
His Hips For Her Pleasure (18+) (Omegaverse)

A lewd story that features a beautiful boy being hopelessly dominated and dicked down by Alpha females, as a tale of jealousy, heroics and sacrifice is unveiled for all to see.

Norobo · 都市
44 Chs

His Hips Are Too Wide

And so, the story begins.

"We're here live, from Area A, the heart of Herro City. As you can see, the place I'm standing right now is the main artery that leads towards the Hero Association HQ. Just behind me, you can see the triumphant look of Paragon, the Top Global Hero who has just defeated one of the five fingers of Tartarus," A chippy voice sounded out from the TV. Skylar groaned. A quick glance to the clock and he saw that it was way too early to wake up.

". . .Oh! We have just been allowed to ask a question to Miss Paragon here, uh. ." The news reporter's voice changed from professional calm to the nervous breathing of a teenage fangirl who was trying her hardest to not. . .well fangirl. "Miss Paragon! Miss Paragon!"

"Yes?" A melodic and baritone-y female voice made it's appearance. Paragon turned to look at the flushed expression of the news reporter from standing so close to her and chuckled. "Is there a question you'd like to ask, cutie?"

"y-Yes!" The news reporter flushed even more. "I believe that it took you little less than four seconds to defeat one of the sub-heads of Tartarus? Do you have anything you'd like to comment on?"

"Hm, yes. There is a saying where I come from," Paragon smiled, showing off her iconic pearly whites. "Evil may reign but Hope shall remain. As long as I breathe, there shall be no evil I allow to threaten the people's safety. From the heads of Tartarus to evil cosmic beings - the counterpart to a being like myself - I shall vanquish them all!" She says, before flying off into the distance as her red cape flaps behind her.

A huge cheer resounded throughout the area. The news reporter also let out a goofy smile and had stars shining in her eyes before saying, "Well, that's it folks. This is Sarah and please stay tuned for more updates."

". . .I should wake up," Skylar yawned as he dragged his body off the bed, closing the AC and stretching, hearing a couple satisfying cracks. He got up, feeling a little dizzy before heading to the bathroom, finding the motivation to start a new day from that motivating speech from Paragon, the most Alpha-liest of them all.

The New World.

After a meteorite from outer space hit Earth way back in the middle ages, the world underwent an existential evolution from it's radiation that brought about many changes - both political, social and biological to which the event would later be called 'The New World'. Biologically, the ones fortunate enough to 'evolve', had awakened cool powers and had their sexes ultimately changed where human society had been categorized into Alphas, Betas and Omegas in the early 1850s. Amongst them, Alphas were the likeliest to awaken the strong powers such as the ability to wield fire and even more. After them were the Betas who were also able to awaken somewhat strong abilities, weak in comparison to the Alphas but very strong compared to the Omegas.

The Omegas, being the runt of the litter, usually were only able to awaken very weak, trashy powers - most weren't even able to awaken anything at all which was the reason they were heavily looked down upon in society. Most Omegas Skylar had the chance of knowing, were forced to take menial, basic jobs or simply waited like sitting ducks for an Alpha to chance upon their heat and rape them where they stood. Why didn't they resist? It's simple. Since the comet, it had been ingrained onto an Omega's instinct, to submit when the other two sexes were present, especially towards an Alpha.

Luckily for them, most Alphas of the modern age were civilized enough to be gentle and protective towards Omegas due to the political Left's influence and that huge Omega's rights march back in the 50s. There was still discrimination and rape but it was far better now than the war-faring eras of the past. Now, people were more focused on presenting as an Alpha and awakening a cool, strong ability than on simple sex discrimination. It was then that another problem presented itself.

Unfortunately for the world, not everyone who had awakened abilities wanted to do good. After a good amount of time, the world came to a consensus to bring about a new order and more importantly, a banner to which all those that wanted to do good with their abilities could come under.

That was where the Hero Association came to - it had multiple names from the past but the most recent established name was that. It was a place of dreams, of hope - where anyone who had the ability and talent could join without discrimination. It did it's duty in keeping peace, upholding the law and combating it's evil counterpart - Tartarus. Most young kids dreamed of going there, to become a Hero and gain honor and glory.

