
Chapter 7 Signed without reading through??

(Sammy's POV)

I thought my brother cared about me or even loved me, but that was a lie, it was clear he wanted to humiliate me. I arrived at the damned building which was obviously glorious and they kept me waiting.

As much as I felt ashamed stepping on its grounds as soon as I got out of the shabby almost broken taxi I booked, I was stunned to find the interior was amazing with standard.

Nothing less expensive and she was now  guessing why her brother was so classy and well off. He was successful and had a satisfying life with everything he needed. In the past I never bothered to actually look into Williams corporation which was a well known company.

Most of my friends I graduated with dreamed of being accepted at such a successful company. Unfortunately I didn't even bother. My only concern was finishing my studies and getting free from all the noisy lecturers and their nagging but now my eyes were seeing heaven.

The atmosphere was pleasant such that I was feeling dizzy so I just wanted to fall asleep but I felt ashamed knowing I was sitting by the reception where I was told to wait until my interview. The air was cool and something so pleasing and the smell of sandalwood and flowers lingering in the air with a mixture of lavender air freshener numbed my senses as I leaned against the black couch I was sitting in.

The couch smelled so wonderful that I yawned slamming the magazine I found on the side table in my lap and felt my forehead with the back of my hand and stretched a little. My eyes went up to the lady sitting at the reception and I frowned as I got to my feet and walked to her

"Excuse me...how long huh...I came here at 8am and now it almost ten...is this happening or not"I said with some irritation to my voice as I leaned on the counter lazily and the lady who surprisingly looked good, not so bad with medium makeup and a black suit with her black hair cut in a neat bob and immediately i spoke she looked up at me and moved away from her computer which kept her busy

"Ms Morgan...kindly wait for a while...our managers as well as new boss are busy arranging everything...Mr Morgan asked me to tell you, very soon your interview will start"the lady told me with politeness that I found it difficult to tell her things, she looked quite innocent for a cute woman like her, she was pretty with tiny dimples that people with looks like her would actually act all arrogant but no. She was so sweet that I failed to say anything

"Fine...please tell them to hurry, I'm starving to death"I said with a lazy yawn turning away from the lady as I watched more elegant people who I guessed were moving around getting to their various stations.

The place was not like what I expected since my last job was a mess, the boss was someone with a hot temper and employees hated her and didn't respect her.

"If you are hungry...I'll rush to the cafeteria and grab something for you…"the lady said, getting my attention and I slowly turned around not sure if I heard correctly. I thought she was talking to someone else but when I glanced around to see if we had company I was surprised when I was the only one there hence my lips quirked upwards as I turned to the cutie before me and smiled warmly

"thanks sweetie that will be lovely"I said with a warm smile and the lady smiled back and got ready to leave her post however when she suddenly stopped and he heard lowered. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, not sure why she turned into a scared puppy all of a sudden when she promised me lunch.

I frowned as I turned to where she had looked before she lowered her gaze and to my surprise I saw a slightly tall man in black suit heading out of the way. I shifted my gaze to the lady then to the man who just stopped right in front of me

"Ms Morgan...sorry for keeping you waiting but its time"the man said and I realized his voice was rather calm, I looked at him carefully not believing a man like him would actually be so calm like the serene waters of the sea, he looked collected even his suit fitted his obviously good physique so perfectly that I took my time admiring him 

"Mr Miller I just informed her"the lady said and I turned to her, she looked rather shy and was avoiding the man's gaze, I was no teenager and not a saint not to sense attraction between two adults however I wasn't concerned about other people's love affairs

"So when is this starting...i've been here for a while"I said looking at the man and he smiled at him, his pure white teeth showing a little as his brown eyes shone with delight, 'Wow these people are weird' i thought as I faked a smile and smiled back at him

"Lets go...this way"he added and walked away, I nodded and went after him but soon looked back to give gesture to the receptionist lady that I still want that lunch she promised me and what I saw made me drink, her cheeks and ear were red and her face flushed 'crush' my mind registered and i rolled my eyes at such childish behavior,

I didn't know who the man I was following was but I could tell the lady with dimples had a thing for him and that thing was strong and like all men he was not aware of the little detail

It didn't take a while before we went down a passageway, it was a lot quieter with a cool breeze from the AC. I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering around the place when the man brought me to a pair of doors and they opened revealing a breathtaking office, the smell of lavender and earth hit my nose,

the smell of rosewood mixed with nice smelling flowers blended together and infused with leather notes had me picturing a beautiful garden full of roses that bloomed when the sun was out.

