
Hogwarts The Eagle Wings

This novel is a google translation of a harry potter fanfic I have read on a Chinese site which I liked and wanted the public here to enjoy it. If you are looking for the grammatical errors sorry but I am only responsible for pasting the translated text here. Synopsis :- Literary Introduction: In the wizarding world, a wizard like Scott Trollope is like an eagle's wing that disappears in the wind, and no one knows when and where his hidden beak and claws will come from Give someone the fatal blow. Formal introduction: This is the story of a prudent traverser in the world of "Harry Potter" who removes all obstacles, plunders knowledge, and pursues the pinnacle.It is also the growth history of a typical Ravenclaw wizard of Muggle origin. PS. The protagonist is reincarnated with the memory of his past life. PPS. The protagonist belongs to Ravenclaw, the same class as the Weasley twins.The story of this article starts from the second book of the original book, Scott's fourth grade. PS:- Sorry guys the machine translated site has removed this fanfic, so I won't be able to continue uploading. But if you guys still want to read this fanfic you can google the below text

Commoner_Prince · 作品衍生
41 Chs

2. The missing boy's good roommate

The girl probably didn't expect Scott to be looking at the door before she opened the door, which caused her to meet his eyes as soon as the door opened.

She pursed her lips a little embarrassedly in Scott's eyes, held the door with her hands, and stood up straighter.

"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley?"

Scott spoke slowly, his voice a little low.

He has not yet left the voice-changing period. In order to prevent himself from speaking out of embarrassment, he always subconsciously moderates the speed of speech and lowers his voice.

"Sorry, I didn't see those two gentlemen, Miss Granger." He shook his head at Hermione Granger and answered her politely.

Of course, he actually knew that the two boys should be flying in the sky in a car.

"Oh, thank you."

Hermione Granger quickly thanked and glanced at the book in his hand - "Vacation with the Dominatrix".

On the cover of the book, a picture of Gerald Lockhart gives her a goofy "glamorous" smile.

Scott was a little surprised when she didn't leave. He asked, "Is there anything else you can do, Miss Granger?"

The little witch raised her eyebrows and spoke very quickly: "Did you just read this book "Vacation with Dominatrix"? I need to apologize to you for taking the liberty to interrupt your wonderful reading time, but I haven't Know your name. Oh yes, you know me?"

Scott chuckled softly, "Of course I know you, defending the Philosopher's Stone with Mister Potter the Redeemer last school year, and the Granger who contributed fifty points to Gryffindor's House Cup at the closing dinner. Miss. By the way, Scott Trollope, Ravenclaw, is entering his fourth year."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Trollope. Also, I'm really sorry to bother you with reading this..."

Hermione Granger still spoke at an extremely fast pace.

Scott was about to say goodbye to her, but he didn't expect her words to end...

"...Of course, I've already read that book, it's really good, I mean, Professor Lockhart's books are amazing, they're amazing, this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts class is very exciting, isn't it? Then, see you at Hogwarts."

After quickly finishing the long words, she exited the compartment, closed the door and hurriedly left.

What a fiery girl.

Scott shook his head, then fell into thought.

He recalled in his mind the general "plot" that happened this school year - one of Voldemort's seven Horcrux diaries would manipulate the Weasleys' youngest daughter Ginny Weasley to open Slytherin's secret room and release One of the basilisks attacked Muggle-born students.

This plot is extremely unfriendly to his little Muggle-born wizard.Because he can't guarantee that he will never encounter a deadly basilisk in the school hallway one day.

It looks like this school year can't be over - thought Scott, who's been around for three years.

During the summer vacation, he thought about a lot of plans for this "plot", and finally came up with a generally safe and feasible plan.

It's impossible to take risks, and he wants to nip danger in the bud while keeping himself safe.

At this point he reviewed his plan again, then relaxed, took out a pocket watch from his robe pocket and checked the time.

At 12:43 noon, more than an hour had passed since the train started.

He was going to take out the lunch he brought to fill his stomach.

It's just that he just opened his backpack, but suddenly stopped moving and turned to look at the door of the compartment.

After another five seconds, the door of the compartment was pulled open again.

"So you're here, Scott."

The tall, stocky boy peered in and took a look, then strode into the cubicle and sat on the seat opposite Scott.

"Hey, Roger."

Scott took out the paper bag containing the hamburgers from his backpack, and asked in surprise: "Why are you here, I thought you would be with your current girlfriend... that... Hufflepuff's... Miss Mill? "

Roger Davis, a Ravenclaw student in Scott's same year, is also his roommate who lives in the same dorm.

"Mill?" Roger grinned at Scott, "I've broken up with her."

When Scott heard the news, he just paused for a second (a moment of silence for himself trying to remember Miss Mill), and then asked casually, "When did this happen again?"

Roger said with a smile: "The days after the final exam of the last school year."

Scott looked at Roger calmly and didn't speak.

Roger has added another page to his rich dating history, but he has no interest in making any comments.

"Aren't you at all curious about why I broke up?"

Roger grabbed a hamburger while Coster opened the paper bag.

"Trust me, Roger."

Scott hands Roger a bottle of Coke.

"If you've got a really obsessive roommate like me, you're bound to get used to it after three years and lose interest in his love experience. I guess even Eddie isn't interested in spreading the word. Frequent 'love news'."

Eddie Mitchell, their roommate, and a boy who started school a year after them, is usually a fan of gossip.

Roger shrugged, chewing his hamburger, and said vaguely, "Looks like your roommate is a terrible guy."

Scott gave Roger a slightly exaggerated smirk and said, "He's still a good roommate to me, and he has nothing to do with me. After all...the girls he dumped are not like me. Familiar, and...I won't fall in love with him."


Roger took this as a compliment, and he happily opened the cap of the Coke, and then raised the Coke bottle at Scott.

"Respect your roommate."

"Respect your roommate."

Scott touched the unopened Coke bottle with him.

Roger didn't care either, he just stared at Scott with a quirky smile, and asked him with a wink: "The girl who left this compartment just now is Gryffindor's 'Savior' Potter's little friend' Know-It-All Miss, how did you meet?"

Scott glanced at him angrily, swallowed the food in his mouth and said: "I just met, she asked me if I saw her little friends Potter and Weasley, those two boys may not have caught the train. What, didn't she ask you?"

"Maybe it's because I missed the toilet?"

Roger thought the news was very interesting, he said with a smile: "Did something go wrong on the first day of the new school year? It really is a 'savior'."

Scott thought to himself, this has only just begun, "Savior" always needs to go through hardships to defeat the big devil and save the world, right?

At this time, Roger saw the book "Vacation with the Dominatrix" that Scott put on the side seat, and he asked Scott curiously, "How could you read this kind of novel?"

"Fiction?" Scott raised his eyebrows and looked at him questioningly. "This is the textbook for the new school year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class."