
I Could Die

Billie Bob Taylor 

Booger chased Diego, Joao and Rico around the small cabin as they excitedly breathed heavily. They continuously knocked things over but Benedito and I were so numb to the situation we simply sat on the couch sipping on our bottles of beer as we watched them play. 

We clearly did not think the situation through. Booger was no stress to travel around with but the Dobermans now being a year and a few months old were big. I loved knowing they were all getting along but they bought chaos whenever they played. 

It was their first time at the ranch and I had to keep Booger indoors because he was so small I was afraid he might get lost in the forest. Benedito's guards were spread out of course but Booger ran so fast that if he had to make a dash for it, they would have a tough time catching up with him.