


Since Zach returned, he still has been keeping a low radar. The main guys who controlled the underground human trafficking system were arrested immediately and are looking at many years in prison.

But Zach couldn't risk coming out and telling the world about it because there still are people involved with this who are not in the country. Braden found out that they are staying hidden, they don't want to be caught for having any connection.

Kate and Zach are working on a special interview series. From the very start till now.

/" I will try again next week. He doesnt have to talk about it but i want to make sure he is okay/" zach said.

Those poor boys.

/" Come on group hug/" Zach said outloud as we all exited the restuarant. Some of the mothers were here to take them back home.

/" Anything? You just need to ask/" i said stepping back.