
Caramel Latté

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira 

"Happy Birthday Fofo!" Bobby's loud screaming jolted me awake as he jumped onto my lap. Before I could even try to understand what was going on his hands held the sides of my face as he planted kisses all over me. 

I understood his excitement since it was the first birthday morning we had spent together. For Bobby's first birthday in our relationship, I was away and flew in that morning, for mine I was away once again, for this year's Bobby spent his birthday in a coma therefore it was exciting to know the first person who would wish me a happy birthday would be him. 

He allowed me to wrap my arms around him once he was done drowning me in love, "Still looking twenty-one."

That made me laugh loudly as I shook my head, "Thank you for your kind words meu coração."