
You Too Billie Bob

Billie Bob Taylor 

"Are you out of your mind!" she yelled at me after she quickly finished brushing her teeth. 

"I'm just saying! As a person of experience I think I can spot the signs pretty easily," I laughed as I hugged a fluffy white pillow. 

"Billie Bob, I am becoming a doctor," she straightened her back, "not just any doctor but a neurosurgeon. I would be able to spot the symptoms pretty easily as it is something I have been taught so thoroughly I know it like the back of my hand."

"And that is why you will dismiss it if it is you," I stressed.

"You're just here to create havoc for me. You got me engaged now you're having premonitions on me being pregnant. Are you a witch or something?"

I held up my hands as my laughter got louder and louder, "How about to end the debate on our way to my house we stop by the pharmacy to get you pregnancy tests?"