

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

I watched Bobby cry as his words sunk in. I did not even know what to say as I looked to Claire who looked at Bobby with a small kind yet sad smile. 

"And Benedito did you ever consider how your lies would impact Bobby?" she looked at me after she had passed him a box of tissues. 

I gulped and shook my head, "I knew it would upset him but I- I didn't know the outcome would be this bad. I just thought he would understand."

"And why is that?"

I pursed my lips and looked at him. He did not even have the strength to face me and I felt myself sink further into my seat. "Because he's always okay. He always accepts me and I thought this time would be the same."

"And did you know Bobby felt as if people would think you had it worse, that you love him more because for once he put his foot down?"