

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

Bobby handed me a grape juice box; because there were no tiny wine boxes and it was the closest thing he could think of, with a small straw, a small lunch box that had salami, crackers and various other finger food. He had a mango juice box with the same array of snacks in his lunch box. 

He had even gotten me a single red rose that he had spent time on taking off the thorns. I had balanced it on my right ear tucked into my hair slightly. Apparently I was very pretty in his eyes which made me laugh as he took pictures of me with his Polaroid camera. 

I knew he was bummed out since the morning started with his truck dying. I could tell it bothered him deeply but for the sake of love for this weekend he pushed it to the back of his mind. From there he was bummed out the kitchen was bone dry empty which meant we would spend a large portion of our day buying food.