
It's Impossible

Billie Bob Taylor 

When Benedito said we were going to start our few days alone so he could romance me from here to Mars I was expecting him to pull out all the big guns. Even though I was not sappy like that I thought I would be getting bathed in roses now and being spoiled with more diamond covered spurs but instead we sat in the living room, both dressed in hoodies and sweatpants with a box of pizza in front of us. 

"And this is your version of a romantic dinner," I scrunched my nose as he handed me a bottle of beer and kept one for himself. 

"Bobby, a man can only do so much with a five minutes notice," he argued, "Maybe if you had mentioned beforehand-"

"That I'd be hungry after the most exercise I've gotten in months," I raised my eyebrows, "So this is how I'm being treated after you know we tied together by a baby." I tsked as I shook my head, "I've been trapped."