I scanned the furnitures arranged to the left side of the room which was black couches with a coffee table in the middle and a vase of artificial flowers which got my attention then shifted my eyes to the glass table with a leather chair which I assumed was the boss's chair

"Please have a seat...Ms Morgan"the man said as he guided me towards the desk and pulled out a chair and I gracefully sat down and set my purse on the table as I adjusted my white jacket

I decided to wear over the tuck in white shirt together with  black trousers with black heels. I didn't want to look unprofessional hence I did my best and my best screamed beautiful

"So welcome...I'm sure you were told that this interview won't take long but I'll only ask you a few questions"the man spoke as he rummaged through a few files on the table and took out a blue file which he shoved on the desk near me.

I nodded and fixed my eyes on the file and the man nodded as well "good...I'm Chase Miller...the company's lawyer as well as vice president...feel free Ms Morgan"he added and his words shocked me. He introduced himself as the vice president but how come.

My brother said he was the vice president of the company, did he get fired or maybe he lied. Thinking about this i secretly smirked and knew I was going to tease him and find out the answers

"First thing first...Are you married?"He asked me the first question which surprised me a little as I lifted my eyes to look at him and he was busy signing some files. 


"Do you have a...boyfriend?"


"Good...do you like children"he said without looking at me and I was even more alerted, everyone knew I hated kids more than anything but in such a case I had to lie hence I smiled warmly and straightened my back feeling confident all of a sudden

"Yes...very much"I replied and the man seemed to have reacted to my answer and I saw as he paused signing whatever he was doing and lifted his head to look at me. Surprisingly there was no expression on his face which made it hard for me to read his thoughts hence I shrugged a little and he cleared his throat

"We are willing to give you a job...you will be paid weekly...the salary is your choice...while you sign this contract...you also fill in the amount you feel is right for you"I waited as the man explained to me what I needed to know and to my shock, my eyes widened a little when I heard about salary. The most important part about any job interview and hearing that I was to decide the amount.

My mind winded up as I thought back to my almost rich brother. Was this what he meant by his company being the best and generous in the entire city and country at large. I knew my brother was not rich for nothing but here having to find out one had to fill in the amount they wanted and that too to be paid weekly.

I thought about having a beautiful villa of my own, and expensive car and endless shopping or even a vacation to a beautiful island somewhere around the world and thinking about such a luxurious life, I smiled as I nodded repeatedly without wasting time

"When should I sign the contract"I blurted out without shame, forgetting my manners that I nearly jumped out of my chair from excitement. The man chuckled and pointed at the blue file he shoved to me earlier and i realized it was the contract 

"Sign this and you are officially hired. Your first pay will be transferred today and your work will start tomorrow morning"he told me and i was stunned as my jaw dropped, my eyes widened in shock that I was smiling without shame as I took the file and opened it. I wanted to read the terms and conditions and all the 





My mind read without actually seeing anything as I quickly perused through the file flipping pages knowing all company contracts were the same. I've read various contracts from different companies and they were all the same,

hence I quickly snatched the pen from the man and lowered it to where I saw the signature needed and I didn't even think before I added the figure amount I wanted nd signed it. Like Christina always said.

The more the zeros the more the money and I was too greedy as I signed the contract and slammed it shut and exhaled deeply feeling as if I was from running a marathon

"A...are you sure...it's safe to sign without reading?"the man asked stammering a little and I knew he was worried but sammy was sammy hence i leaned back to the chair and smirked

"Yep...just show me the office and I'll start work now"I said straight and he looked surprised as he scanned my face for an amount of time obviously surprised but I wasn't bothered. This was gold delivered to my doorstep, what could go wrong

"Alright...stay here...I'll be right back"the man said quickly getting to his feet and smiled at me before he took the file and went out of the office closing the door lightly

I was happy as I looked around and spotted a bottle of champagne and a glass cup on the table by the window and I smiled knowing the moment called for a celebration.