless of me to just tank a hit just because I knew I could heal it. I slightly panic, checking for any abnormalities within my body before I realize... I'm perfectly fine. I forgot I wasn't a demon like them, so I didn't have bodily functions like them. Still, this was the perfect opportunity. 

I pretend to be woozy, swaying back and forth before dropping to my hands and knees. The demon takes the bait, laughing as he approaches. He stands above me, raising a claw to finish me off. I look up, using my mana to activate one of my newer abilities, Howling Screech. The demon, who was unprepared, takes the full brunt of the attack, making his eyes roll to the back of his head as he is momentarily stunned. 

Taking that chance, I pounce on his body, holding him in place as I bring him to my jaws. I get no resistance as I begin eating him, slurping his body like a noodle. His mana crystal dissolves, adding his strength to my own. I notice, however, that I don't receive an ability from him. Usually, I would just naturally know what it was and what it could do. But then I feel something within me, stirring inside me. 

I can tell something is wrong as a rising pain erupts from with me. Falling to the ground, I begin writhing in pain. Did he somehow manage to not get consumed and was killing me from within? I open my mouth in an attempt to regurgitate, but I have no idea how or if I could. Instead, a black substance comes out, which wraps around my body. 

I watch as the black substance begins to bubble, causing my body to swell. The substance covers my mask then my eyes, as I can only see darkness. For a moment, my hunger stops as the only feeling I get is an itching sensation all across my body. It was only then that I realize, I wasn't dying, I was evolving. From within the bubble, I can't contain the excitement and joy I feel as I ignore the pains of my mana condensing and new parts emerging from me. My joyous crackling laughter goes unheard from within the dark bubble that held me. 

General POV: 

All across the demon realm, different entities could sense something was amiss. A slender framed demon who had piercing green eyes, with a mysterious, dark aura that radiated with intelligence, who wore a hooded robe, strange symbols that move all across it, looked up from the tome he was just reading. He could feel an anomaly within the demon realm, and he smiled. Turning to his third-best lieutenant, he says suddenly.

"Change is coming. Gather a team and head to the Demon King of Destruction's domain and investigate an abnormality there." The demon nods, then runs off to carry his orders without question.

Elsewhere in the demon realm...

A red demoness with tall horns winding around her head and four arms lay in her castle, looking up at the sky bored. Until she notices something and looks to the east with a bit of interest.

"HEY!" She shouts, and within seconds three demons appear before her bowing at her feet. 

"There's a new playmate for me in this domain. Finding it before that annoying smartass or that googly eyed bitch finds it first." Without another word, they immediately begin their search, carrying out her vague orders.

To the north of the demon realm...

A tall, slender demoness with two horns that extend upwards with blue skin looks lazily over her domain from a balcony on her castle. Her attention focuses to the left and brings a smile to her face.

"Mmmm. Such potential for power. I have to have it." Turning to a demon next to her, she touches his arm, making him shiver with fear for a second before correcting himself. Taking pleasure for a moment at his fear, she refocuses on the current topic.

"There's a demon I want in that loud bitch's territory. Bring it to me." She commands, and the demon rushes to escape her clutches to follow her orders. 

To the south of the demon realm....

A red demon with horns that branched out over his head paced back and forth within his castle. His black eyes looked out the window upon sensing something and fire steams out from his nostrils. 

"Why is it that they get all the good stuff, but I get you useless lot." He shouts as two demons slowly approach him in fear. 

"Go to the Demon King of Destruction's territory and find a demon that isn't normal and bring him to me." They stand there, trying to figure out the meaning behind his words, which angers him more.

"GOOOOOO!" He shouts while breathing out flames, sending them out scampering. 

On the A- Tier Planet 3866....

A man with a long beard sat on a rock next to the lake, meditating. Sensing something, sends shivers and goosebumps on the man who eyes fly open. He takes a second to stretch before heading to the nearby temple. 

Passing crowds of people who take a glance at him, then move out of his way as they recognize him, he enters the backrooms without resistance. He pauses only to knock on the exquisite door leading to the only man he would report to. The door opens and does a gesture, making a cross from his chest. Acknowledging him, the man who sits in his chair sighs. 

"I can take it that by you being here, Seer Gregory, that there is another one?" He asks. 

Seer Gregory shakes his head. "Not quite Bishop Darius, this one is.... different." 

Bishop Darius stops what he's doing and focuses his full attention on the man in front of him. "I don't like what you're implying there."

"You shouldn't. As you know, the ability blessed to me by the God Luminuous, allows me to peer into the demon realm and get glimpses of all any demon evolutions. As per arrangement, I was told to only view those who were going to evolve into a Demon King. However, a new one just evolved, and it's powerful. The mana coming off of it was like I was in the demon realm. " Gregory explains.

Bishop Darius rubs his temples, "That's concerning news. Alright, give me it's description and powers. I'll spread them to the priests, have them prepare for it."

Gregory coughs in his hand while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah... about that. Remember when I called it different? By that, I meant I was unable to even see it correctly, much less what it could do."

'Why can't anything be simple anymore?' Bishop Darius thinks through his rising headache. "Ok, so basically just keep watch for an Archdemon that will be more powerful than what it appears. Is that what you've just brought me?" He asks.

"Well, you don't have to be so condescending about it. I just thought you would need to know." He says mocking offense.

Bishop Darius sighs, calming himself down. "You're right, I apologize. Though lacking, it does help to know. If that is all, you're dismissed." Gregory bows, then heads off to return to his duty. Shaking his head, Bishop Darius pulls up any information on demons of the past couple of days. 

Scanning the relevant information, his eyes stop on a recent report about a demon who cleansed an entire D-tier planet, save the guardian. It killed the team sent to respond to it, namely a Deacon who should have long ago promoted. It escaped before the investigation party arrived. As it just was reported hours ago, it fit the time frame. 

Sighing at the massive headache it was about to be trying to warn others about a threat they lack knowledge of, he exited his office. 

'Please don't let it do anything crazy yet.'