

It was getting dark but the rain had not ceased.I was dripping wet. The rain had ruined my dreadlocks and had taken shelter along the verandah of the big supermarket that we usually buy home requirements .

"Jayden " someone called me from my back.

On turning around it was the boy I had bullied in the cafeteria and later became my friend.

"Bro,I said with a shaky voice,".I was freezing from the coldness.

"here, have this and head home because you may catch a cold "he said giving me a scarf and an umbrella.

"Thanks man "I said giving him a on brief smile.

"By the way I will be leaving tomorrow .let me use this opportunity to say bye to you."I said with a grin on my face.

"where to man?" he asked with curiosity


"huh,are you ok with it? You don't look fine at all"he said in disbelief.

"Bro don't ask alot this is my business" I said giving him a sharp glare some times people can mean to be so nosy.

"I thought we were frie....

"see you when I return"I cut him off because I was getting tired of this conversation.I had to hurry and get home before my father who usually gets home at eight. It was already 7:45pm and I was not ready to be eaten alive once he gets there before me.

"sometimes I just don't understand people"he muttered shaking his head as he entered the supermarket.

Meanwhile at home .........

"Don't you think you have gone to far this time,"My step mother told my father.

"James, don't interfere in this matter"That was when I arrived and found my father barking.

"Oh can't this man talk like a human he must have been a dog🐕 in his previous life,"I thought to myself as I got a strategic location behind the door to watch this .It was getting interesting I could sense the tension in the house at that time and well this could be fun and make some memories for me before I go to my ancestors'home.

"But he is my son as well and you are pushing him to hard"she said with some simpathy in her voice.

"hmmm your son my ass"I rolled my eyes comprehending everything in my mind but she had a point any way.

"Come on darling don't stress about this Issues"I could hear my dad speak.

"such a sweet talker"was all I thought of mentally. But a light of hope was beginning to ignite at the end of my tunnel.My be his wife may manipulate him for me to let me stay here.You know women have their charms.

"Am not changing my mind"

This was the sentence that aroused me from my imagination.This man was unbelievable.Immediately, a frog from no where jumped on to my chest and scary the heart out of me and I ran in yelling like a mad man. I did not even know how I got to stand in front of my father.

"Jayden,have you gone nuts?" father asked perplexed.

"Why wouldn't I with all these events happening concurrently father?"I said sarcastically trying to hide my embarrassment.