
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs


They are so shock that, they did not thought of informing their madam and master about their young master marriage.

Ivan, "wait what are you saying Adia, ready for marriage? do you even know what are you saying?" asked her worriedly thinking his young master going to kill her for this...

Adia stayed silent for it hoping that Aaron will explain it to him and Rossy. She pressed her lips together when Aaron did not say anything and grabbed his mobile in his hand...

Rossy, "Adia, are you okay?" asked her...

Adia nod her head to her...

Rossy, "if so why are bringing the marriage thing here?" asked her...

Ivan, "he is not easy to talk, do not get into trouble saying it," tells her secretly...

Adia thinks in her mind, 'did I made a wrong decision'.

Ivan, "why do you want to marry him?" asked her in his low tone. As nothing seems synching here, like she is ready to marry him. What is happening here without his knowledge...

Aaron, "Ivan, make arrangements for our marriage," orders him...

This startled both Rossy and Ivan making them snap their head to him...

Aaron, "today itself, make it fast," said him causally like someone getting married not him...

Rossy and Ivan looked at him in disbelief.

Adia stand there quietly...

Aaron, "Adia, do you have identity proof with you?" asked her since it want...

Adia stared at him confusingly...

Aaron looked at her, "Ivan move," saying it looked at Rossy and Ivan...

Ivan dragged himself out of his cabin along with Rossy...

Aaron sees them left, "we are going to civil bureau to register our marriage," informed her...

Adia, "is not it contract marriage? Why do you want to do the legal procedure?" asked him tensely. She agreed to get married to him all of sudden. She has her own reason to do this marriage with him. She thought it will lost for six months or one year at least. So the marriage won't bind her like her mother. He is here doing marriage legally will she get in to problem some day because of it, thought in her mind...

Aaron looked at her confused face, as he do not know what is she thinking. He simply asked her Id proof so the he can quickly get married to her and solve the problem he has. What is she thinking so long to respond to him, thinking it he snapped his fingers at her...

Adia brought back to her sense, "will you keep yours word about the deadline you told?" asked him...

Aaron nod his head at her, if he has no problem he would not have asked her to marry him...

Adia, "promise?" asked him doubtfully...

Aaron, "I promise," gave up the words she want to hear...

Adia, "then fine, I will give you my id proofs," said him feeling happy...

Aaron, "I have some conditions," said her...

Adia, "what is that?" asked him...

Aaron, "during the period of time, you should not make anything difficult for me. And do not see anyone that will be big trouble if anyone sees you with someone when you are Li family daughter in law. And last do not expect anything from me, especially love," said her clearly before they could get married...

Adia fell in daze hearing it, she also want to tell him something, but she feels nervous to speak that to him.

Aaron, "do you have anything to say?" asked her watching her fudging with her fingers...

Adia, "yes, I want say something, but," she trialed out swallowing hard...

Aaron, "speak," ordered her...

Like switched on the doll, Adia, " I won't interfere in your life, and I am expecting the same from you. Since it is just contract marriage, let is live our own life rather than a couple," saying looked around thinking it he will understand the meaning of the words she used. What she want to say is, she is okay with the acting of being his wife outside not as real couple...

It is did not take time for Aaron to get it, "I won't touch you," said her confidently...

Adia sighed in relief knowing he realised it soon...

Aaron, "but we have to act as real one in front of the family members and people, for that you have to cooperate with me properly," said her...

Adia did not find it wrong, nod her head in yes to him...

Aaron, "you can keep on staying your place, just sometimes when your presence needed come with me to visit my family members," said her.

Adia, "thank you," tells him gladly accepting this one. She do not live under this guy not even one day. Because she do not like him controlling her over and over again. Like he said speak she did it without even thinking, that is so strange of her...

Aaron get message on his mobile, sees who sent it. He ignored it in his anger...

Adia, "I will come," saying it went to fetch her id proofs from her back. For some reason she kept her id in her back only. As she does not know when will she run to save her life.

After taking her things she contemplate whether to marry or not, but she gave her words to him, she can not turn back So, she returned soon to give him what he needed to get married to her...

Like she gave her id proof to him, he hand over her some of the documents. She take it from his hand, and start to read it. Whatever returned it satisfied her. Some of them she do not like it, as he mentioned in that document what she has to do and what not during the period of time.

Ivan came inside after knocking the door, "everything is ready for you sir there," informed him...

Aaron nod his head to him and looked at Adia, "let's go," said her...

Adia signed on the document and left with him and Ivan to civil bureau to get married...