
His Infatuation

Lilith is a 17-year-old girl whose family had to move to Canada due to a problem back at home with the throne. Her mother Ishana was human until she fell in love with a certain vampire king named Emmet, Lilith’s father. They get a surrogate to carry their kids for them which are Lilith and Madeleine Lilith’s 14 year old sister. This practice has been going on from the very beginning of time by vampires since they cannot conceive kids of their own. The children are to be kept human and turned on their 18th birthday, with a ritual called the blood ritual. Lilith meets Hunter a werewolf actually born into an alpha family and is on to be married and alpha at the age of 21. Neither of them know that they are destined to be mortal enemies to each other as one is to become a vampire and the other is a werewolf. They become well-known couples and high school sweethearts but only if they knew then that their love and happiness towards one another was not going to last. Lilith finds out that Hunter is engaged to be married in the whole three months that they have been dating, their relationship has been based on lies and deceit. Hunter decides to let Lilith know whole truth on why he has to get married to the one girl even though he doesn’t love her. He was planning on letting Lilith know about his true identity on he birthday but seems like the date has been changed. He tries to tell her everything and in the process finds out that Lilith is going to turn into a vampire in her 18th birthday and go reclaim her rightful throne in Rome. He then makes her choose between him and turning into a vampire and she decides to choose turning into a vampire as choosing him would mean disappointing and going against her parents. Hunter is stunned by this and takes a few months away from everyone and travels to London. He comes back determined on getting Lilith back into his life but it’s too late as Lilith is gone to Rome to reclaim the throne. He then travels to Rome and risks his life by crashing a masquerade ball that is filled with humans and mostly vampires just to get to talk to or see Lilith. He then cuts in on a dance between Lilith and someone else and they start talking. Lilith tells him to leave as she is doing better without him and Hunter realizes that the Lilith standing before him now is not the same Lilith he knew a few months ago.

Tidimalo_Masemola · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

Chapter 10

2 weeks later

He pulled me towards a dark corner. He pressed his body against mine and his cold lips harshly pressed on mine and forced my mouth open.

He threw me over his shoulder and stepped into an empty room. He threw me on the bed and I immediately felt his body weight on mine.

I tried to scream but my screams were muffled by the palm of his hand pressed against my mouth. I could hear the cheers and music from the party outside this room.

He pulled my dress to my waist and he ripped my panties off my body. I tried to kick, to scream but it was all useless he was a thousand times stronger than me so my attempt at getting free was useless.

A lone tear slid down the side of my face as he broke through my hymen and a sharp pain coursed through me.

I woke up out of breath, in a cold sweat my sheets on the floor and my mom and dad on either side of me.

"Mom, dad?" I hugged both of them.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"I… it's nothing just a nightmare." I couldn't tell my parents about it, they would kill him and I would like to be the one to do that as soon as I turned into a vampire.

My dad kissed me on my temple. "Call us if you need anything."

"I will." I gave them one last hug and went back to sleep.

I woke up earlier than usual and I just decided to get ready for school. Hunter and I have been going out a lot lately. He took me out to the bowling alley, to an ice-cream bar, a carnival, and a double date with Andrei and Ann on my dad's boat on the lake and drive-in movies. Long story short, I have been having a blast.

"Honey are you sure you want to go to school today?" My mom asks me as I make my way out of the house.

I wanted to go to school just so I could talk to Hunter. I feel a different type of happiness, freedom, calmness, and warmth when I'm with him. "Yes, I'll be okay, if I don't feel fine I'll call you and ask you to sign me out of school."

My mom gives me a hug and I make my way to school. Over the past couple of weeks, I became the star quarterback of our school football team. We have been having scouts come to our school for the past month to check on our team and see who is eligible for an immediate draft or fully funded scholarship. Football is not my dream or something I'm passionate about but it is a sport with a bigger rush. so I'm not interested in being drafted or a varsity scholarship, I mean I will have all of eternity to further my studies.

Walking into the school hallways I get weird looks from everyone with each step I take. is there something on my face or do I smell bad.

'That's her' I hear a girl whispering. What the fuck is it this time?

I make my way to my locker ignoring the stares and whispers of every girl in the school.

Reaching my locker I take out my English text book and as a shove it in my bag, I jump in my spot as my locker bangs closed.

Looking up I se a girl with black hair and a cheerleading outfit and her two minions one blond and the other brunette behind her wearing the y2k tracksuits one in pink and the other in purple.

"Your prettier than I thought." The raven haired girl says. "I guess he has a taste after all." She twirls my hair in her finger.

I slap her hand away. "Don't touch me."

"Feisty, no wonder he was interested in you."

"Excuse me what?"

"Ohh it's to late to act dumb now, stay away from what's not yours or else…"

"Or else what?" A crowd had started to gather around us.

"You don't want to find out."

"What's with the empty threats? And the whole mean girl thing and her matching minions who probably have an extremely short memory span it's a bit early 2000's don't you think. Try something original and come back to me when you ready for action cause I don't take kindly to empty threats or promises or whatever this little thing you have going on here… whatever your name is."I tease knowing exactly what her name is.

"My name is Rachel and you know that." She straightens up.

"If you haven't noticed by now, I don't care." The bell rings. "Now if you don't mind I have English to get to." I walk past her and the little crowd makes room for me to leave.

"You will regret this!" She shouts from behind me.

"Suck my dick Rachel." I shout back and give her a middle finger as I walk off and leave her speechless.

English class was dragging for the longest time and school was extremely boring considering Ann didn't come to school today as she was having so stomach issues.

Hunter and his friends joined me for lunch and I couldn't help but ask about Rachel.

"Your little girlfriend or whatever she is threatened me today."

His froze in his seat for a second and cleared his throat."who?"


He relaxes. "Rachel is not my girlfriend."

"Well whatever she is keep her on a leash cause the next time she approaches me I will not take it lightly."

"I'll take care of her. In the meantime stay out of her way, Rachel is dangerous."

"Excuse me! I, should stay away from her. She should stay away from me and I'm not afraid of her and her little entourage."

"Okay, I'm sorry… I just care for you and I want to keep you away of harms way."

"Yeah right."

"Are y'all going to fuck already?" Aiden says has he swallows his burger.

"Aiden." Hunter warns.

"What?I'm just saying."

Hunter gives Aiden a look."Fine have it your way. By the way Jake is having a party while his parents are out of town we all going."

"Sounds cool." I say.

"So you coming?"

"I'll think about it Aiden."

"Boo. You no fun." He throws me with a chip from his plate.

"Hey." I laugh and I throw him with one from mine we end throwing food at each other till we hear someone yell food fight and an all out food war breaks out.

Sorry for the late release. I'm still suffering from writers block.

Tidimalo_Masemolacreators' thoughts