
Independence Day

Billie Bob Jones

Today was one of my favorite holidays! Independence Day. The fourth of July! Where red, white and blue reigned supreme. It was also one of the days where I was technically allowed to party as much as I wanted without anyone telling me to not drink too much. 

Normally each year we would rotate which one of our family friends' ranches we would celebrate at and this year it would be on our ranch. Therefore by 5:30am I was up and by 7am we started setting up the ranch for tonight's activities. We were having a big barbeque with all kinds of fun activities then we would have fireworks after we had our dinner. 

For me I was especially excited for it because the preparations were occupying my mind with something either than Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira. It had been a week since I had last seen him and what made it even worse was the fact we kept on missing each other's calls.