Skylar was one such person. Unluckily, his ability was nowhere near good enough to even make it past the preliminary rounds.

He looked at himself in the mirror while brushing his teeth. He looked every bit the Omega male he presented when he was born.

He took care of himself like every other Omega. He was cute. Adorably sexy even with his milky white skin and large doe maroon eyes, slightly hidden behind his messy, long black hair. He wanted to cut it but there was a saying that every Omega should style their hair long. A little sexist but he'd heard worse as an Omega.

Dressed in a simple oversized, white T-shirt that stretched over the swell of his child-bearing hips, it did well to hide that big butt of his which never failed to earn him a few cat-calls from Betas or Alphas. Another great feature of his looks would be his naturally pouty lips or 'dick-sucking' lips as his best friend vulgarly put it.

Despite being an Omega, he had awakened his ability as well. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't combat worthy either.

"Bloom," He intoned. Black tentacles appeared from the ground, scratching that annoying itch on his back he couldn't reach before disappearing again. Yup, that was his ability, something that came straight out of a hentai plot. He liked to call it [Bloom], the ability to freely manipulate tentacles - to sprout, duplicate or even transform certain parts of his body into tentacles. . . all within ten meters from himself.

He remembered the surprised look on his Alpha father's face when he awakened this ability. Living under a household composed mostly of Alphas, with him and his mother being the only Omegas, he was treated and protected very well by them. He remembered an instance where his sister fought off the Alpha male that had been sexually harassing him back in highschool. He was twenty-two now but still the mate-less Omega.

There was one Alpha who came very close to marking him. Of course, it didn't work out after he caught her in bed with her side bitch.

"Why am I thinking about her now? Jeez," He sighed. His body still shivered, yearning for her touch. Her dominance overpowering him, forcing him to submit. Her large hands pawed at his ass. And her big, fat coc- He doused his face in cold water, quickly cutting off his fantasies.

Yanking his face out of the water, he could see that there was still a blush on his face and a heat settling onto his body. Crap. His heat should still be a few weeks away.

Another sigh escaped his lips. A certain amount of time had passed since then but it'd still take some time before he could still move on from her. He wondered where she was now.

Walking back into his room, he saw his laptop was open; a document containing drafts for the next chapter he was supposed to finish by the end of this week. He started Monday, full of energy and motivation but procrastination came and now it was friday. Shit.

A quick look at his Altreon account told him that his most generous Altron: UserPGLove had subscribed for another month of his ridiculous 500 dollars per month (only for tycoons!) category he had made just for giggles. He sent them an email, thanking them for being the reason he was still living in his apartment and not on some street like a homeless person. He had the option of asking his parents for money. . .but that would just prove that an Omega couldn't be independent. Not to mention they would take the opportunity to immediately ask him to move back in with them. They were overprotective like that.

Opening his fridge, he had once again been reminded that he would have to take a quick trip to the local grocery store. Another groan left his lips as he didn't feel like it. Seriously, he was pressed on time as it is. Skylar wasn't allowed to wallow in his problems as there was a sharp, continuous knock to the door, loud enough for him to hear it even from his bedroom before the person unfortunately found the doorbell and proved to be twice the annoyance.

"Coming!" He yelled out, fixing his brown hair into a ponytail and putting on his - fake - black rimmed glasses. It looked good on him or so he thought. Taking a quick look at his reflection, he grabbed onto his thighs and butt that seemed to be getting bigger and made a note to work out later. At home of course. Too many people always stared at him weirdly whenever he worked out in the gym.

He stepped into his bunny-shaped slippers and caught a rather familiar scent. He had already opened the door to his eternal regret as the smell of strong ash and lightning wafted over his nose. He looked up, seeing an Alpha female in all her glory.

"Oh, hello there pretty," A sexy, alto voice chuckled out. Skylar felt his ass clench at the voice. He took a step back and cursed, "Fuck."

"If you want to."

Ignoring how flushed his body was getting, he did his best to give her a glare. "What are you doing here, Evelyn?" He took a glance at her hero suit. "Or should I call you Wonder Eve?"

