
Book 2: Chapter 66 - An emotional first meeting.

   "Lion's are known for their strength and their fearless personalities. Do you know how far a daddy lion will go to protect his cub? He'll fight till the end, till he knows his baby is safe and sound. The Mummy lion isn't far behind, she's always there to look after Daddy and their baby. Do you want to know what sound a lion makes?" Jake says quietly, his head hung low as he cradles our little girl in his arms.

   I'm leaning against the door frame of the hospital room, watching both of them with a smile on my face.

   "Rawr." He whispers, sounding anything but fierce. He leans down and places a gentle kiss on her forehead and she stirs in his arms, almost like she's cuddling into him further.

   "I could stand here and watch you with her for days."

   The sound of my voice causes Jake to glance upwards, his eyes lit with a shimmer of happiness. The smile on his face is infectious and I find myself unable to keep the grin off my face.