

Exhausted was not a strong enough word to describe how Shoto felt the next morning. Sleep had evaded the hero who tossed and turned until the sun was nearly up. A tired mind played through his interaction with Kirishima and Bakugo on loop. Looking for any signs he may have missed, anything the sturdy hero said that could prove him wrong. No matter how many times he analyzed things he always came to the same heart wrenching possibilities – either something was very wrong in Bakugo and Kirishima's relationship, or Bakugo had moved on from their friendship and no longer wanted anything to do with him.

But if the latter was true, why would he be here now?

Shoto continued to wrestle with his thoughts as he trudged in to work. Holding his second cup of coffee in one hand and stifling a yawn with the other. Without sparing a glance at the overzealous secretary behind the desk he took the elevator to the fourth floor and meeting room. Nodding an acknowledgment to a few of the other pros already in the room, Shoto plopped into his seat and laid his head down with a sigh.

With a quick glance at the clock revealing he still had another twenty minutes before the debriefing began, the hero closed his tired eyes. The relentless bouncing of his leg was the only indication that he hadn't fallen asleep.

The weight that had settled in his chest yesterday grew heavier with each passing second. This debrief was going to be a difficult hour for him. It was bad enough that he would have to recap another failed mission against Reality Check. Now that he had gotten a second dose of her quirk, he would also be expected to offer a more in-depth analysis of how it worked and possible counter measures.

To top it off he still had a huge dislike for public speaking and there were at least 20 pros involved in this mission that would attend the briefing in addition to Bakugo and Kirishima. Wiping clammy hands on his pants he tried to reign in his thoughts and focus on reciting the mission facts to himself, only to be lost in a memory from the end of his second year at UA. One that brought a smile to his face despite the situation.


"But Katuski" Shoto whined from his spot on the floor, surrounded by papers haphazardly thrown about the normally tidy room "I don't wanna talk in front of everyone." Puffing out his cheeks and sticking out his lower lip he glared at the blond who sat criss cross on his bed. They were supposed to be working on a final presentation about their plans after graduation. After all they only had one more year before they would be real heroes out in the real world. The plans weren't the problem though.

Katsuki shook his head and smiled. "IcyHot, you have to do it. It's a huge fucking part of your grade. Who else is going to be there to challenge me if you fail?"

The fire and ice hero in training hung his head and groaned. The rest of his class always assumed that his calm and cool demeanor meant that their public speaking projects were a breeze, but Katsuki knew the truth. Shoto was terrified to speak in front of a crowd. He had learned firsthand when Shoto nearly had a panic attack during the first debriefing the pair gave as work study students for Endeavor. Katsuki took charge of their debriefs from that point forward and no one seemed to question it. Everyone knew the blond liked to talk.

"It's just the class. Why are you so worried about speaking in front of those extras?" Katsuki questioned. A soft gaze overtaking his normally sharp features as he looked over his papers at Shoto. "Just pretend you're talking to me."

Looking up at the blond, Shoto noticed how the warm afternoon sunlight filtering through the window gave his sun kissed skin a soft glow, making him look almost angelic. His heart pounded against his ribs when roaming blue and grey eyes caught how tightly the black tank top clung his muscular frame, leaving nothing to the imagination. Spikey blond hair that always looked so damn soft swayed with a tilt of the head while curious crimson eyes studied him. Shoto wasn't sure what to make of the fluttering he felt in his chest, one that seemed to happen every time he was lucky enough to witness the softer side of Katsuki. He did know that trying to focus with 20 Katsuki's in front of him would undeniably be worse than just speaking to his class.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he decided to focus on the current issue of their presentation.

"I know they see him when they look at me. They'll expect that same greatness from me, and I don't want to let them down." he muttered. Breaking eye contact and hugging his knees to his chest.

After a moment of silence there was a rustling of papers before Katsuki gently spoke. "Come here."

Shoto crawled across the floor to sit with his back against the bed. Katsuki swung his legs off the bed so Shoto was sitting between them and began to run his fingers through silky red and white hair. Humming contently, Shoto leaned against Katsuki's leg and closed his eyes, feeling the tension melt from his body.

Mid-way through the year Shoto's hair had grown long enough to put in a ponytail and during a heated game of truth or dare Katsuki was dared to braid it. Thinking they might finally win against the blond, most of their classmate's mouths fell open watching with wide eyes as the two silently completed the dare. Pictures of the incident floated around the school for weeks after but not once did the explosive hero in training get angry about it. And that seemed to shock the class more.

They wouldn't admit it out loud, but Katsuki and Shoto had both found it to be therapeutic and continued behind closed doors when school or work studies overwhelmed them. Even after he cut his hair due to the blond's teasing that he looked like 'a scruffy puppy'.

Shoto could get lost in the feeling of powerful hands, rough and calloused by Katsuki's quirk, gently running through his hair. Occasionally stopping to mix the colors together or twirl a strand around his fingers as they sat in comfortable silence. He never understood Katsuki's obsession with his hair, but he could tell he was happy by his occasional humming and the easy smile that he wore even after they separated. And that filled Shoto with a warmth so different from his quirk.

In a voice so affectionate most of their class wouldn't have believed it came from the explosive blond, Katsuki broke the silence. "You're not him Shoto. And you don't need to be. You're going to be a great hero of your own, I know it. I've seen you surpass everyone's expectations time and time again."

Blue and grey eyes went wide as Shoto clung to every word. Knowing the blond only ever spoke the truth, something he really came to admire about him, he was silent as Katsuki continued.

"And if it's too much to think about living up to everyone's expectations then just think about living up to one person's." He paused before continuing bashfully. "That person can be me if you'd like. You've always lived up to my ridiculously high expectations and I don't expect that to ever stop." Trailing off, Katsuki turned to look out the window with a small smile.

