


I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched the nurse take the baby from the doctor's hands.

/" oh he's so handsome/" our moms cooed as they followed after the nurse.

/" Nurse, I need more oxygen/" I whipped my head around fast and finally noticed how pale Gen was. The doctor seemed nervous as he watched her too.

I tightened my hand on her wrist. /" hey baby, breathe for me okay. Your baby boy is waiting for you so you must stay awake/" I spoke gentle kissing up the shell of her ear.

Her fingers moved against my own.

The doctor looked at me. I shrugged /" her weakness/" I grinned.

Who knew I would need to use that for other reasons than teasing her.

/"okay we're back, prepare for the next baby/" he informed the nurses. I kissed her once on her head. /" one more baby/" I whispered.