
Kiss My A**

Billie Bob Taylor 

I could not stop thinking about the previous night as I sat in the bath alone. Benedito left a few minutes prior since he had work to attend to. For once I was glad he let me bath alone so I could ponder more on his altercation with his parents. 

With my eyes closed I tried desperately hard to recall the man's face. Since he was much older I could tell his stature was almost like Benedito's with the strong shoulders and tall body, in his youth he probably looked a lot more like his son. Yet the grace seemed to come more from his mother with raven hair.

I would be lying if I said I paid attention to how his face looked. I was more annoyed on the fact I thought he was trying to use me to get close to Benedito. That just made me more frustrated because it was my one chance to figure out how the billionaire came to be.