

"Javier, what if I decided to stop chasing you?"

It was an unusual question— of course, it made you stop from eating your lunch. You confusingly looked as if it signal me to stop asking, yet I remember what you told last night. You want me to be more open about what I feel and that was the thing lingered on my mind since we act this way.

"I mean, what if I stop meeting you? Would you even miss me?" 

You cannot utter a single word, but you totally stop. I feared myself more than your answers— is regret the end point of this conversation? Or am I burying my own heart into its deepest grave once again? I cannot decipher your eyes, but it had something to tell. 


It was exactly the expectation I have— I knew you would not. Not even a chance, nor even notice it. What we had was special, but it just end there. Special.