
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · 奇幻言情
31 Chs

Runaway Bride

"Fair fight" my words come out as more of a question than I wished as she laughs aloud and I tremble at her manic laughter.

"It will never be a fair fight for you!" Her snobby words leave her mouth as I stand tall and proud.

Looking to Claireborne as I clench my fingers tightly as he falls to the ground, groaning in pain. "What a simple party trick" she revels in as I snicker, continuing to crush his bones as his grunts and yell of agony don't come close to convincing me otherwise.

"You will get everything you deserve" I tell her as I release him, "I will make sure of that" I promise as she looks to me, her eyes reminding me of the darkness that I resided in everyday of my childhood. But my biggest question I had standing here was why did I miss her so much? Why was she still so much to me, could I even kill her? But my thoughts are cut short as I feel intense heat balling near me as I throw myself to the ground, avoiding the ball of fire as she stood in front of my, the flames of triumph in her eyes.

"You can can never kill greatness, especially if you lack it" she declares as I scoff at her snide personality.

"Your right" I say as I stand back up, dusting the ash from my hands. "But I can kill darkness, their is a difference you narrcistic ass!" I combat her remark as she smiles. In this moment I hated her, more than William, my father or the deceased queen. She was the woman responsible for it all, the woman that caused all my suffering. Slitting from my wrist to my elbow with a small blade letting my blood drip as I slowly start to chant.

"STOP!!!" She screams as I feel a strong gust of wind as I am thrown against the hard wall. Feeling her strength draining as she kneels to the floor, her hand over her head.

Walking closer to her in all her vulnerability, I couldn't help but see the woman that raised me. The woman that taught me to fight, that chained me in a dark room to teach me not to fear the dark. The woman who taught me to kill, who taught me through bruises and never let me bathe in the sunlight.

These memories made it all the more easier to lift that dagger up as my chanting continued, but as she lifted her head to look at me the realization hit me that she was my mother.

"I can't!" I admit as I drop the dagger to my feet, letting my slightly beating, anguished heart have one win.

"Good" she says as she stand as my bleeding stops, my wounds healing as her word escapes her mouth. "Then I can kill you" she confesses as the biggest grin prevails on her usually bland face as I nod.

As she throws me on the ground, laying there against the cold, stone floor. I had to make a decision, a part of me wanted to die, wanted to give it all up, but a smaller part of my wanted to fight for what I had left, even if it was nothing. I have a thing for rooting for the underdog.

"The chance of hell freezing over is more probable than my death, let alone by your hand" my angsty voice meets her face as I kick her off of me with all my might. Raising my fist as she look to me and I feel it, the blood dripping from my nose, her gaze hardening as my legs collapse in on me.

"Hell is cold today" she comments as I cower on the ground, my body in disrepair as I feel my energy draining. Looking slightly up I see her cowardice face. "I'll take this now, present it upon a Princess worthy" she says as she extends her hands to my crown, taking it from my head and lifting it. But gathering all my strength as I drive the crown of jagged jewels into her her jaw as she steps aback.

"Hopefully their is a hell could enough to freeze you" I detest her, my words defying her as she continues to choke on her blood.

"S….st….op" she gurgles out as I bring my crown up, raising it above my head as I stop. Reminding myself of the memories she stained me with. The constant hatred, the anger causing me to grip the crown tighter, the jewels slicing into my palm.


"MAMA!" My voice pleas out in the cold snow. "STOP!" I beg her as she snickers at my request for her, I was only thirteen.

"You will learn to fight, Gehenna! You are good for nothing other!" She yells at me as she strikes me with her blade, it gashing my arm as I cried. "Don't make a fuss out of nothing" she told me as my wide eyes looked up at her in disbelief. "You can't feel this" she said as she gouged her fingers into my arm and I let out my scream of pain that I couldn't feel or wasn't supposed to.


"Don't make a fuss about nothing" I say to her, remembering what she said to me that vengeful day in the snow. "You can't feel this!" I reassure her as I swing away at her chest with my crown, aiming for her heart.

And feeling something foreign as I keep plunging the crown into her heart as I take a breath, the crown slipping from my grasp. I felt the tears. Standing up and stomping on her as I pick up my crown, I started towards the door. I wanted this castle I stand in gone, ashes in front of me, so I enacted that dream, tipping over the candles in front of the mirror. Watching the drapes catch fire, adjusting my crown and walking out of the castle I regretfully called home all my life.