
Something of Fiction

Billie Bob Taylor 

Benedito's skin felt hot against my fingertips as his lips brushed against mine. His laboured breaths caused the hairs at the back of my neck to stand in attention. Every single cell in my body felt attuned to him and only him as he slowly started to pressed his jean covered hips against mine giving me a little sneak peak of what was in store tonight. 

I felt crazy. Crazy for thinking I could survive without having Benedito's naked body against mine for so long. Every day I had been catching glimpses of his naked body in the shower but somehow Danilo's feeding time always forced us to get ready at different times. 

Then again maybe it was my fault. I could only blame having a baby for so long to explain why our intimacy had completely died out. It was not an easy thing to explain how I felt about my body since I had given birth. I had been used to having eight pack abs ever since my first puberty hair popped up on my face.