He only received that stupid smirk of hers which never failed to make his body all warm and fuzzy. Taking a good look at her, he saw that she didn't really change that much over the years. She was still tall, still a gorgeous woman brimming with confidence and still had that pair of smoky dark eyes and hair. She had been dressed in her hero costume, consisting of a form-hugging black bodysuit with her symbol of power - a 'W' etched proudly in white in the center of her chest, with a black cape that flowed behind her. A silver laurel wreath sat around her head.

"Don't be so grumpy," Eve said. "I just dropped by for a little visit. I missed you."

"Go away," Skylar growled.

"Don't growl at me, Omega," Eve commanded in her Alpha voice. Immediately he stopped, his Omega instincts taking over as he settled on glaring at her instead.

"Oh don't be like that pretty," Eve tried to cup his cheek but he swatted her hands away.

"Don't call me that," Skylar scowled. "We broke up. I dumped you. That means we both go our separate ways. We move on."

"Oh brother don't bother," Eve dismissed his claims with a nonchalant wave. She placed her feet against the door when he tried to close it on her. "I'm coming in." Eve simply waltzed in without even letting him respond. That's Eve for you.

Skylar got a whiff of something - another scent, something sweet mixed in with Eve's dominant smell. To say his mood had turned sour would be an understatement. It wasn't that great from the beginning since it was freaking six in the morning.

Before she walked into his room, he stopped her by grabbing onto her hand and turning her around. "You're not entering my room with the stink of your little whore on you."

"Hm?" Eve sniffed herself. "Oh." Eve didn't even have the decency to look embarrassed at being caught. Giving him an eye-roll, she waved at the air and the scent was gone. "There. That better for you?"

"Why are you here, Eve?" Skylar asked.

"Say my name one more time."


"Your idiot."

Skylar gagged at her shameless response. "Gross."

Eve ignored him, opening the door to his room before he could object and simply hummed as she looked around. Usually, an Omega would never allow a random Alpha to waltz into their nest as most Omegas usually designated their bedroom as nests but he was one of the few that had a separate room for that. It was just too much to clean his ENTIRE bedroom and put all his stuff back just because of his heat.

Eve raised an eyebrow. "Nothing's changed since I left." She telekinetically picked up the little necklace she had given him a long time ago and spun it in the air. "So you say you hate me."

Skylar snatched it from the air. "Shut up." He kept the necklace close to his heart. His eyes frowned for a second but quickly changed it to a glare. The smirk on her face told her that she had seen his expression.

"Please go away."

"Hm." Eve dug up another present she had given him, a little sweater she had knitted for him back when she was. . . weak. "You still have this old thing?" She threw it back in the air like it was nothing.

Skylar caught it and carried it in the same arm-space as the necklace. It hurt him to see that she was dismissing the few gifts she had given him that were treasures to him, the few meaningful gifts before sh

she turned all bad wolf. Catching a couple more dismissed presents, he had enough of her.

"Why the hell are you here, Eve?" Skylar was never the type to raise his voice at someone but Eve wasn't just anyone. "That's the second time I've asked."

"So you say," She turned to him and wagged her finger at the ugly things in his arm. "You should throw those ugly things out and move in with me. I'll buy you something better than these old drags."

Skylar flushed with anger. "Is that all these are to you now?" He had to physically stop himself from crying. "Is that all I am? Just another whore for you to buy for the night?"

Eve saw how cute he looked, all flushed and worked up. She hovered over to him. "Aww pretty, don't cry. ." She kissed his forehead. "You're more than just a whore, baby. You're far prettier than any other basic little mutt."

Skylar sniffled and pushed her away. "Jeez, thanks."

"Your welcome," Eve didn't allow herself to be pushed off. She leaned her weight into him. Eve was always taller than Skylar but with the added height boost from her levitation, she absolutely towered over him.

She rested her chin on his nape and breathed in. "You smell as good as I remember." She nibbled on his earlobe, teasing him. "My Omega. . ."

Guys, you can read the entire story on my ******* - - - -> https://www.*******.com/Norobo

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