Squeezing his eyes shut to cut off tears that threatened to spill, Shoto tilted his head to the side and rested it on Katsuki's thigh.

"What would I do without you." He replied with a slight quiver in his voice.

Gentle hands froze for a second before continuing. "Probably freeze and burn" Katsuki teased, getting a small chuckle from the fire and ice hero to be before continuing sincerely. "You just have to make it through a few more of these assignments. Once we graduate and go work for your dad, I'll be there to do all the talking. You're only job will be to stand there and look pretty."

Shoto's breath caught in his throat. The fluttering was back, stronger than before. Did he really hear that right, had he just called him pretty?

"You promise?" he whispered.

"I promise. I'll always be there for you Sho."

The combination of his nerves blazing with a feeling he couldn't understand then, and the calming caramel scent that was Katsuki Bakugo surrounding him, Shoto felt lighter than ever. He knew with the blond at his side there wasn't any obstacle that could stand in their way. The two had already become a force to be reckoned with in their work study earning them both a position at his father's agency after graduation. Not just as sidekicks, but heroes who would be able to run their own missions. It was a huge responsibility for two young heroes, but Shoto knew they could do it, together.

"Alright, I'm ready to get back to work. I can do this." Shoto turned around and gave Katsuki a radiant smile. "But first, can you make us dinner?"

As if on cue his stomach growled. Looking down to hide flushed cheeks he heard the most beautiful contagious laughter from the blond on the bed. Clutching his sides and wiping at the corners of his eyes he stood and offered Shoto his hand.

"Come on idiot, let's get you fed. And don't give me those puppy dog eyes, I'll make sure you get your damn soba too."

Pulled to his feet, Shoto bounced out of the room ahead of Katsuki babbling about what he wanted for dinner. He didn't see proud crimson eyes behind him drinking in his every movement. Hanging on to each word. Watching him like he was the only damn thing that mattered in the whole world.


But that promise was broken and Shoto was left on his own. It had taken him a few years to earn the right to run his own missions. Without Dynamite by his side his father wasn't comfortable giving him that privilege right after graduation and Shoto was secretly thankful for it. He had learned a lot working as a sidekick for his father and various pros, and though his hands still trembled, and legs shook he was able to get through these on his own. Though with Kirishima and Bakugo present the mix of emotions tugging at his heart were going to make it difficult for the hero to concentrate.

But the last thing he wanted was to look weak, especially in front of someone who may need his help. So, he would need to do the only thing he knew how to in these situations. Shove his feelings down and pick his impassive mask back up.

The scraping of chair legs against the floor and soft rustle of feathers next to him halted his thoughts. Peeking an eye open he was met with kind yellow eyes and a warm smile.

"Hey little hero."

"Mmm… five more minutes" he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and turning his head to face the other direction. Hawks sniggered at the childlike behavior and pulled a feather from his wings.

Shoto jolted upright when he felt something soft brush against the back of his arm and turned to glare at Hawks who was looking around the room with mock confusion plastered on his face. Rolling his eyes and shoving the winged hero he took another look around the room. Nearly every seat was filled except for his father's and the two visiting heroes. Just as his thoughts turned to them, the quiet murmurs around the room fell silent.

"Guys, look. It's Dynamite. And Red Riot!" one of the other heroes announced excitedly.

Kirishima entered the room with his head high and hands on his hips. Stopping to shake hands and accept the enthusiastic welcome with a warm smile. None of their welcomes were more enthusiastic than the raven-haired hero who tackled Kirishima in a bear hug after fighting his way through the crowd.

"Sero!" Kirishima exclaimed.

After a short period of work at another agency out of town, Sero had returned feeling homesick. It was by chance he ran in to Shoto at a local coffee shop and after catching up the fire and ice hero was more than happy to give his former classmate a recommendation, earning him a spot at Endeavor Agency. The two came to find they worked well together, often being scheduled to patrol with each other and teaming up for larger missions.

Shoto's brows furrowed watching the sturdy hero's eyes light up as he reunited with his friend and one of the self-proclaimed 'Bakusquad' members. What is just him the red-headed hero had a problem with? Analyzing every interaction with Kirishima he could remember from memory; he didn't notice the chair on his other side move. Or that the temperature in the room had risen a few degrees.

"Ehem" a deep voice beside Shoto wrenched him from his memories and back to the present. "Let's get started. We have a lot to cover."

The room fell silent aside from the scrapes of chairs as the other heroes took their seats.

Shoto studied Bakugo who sat silently beside Kirishima. His movements were short and jerky as he fidgeted with the papers in front of him, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the room though no one seemed to notice aside from the fire and ice hero. Bakugo froze when Kirishima placed a hand on his leg and leaned in to whisper something. Seeing the blond hero wince and subtly lean away from his boyfriend, a chill ran up Shoto's spine quicky replaced with an intense heat as the rest of the room faded, and his blood begin to boil.

An elbow to his side snapped the hero from his tunnel vision. "Dude, calm down you're smoking." Hawks leaned into whisper. Yellow eyes full of concern for the young hero.

With a deep breath in Shoto cooled himself off and turned his attention to his father just in time to hear him hand the floor over for his recap of the mission. Clearing his throat and stilling his restless leg he began his debrief. White knuckles and small indentations where nails dug into his palms were the only sign of the young hero's distress. Unnoticed by most of the other heroes. Mis-matched eyes fixed on the papers before him missed wide crimson eyes watching him as the blond hero took in every word.

But this didn't go unnoticed by the watchful gaze of another hero in the room. One who wanted nothing more than the happiness of the hero he thought of as a brother.