
Lost Time

Billie Bob Taylor 

Ma's laugh flooded through the room as she beamed before gently placing her hand on her stomach, "You mean your little sister."

"I know what I meant, it's a boy I can feel it in my heart," I stressed. 

She shook her head, "Clyde and I didn't want the surprise. I had enough surprises with you. We found out it's a girl a few weeks ago."

Even though I wanted to be ecstatic I was not going to be jumping in the air knocking my spurs about. Not only was I stuck with Evelyn and Abigail, but to know I was getting a third sister was not what I had in mind. A little brother I could tackle and throw on bulls sounded a lot more fun. Who was Danilo supposed to wrestle growing up? 

"Well Bobby at least try to look excited!"

"I'm trying," I quickly defended before running my hands down my face in defeat, "What will I do with a little sister?"