
Like A Hillbilly

Billie Bob Taylor 

From the moment we entered the semi-busy hair saloon there was a buzz in the air as all the hair stylists raved about Benedito's hair. 

"Your hair beautiful," Nancy the owner of the spa raved as her and her four other employees inspected each and every curl on Benedito's beautiful head. 

"Thank you," he smiled as he sat down on the purple hairstylist chair that was a bit small for his body. 

"Your accent is amazing too, where you from?" Deb, the woman who would be doing his hair asked. 

"Brazil but I'm half Puerto Rican," he explained. 

At first everyone was a bit scared when we parked outside and Benedito's guards first had to scan the area before we climbed out the car. That was until they saw Ma climb out with her little boots then Benedito and I walking behind her hand in hand. 

To Nancy it was the biggest compliment that the world's richest man was in her spa.