
Thirty Seven

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. Cough.



“Doubt thou the stars are fire,

Doubt that the sun doth move,

Doubt truth to be a liar,

But never doubt I love.

-William Shakespeare ’

Chapter 37

Nathaniel stared at Angelina's fists, clenched tightly as her body shook, her nose was red as she sniffed. She was being closed off again when he'd successfully made her get comfortable with him but what's happened.

"I enjoyed the meal," she said shakily, taking her purse and walking out without looking back. He didn't wait to be told twice before he abruptly locked Paul by his neck, pushing him against the wall roughly imparting his back to the wall as he glared at him.

"What the fuck did you do?" he asked venomously as his body shook with rage, hatred brimming in his darkened orbs.